Life Of A Nobody - as a Villain

Chapter 93 Soul Vision & Soul Eyes

While Rebecca and Amelia were happily talking with each other about their plans for the next few days, Athena just stood on a side watching her daughter's happiness from a side. Every Time she saw both these girls together, it reminded her of her own childhood, how she and her sister used to just play around in the family. 

Her nostalgic thoughts were broken when she heard a voice in her head -"So it is true."

Athena felt surprised as she heard Psyche's voice resonating in her mind, feeling curious she asked back "What do you mean by "so it is true"? What is?"

Psyche's voice echoed in Athena's consciousness, carrying a sense of intrigue and fascination. "Nothing much, just your nephew. He's quite the special case."

"Is something wrong? Tell me clearly." Athena thought worriedly as she glanced at her sister, Artemis. 

"I have observed him closely since Artemis sought your assistance. He's got quite the attention from all the gods."

Athena's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she processed Psyche's words. Just like everybody else she had heard rumors about Rio's awakening and his blessing. Artemis had told her about Nyx but to hear that Rio had the attention of every God only deepened her intrigue, and Psyche's previous words didn't make any sense to her yet. 

'Seriously these gods and their way of roundabout speaking. Can't they just be straightforward.'

"So you now believe the claims of him receiving Nyx's blessings? It is rare, but it's not like this hasn't happened before." Athena asked, hoping Psyche would get the hint and clarify. After all, as she said, getting a blessing while awakening was indeed rare, but it has happened many times before in the past too. Even her own father had gotten a blessing during his awakening, so what made Rio special enough to attract the attention of other gods, she couldn't understand. 

Psyche, fully aware of her chosen one's thoughts replied, her voice held a note of skepticism as she said "I must admit, I was skeptical at first when I heard your words. Mortals often lie and embellish their tales of fake blessings. They either get easily tricked or they just don't understand how Gods work. But in his case, it might very well be true."

Psyche remembered how doubtful she was when she heard that the primordial goddess Nyx came herself to give him the blessing. But looking at him closely now, she could say it might as well be the truth. She could feel the aura of greeks on him. 

That's why she felt curious, cause unlike the mortals of this world, she knew exactly how the Greek gods worked, after all she herself was a mortal at the beginning. She had seen how indifferent and selfish the gods can be firsthand. She had suffered countless times, her life a mere plaything for those gods to play around, and that was all the doings of the ones who were nowhere near the level of some primordials. 

That's why she has been paying attention to him. And he had indeed brought her some surprises. The blessing of Nyx and later the blessing of Skuld. Psyche wondered what else he was hiding? She wanted to take a look at his soul herself, but she didn't want to take the chance knowing it might irritate Nyx. Nyx can kill her with a snap of her fingers, no way she was taking that risk. 

But it's not like there's no way, she had been waiting for this moment only. Thinking this far, Psyche continued "He's quite an interesting fellow. I can't be sure but the kid has more than one blessing on him. And they aren't weak or small ones." Psyche's voice resonated with a gentle curiosity. 

Athena's heart skipped a beat as she heard Psyche's voice echoing in her mind. The goddess's interest in Rio piqued her curiosity further, and she couldn't help but wonder what Psyche meant by "he's quite an interesting fellow." With a slight frown, she turned her attention away from Rebecca and directed her gaze towards Rio, who remained locked in contemplation, his eyes fixated on Rebecca. Though his face had no clear expressions, the conflicting emotions within him were palpable, even from a distance in her eyes.

Athena's gaze lingered on Rio, her curiosity piqued by his intense focus on Rebecca. She couldn't help but wonder what thoughts were running through his mind.

Just like Psyche, Athena was curious too. Her sister had asked her to take a look at Rio before, but when she agreed to do it, Artemis refused saying Rio had already explained what she wanted to know and there was no need.

Athena kept looking at him, her eyes seemingly searching for something within him. She had always possessed a deep insight into the emotions of others. It was like a gift or an innate ability that had guided her throughout her life ever since her childhood. And this gift only increased in power after she became Psyche's avatar. Now she could literally see a person's soul and see their true nature. 

With a focused thought, she activated her skill Soul Vision*¹, allowing her deep blue eyes to take on a subtle golden glow. Soon her powers came into effect as her gaze pierced through the veil of mortal existence and looked past what anybody else could possibly see. 

However, before Athena could delve deeper into her observations, an unexpected interruption occurred. Rio suddenly turned around and looked at her. 

Athena couldn't help but wonder if he had somehow sensed her probing gaze or perhaps understood the nature of her power. Her mind questioned whether his reaction was merely coincidental or was it something else.

Wheb Rio met her eyes, his face paled visibly, a tinge of unease clouding his features, sweat started forming on his forehead. It was then that Rio's system started giving out red flags and warning signs on his status screen-


[Outside interference detected]

[Use of a skill to see host's soul detected]

He had doubts that Athena might use her skill on him when he came to the capital, but what the fuck was this shit, they have just met. She hasn't even talked to him. Is this how she greets anybody now? 

Caught off guard by Rio's unexpected reaction, Athena found herself locked in a silent exchange of gazes with him. In that moment, a mixture of confusion and curiosity enveloped them both. Athena trying to read his soul, while Rio trying to read her thoughts. 

Rio kept looking at her hoping to see any hint, any sign if she saw something or noticed something, but her face only had that same blank expression from beginning to end. Her every thought masked behind her beautiful face and that ever present serene smile. It was like she could see it all & read everything on others and yet she herself remained distant and unreadable to everyone. 

'Damn her poker face is good. Guess watching others expressions and real nature had taught her how to hide her own thoughts.' He thought. 

Rio had a bad premonition growing in his heart as he watched Athena tilting her head with a confused look. His heart raced within his chest as he met Athena's gaze. He could now see her confusion, her lingering curiosity, and wondered if she suspected anything about his identity.

Rio's heart nearly stopped beating as he saw her eyes shining even brighter, her deep blue eyes changing into a full golden color, making him further scared that she might've saw something, cause now she was even using the updated version of her previous skill soul vision, her signature skill called Soul Eyes*².


'Damn it Psyche. It's definitely her.'

'System do something about it. Or we both dying pretty soon.'


_____*¹ Soul Vision

Skill Type: Active (blessing) 

Description: Soul Vision allows the user to take a glimpse into the essence of another individual's soul. With a focused thought, the user can peer through the physical form and look past what's hidden. This skill grants a limited understanding of the target's soul, akin to a fleeting peek or a quick glance. Soul Vision is a valuable tool for gathering preliminary information or discerning someone's general disposition.

Limitation- Less effective on someone who's stronger than the user. The effects of this spell can be easily naggeted with high mental power. 

 ____ *² Soul Eyes - 

Skill Type: Active (blessing) 

Description: Soul Eyes is an enhanced version of the Soul Vision skill, offering a deeper and more comprehensive read on an individual's soul. Soul Eyes functions as an open book, allowing the user to access a wealth of information contained within the target's soul. This skill provides a comprehensive understanding of the target's thoughts, emotions, past experiences, and even hidden motivations. Soul Eyes is an invaluable skill for uncovering secrets, deciphering intentions, and obtaining a profound understanding of others true nature. 

****Note - Soul Vision is a lesser version of goddess Psyche's ability, which she gives out as a blessing to her followers. While the Soul Eyes is the enhanced version which only the avatar of her can receive. Otherwise full mastery of Soul Vision is a prerequisite for unlocking the Soul Eyes skill.


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