Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 40- Amaterasu’s Anxiety

Chapter 40- Amaterasu’s Anxiety

[Keeno POV]

Waking up the next morning, I saw Pram sitting by the fireplace, poking around to get the fire to grow again.  Huginn and Muninn were sitting on the arm of a chair near her looking at what she was doing like two curious cats.

“Nnn.  Mornin Pram, Huginn, Muninn…Ama, where are you?” (Keeno)

“Morning Keeno.” (Pram)

{…I’m here…}

“Ama?  What’s wrong?” (Keeno)


“Ama, did something happen?” (Keeno)

{No, I just don’t know how to ask about something.}

“Is there something we know that you don’t?” (Pram)

{No, it’s not like that…*sigh* Fine, have either of you heard about the Well of Knowledge?}

Pram tilted her head in confusion while the name rang a bell in my memories.

“Well of Knowledge.  Well located at the roots of the World Tree Yggdrasil.  It’s Keeper, the sentient decapitated head Mimir, pretty much all knowing.  Takes a price from those who seek its waters, part of why the ruler of the Norse Pantheon, Odin, lost an eye.  That kind of Well of Knowledge?” (Keeno)

{Sort of.  The takes a price part is right, but it’s not all knowing, at least, I think.  Also, no one named Odin here with one eye and no decapitated keeper named Mimir.  Anyway, it’s a well located in the mountains on the border of Solheim and Odeen.  The path the two of you are taking is going to pass near it and I wanted to know if you were going to go to it.}

“I mean, now that I know about it I want to.  You’re opinion, Pram?” (Keeno)

“It does sound interesting.” (Pram)

{…So, this is one of those self-fulfilling prophesies.  I thought the two of you knew about it and were heading this way on purpose.}

“Nope, this is just the shortest route to Vanir according to you and Fia.  Did you not want us to go to it?  If so, why even suggest this route in the first place?” (Keeno)

{No, it’s just that I remembered the Well was this way last night and then I got a bad feeling about it when I thought of you going to it, Keeno.  It’s hard to explain perfectly, but I feel like if you go to the Well and learn from it, it might hurt you in some way.}

“…If that’s the case, then we won’t go to it.  Curiosity killed the cat and all that, you know.  I won’t go do something if it makes you this worried.” (Keeno)

{That’s the thing though, I also get the feeling that it will be more beneficial for you to go and learn something from the well.  Plus, I can tell you really want to go see it; your tail is going crazy.

I looked down and saw that my tail was indeed going crazy.  I covered my face with my hands as I felt the room around me heat up.

“Uuuuuuuuu.” (Keeno)

“Hehehehe.  Embarrassed Keeno is cute.” (Pram)

“Caw.” (Huginn)

“Caw, caw.” (Muninn)

I didn’t grace the three of them with a response and just threw a pillow at them.  Huginn and Muninn dodged it while Pram caught it before it flew into the fireplace.

“Careful Keeno, we don’t want to have to pay the inn more than we already have.” (Pram)


“…So, Ama, what do you want us to do?” (Keeno)

{I don’t know.  I don’t want you to forego an opportunity to seek something that benefits you, but I also don’t want to see you hurt in any way.  Call me overprotective all you want, but it’s the truth all the same.}

My heart skipped a beat at Ama’s sincere feelings of wanting to keep me safe and I could feel a big smile grow on my face.


{Hehehehe.  At least you didn’t yell that out loud.  Also, calm down, the blankets and wood in the room are starting to smoke.}

“Keeno, I get that you’re happy right now, but please reign in your heat.” (Pram)

I took several deep breaths to get everything back under control.

“I’m good now…But also in a bind.  I want to absolve your worries, Ama, but I also want to go see this Well of Knowledge.” (Keeno)


“…” (Keeno)

“Um, is it the price that you’re worried about, or something else?” (Pram)

{Not in the slightest.  The price is negligible.  Though it differs from person to person, it’s usually something valuable or, in the worst case, a small amount of lifespan.  Though that was only once and even then, it was only a year.  I asked Fia about this last night and even she said that the price wasn’t anything to worry about for either of you.}

“So, it’s something else then…hmmmm.” (Pram)

“Oh, I have an idea.” (Keeno)

{Let’s hear it then.}

“So, we go to this Well of Knowledge and, in the event that I do get hurt somehow, I let you take full care of me when I see you again?” (Keeno)

{Yes, I like that, but what if you don’t get physically hurt, but mentally?}

“Simple.  Just make sure you overwrite the mental pain with something better.  We do have a promise to fulfill after all, so why not hold off one more month if it’ll be helpful?” (Keeno)

{Keeno, though I’m not actually sure since I’ve never experienced it, but sex doesn’t solve everything.}

“Sure, but it can make things easier to put off until later.  And besides, we both know I’m more mentally tough than that.  I wouldn’t let a little mental trauma get to me.” (Keeno)


“If I may?  Since healing magic falls under your Life Authority, wouldn’t you just need to use its full power on Keeno if something happened to her mentally?  I mean, I know it doesn’t work like that for a mortal like myself, but I can’t not think you would be different, being the Goddess of Life and all.” (Pram)


“…” (Keeno)

{Pram…are you some kind of genius or something?  Why didn’t I think of that?  I mean, it’s so, so simple!  Aaaaggghhhh!  Why am I so dumb sometimes!?}

I gave Pram a thumbs up and she returned the gesture with one of her own.

“Well, with this figured out, we can go visit this Well of Knowledge AND me and Ama don’t have to hold back next Solar Convergence.” (Keeno)

“*Sigh* The two of you should just do it already so Keeno stops talking about it.” (Pram)

“What do you mean?  I thought I keep all these things bottled up.” (Keeno)

“Yeah, when you’re awake.  You know you talk in your sleep a lot, right?” (Pram)

“I do?” (Keeno)

“Yeah.” (Pram)

I could feel my earlier embarrassment returning tenfold.

{PRAM!!!  Why did you have to say something about that!?  Now she’ll try to never sleep!}

“Sorry.” (Pram)

Chaos Realm:

Luna: Fufufufu.  Stupid, now fluffless mongrels.  That’ll teach you to be a disgrace to all that is fluffy.

Tamamo: Oh, you did the same thing you did to those other three.  Who is the fluff you’ve taken from them going to?

Luna: Keeno and Amaterasu obviously.  I just need them to come here again so I can give it to them personally.

Tamamo: I love that mischievous smile of yours so much.

Luna: And that accomplishes my second goal.  Come here, Tamamo, let me cuddle you into fluffy oblivion.

Tamamo: Gladly.


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