Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 91 Welcome To Haven

Magic Tower Head Mysfil led the group, consisting of Artemis, Rio, Amelia, Myra and Esme, through the bustling corridors of the branch towards the VIP teleportation gate. Rio listened attentively as Mysfil shared the history and workings of the tower branch, emphasizing its importance in magical research and development. He elaborated on the various research departments, laboratories, and libraries within the branch. 

"Our branch is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge and discovering new applications for mana manipulation. Many people from different races and world's have joined us, and It is through the collective efforts of our researchers and scholars that we continue to make groundbreaking discoveries. 

As they walked, Mysfil couldn't help but notice Rio's keen interest in his surroundings, as he kept looking around taking in everything. "Young Master Rio, it seems you're curious about the tower. Perhaps one day you will grace the halls of our tower, we are always prepared to teach the young minds who'll shape the future." Mysfil said, his voice dripping with honey, trying to be as honorable and reliable as he could. If a person of that noble standing joined the tower, the influence they have would grow to a whole nother level, Plus they'll get the support of Blake family. 

Rio looked at Mysfil for a moment, confusing the guy if he said something wrong, but then his expression changed back to his usual and he said in his excited child's voice -"I will remember your words then, tower head. It would be incredible to join this branch."

Hearing his words, Mysfil felt something weird but he shrugged it off, instead now he felt happy that just his boasting a little was enough to hook a Duke's son. 'Indeed coaxing the kids is the best way to get connections in the nobility.' He thought. 

While he was getting happy Artemis took a meaningful look at Rio, probably trying to understand why he said that. Even if he was interested in the magic tower, with the standing of their family, even the main branch of their tower would welcome them with open arms, but he emphasized about joining this branch. Rio, who noticed her gaze, smiled a little but then ignored it. 

It was then that Mysfil got out of his thoughts and happily informed him "Of course, if you want I can arrange someone to help you take a look around our branch. We have everything that anyone could possibly need, our researchers and professors here are one of the best available in the field of study."

Amelia tugged at Rio's sleeve, her impatience evident. "But, brother, we need to go to Rebecca's house. She's been waiting for us all day!"

Rio smiled at her and turned to Mysfil -"Well it seems clear what we must prioritize today. However, I'll come to explore the Magic Tower in greater detail another time."

Mysfil nodded understandingly, "of course young master. We'll await your arrival then."

The group continued their journey, eventually arriving at a big hall. Guards stationed themselves nearby, ready to ensure a smooth transition.

Rio's eyes were fixed on the door as Mysfil activated the mana identification process, pressing his hand forward and operating The codes. Soon with a loud thud, the door opened. The guards stepped aside, revealing the grand entrance to the room which held the teleportation gate. 

This teleportation gate was created by some spatial artifact. The artifact stored the coordinates of 3 different locations, and after activating it with a key, it can open a portal to those predetermined locations. Only the branch head of the tower had the key to operate this artifact. The mana needed to supply the artifact was given from the outside. 

Mysfil inserted the key into a designated slot, and with a gentle twist, the gate sprung to life. It emitted a soft hum. A vibrant blue portal emerged in its place, emanating a mesmerizing energy that enveloped the room. Rio's eyes widened as he gazed at the portal, feeling a mixture of excitement and hesitation. 

Rio's thoughts raced as he contemplated the upcoming teleportation. It was his first time traveling through a gate, and the unknown nature of the process stirred a slight sense of worry within him. What if something went wrong? What if the artifact malfunctioned? His mind played out various scenarios, he remembered the results of what would happen if it failed, his body would be reduced to atoms, blasted or crushed into smithereens. 

In contrast to Rio's swirling thoughts, Amelia seemed unfazed by everything. Maybe cause it wasn't her first time, or maybe her innocent and carefree nature shielded her from any concerns. What would she need to be worried about when her mother was here with her. She bounced with impatience, eager to cross the portal and reach their destination.

Artemis, sensing her children's emotions, took the lead and extended her hands towards them. Rio and Amelia grasped her hands tightly, seeking solace and security. With a reassuring smile, Artemis stepped forward and crossed the threshold of the portal. Myra and Esme followed suit, their presence providing further reassurance. As everyone went inside the portal closed behind them. 

As Rio passed through the portal, a rush of energy coursed through his body. It was an indescribable sensation, as if he was being pulled and stretched simultaneously. The world around him blurred and shifted, colors blending together in a mesmerizing dance. The brief moment of disorientation left him feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

When they finally emerged from the other side, Rio's stomach churned with unease. The abrupt change in environment and the disorienting effects of teleportation overwhelmed his senses. He stumbled forward, barely able to regain his balance, and a wave of nausea washed over him.

Amelia, too, seemed affected by the journey. As Rio struggled to steady himself, thinking it would be over in a second, he noticed his younger sister's face turning pale, her brows furrowed in discomfort. Suddenly, Amelia doubled over and began retching, her tiny frame convulsing with each heave. Surprisingly, Rio found himself succumbing to the same fate, his stomach rebelling against the disorienting teleportation experience.

"Ukhhh blargh"

The duo continued to vomit, their bodies attempting to purge the discomfort they felt. Rio's head spun, and his throat burned with each retch. Despite his age and maturity, he found himself succumbing to the overwhelming physical reaction.

Amelia recovered faster than Rio. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her small frame trembling slightly. Her innocent eyes looked up at Rio, reflecting both concern and a hint of amusement. But as she watched him still retching holding his stomach, she couldn't help but smile and said -"Are you okay, brother? You look really funny when you puke!"

Rio managed to look at her with a weak smile, a mix of embarrassment and exhaustion washing over him. But before he could say anything -ulhhhhh. 

'Fuck shouldn't have eaten this much during lunch. Why the hell did they even served me food' 

 ulkh blagr

Watching him still struggle, Artemis rushed to his side, her concern evident in her eyes. She held back his hair as he continued to expel the contents of his stomach, offering comfort in the midst of the distressing situation. Esme brought out water bottles from her ring and passed it to Artemis. 

After what felt like an eternity, the waves of nausea subsided, leaving Rio feeling weak and drained. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his face pale and sweaty. He washed his mouth, but couldn't bring himself to drink anything.

The disorientation gradually faded, replaced by a sense of relief that the worst was over.

"Hehehe brother, you're funny." Amelia said, as she looked at his face. 

Rio took a deep breath, attempting to compose himself after the ordeal of vomiting. His face flushed with embarrassment as Amelia's innocent comment echoed in his ears. Myra's silent laughter only intensified his feelings of self-consciousness.

Trying to shake off the embarrassment, Rio turned his attention to their new surroundings. The room was bustling with people, their presence creating a lively and energetic atmosphere. 

Despite his lingering discomfort, Rio couldn't help but feel a glimmer of anticipation as he listened to the voice of a young girl filled with joy and excitement.

Rio followed the source of the voice and his gaze landed upon a girl, radiating youthful enthusiasm and innocence. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity, and her cheerful demeanor was infectious. She approached the group, her smile widening as she greeted them.

"Welcome to Haven"

Rio's initial embarrassment now seemed like a distant memory as he felt a surge of different emotions rising within him. 

And this is how our villain met his destined fiancee, for the first time. No fancy parties, no emotional music, no disney drama or shit from the story - it started with the guy puking his guts out, and ended with the girl completely ignoring him and hugging her sister. 


A/N - Any thoughts on your head. 


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