Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 41- On the Road Again

Chapter 41- On the Road Again

[Keeno POV]

Since we were done with all the important talk for the moment, I got up and got ready for the day.  One thing I’m supremely happy about is that I somehow got a mysterious blessing several years ago that made it so my hair and tail never got tangled during my sleep, so tending to them in the mornings easier.  I have asked Ama if she knew what God or Goddess blessed me and she said she knows but isn’t allowed to tell me for some reason or another.  Anyway, once I was done getting ready, we left the room and went to get something to eat.

After breakfast we left the inn to see if the weather was decent enough to travel in.  The sky was clear, if not with a few clouds here and there.  The streets were already practically alive with people shoveling snow or holding torches to melt ice covering stalls, doors, and windows.

“I wonder why our home never got weather like this.  I mean, in geographical terms, the two cities aren’t that far apart, but we’ve at most only ever experienced mild blizzards, and never any hail as big as a house.” (Keeno)

“I was wondering the same thing.” (Pram)

{While I’d love to add some of my own input, I don’t know either.  I’m not a storm Goddess, so I have no control over any of that to answer your questions.  I DO know a few storm gods, but the best answer I’d probably get from them is something along the lines of why not or because they feel like it.}

“Sounds like a ‘fun’ bunch.” (Keeno)

{At parties, yes, but that’s about it.  Their moods are even more volatile than mine or other fire gods.}

“You don’t seem like someone with a very volatile personality.  At least from what I’ve seen so far over the years.” (Pram)

“That’s because you’ve never seen someone that makes her actually angry.” (Keeno)

“True, but I can’t say the same about you.  No offence, but you do have a habit of holding a grudge, even for small slights.” (Pram)

“Meh.  I can understand where you’re coming from with that.” (Keeno)

We soon got to the gate of the city that let out in the direction we were going when we ran into Tyr again.  He and several other guards were shoveling snow and melting ice that was in the way of the gate.  As we approached, I started to hear the conversation that they were having.

“Honestly, it was a crazy thing to see.  That lady sliding down the hill, avoiding the hail like it was a game.  Makes me want to try it out myself, if the weather permits.” (Tyr)

“You sure you’re up for it, Tyr?  You aren’t as spry as you used to be, so you may end up hurting yourself.”

“OI!  I may be older, but I’m not decrepit!  I have a good hundred years left!” (Tyr)

“Ahahahaha!  Sure, and I’m engaged to a princess.”

“Shut up, Geoffry!  My daughter IS my princess!  Just be happy I let YOU of all people ask for her hand in marriage.”

“Can the two of you have your bonding quarrels somewhere else?” (Tyr)

“Hehehe.” (Keeno)

“Hehe.” (Pram)

Hearing our laughter, Tyr and the other guards that were working on the gate looked over at us.

“Well, well,  well, if it isn’t the two fine ladies that made such a grand entrance last night.  Already leaving?” (Tyr)

“Yes.  We’re heading for Vanir, so we’re trying to keep pit stops like this to a minimum.” (Keeno)

“Pit stop?  Anyway, some advice and a question.  The weather from here until you get near the border mountains is somewhat hard to predict if you’re from further north like the two of you.  To figure out if it will get stormy like that again, listen to the wind.  It’s not a guarantee, but more often than not, the wind howls more when a storm is approaching.” (Tyr)

“And the question?” (Keeno)

“Got a name for that fancy trick you pulled with riding the ice?” (Tyr)

“Snowboarding.  Oh, and if you really want to try it out, I recommend not using ice, it’s too fragile to really be safe.  Try using some sanded wood that’s as smooth as possible and some way to keep your feet locked in place.” (Keeno)

“I see.  Thanks.” (Tyr)

With that small meeting done, we went through the gate, leaving the city behind us.  I didn’t fail to catch the three of them starting up another rowdy conversation about wanting to give snowboarding a try later.

{Did you do that snowboarding thing a lot in your last life?}

“No.  I did it few times when I was younger back then, and once when I was in university, but it was a long time ago, especially if we add all the years I’ve been alive here.” (Keeno)

“What’s university?” (Pram)

“Think of it like a school, but for learning about specialized jobs.  Like, you would take classes to learn about alchemy in more detail than a general education would teach you.” (Keeno)

“General education?” (Pram)

“*sigh* I sometimes forget how behind this world is in some things.” (Keeno)

{It’s not that Keeno, Solheim is basically considered the boonies.  Places like Odeen’s capital or other, bigger countries have things like what you’re talking about, it’s just Solheim is a little behind since there isn’t a big enough population to really benefit from it.  Or at least that’s what some of the ones in charge think.  Granted, it’s not to the level of Falheim, but when people live as long as the ones in this world do, changes like that take more time to happen.}

“Makes sense.” (Keeno)

I then started on a mini lecture about things like general and higher-level education to explain it to Pram.  This topic seemed to make her curious about my past and she started to ask about what I did more than she did when I first told her about it.  This started me on a rant that took me the whole rest of the day to finish.

{Hehehehe.  Keeno, did you know that you really light up when you talk about things you enjoy?  And I mean that literally.}

“Eh?” (Keeno)

“She’s right.  Especially when you were talking about that arkamaloligy stuff.  Your eyes lit up more and the blue parts on your ears, tail, and hair started to flicker like fire.” (Pram)

“Huh…Did not know about that.” (Keeno)

{I haven’t mentioned it before?}

“Nope, or at least I don’t remember you ever saying so.” (Keeno)

{Well, now you know one more thing that makes you really, REALLY cute.}

“Ehehe.” (Keeno)

Shortly after that conversation we set up camp.  Over the following weeks it was much the same, though every now and then our pace was slowed due to the weather, but it wasn’t anything a decent Solar barrier couldn’t fix.  Luckily, we didn’t have any more hailstorms like the one we first experienced, and soon enough, we started to see a mountain range in the distance.

Chaos Realm:

And we’re back.

Order: Payto, I had a great time.

I’m glad.

Luna: Welcome back.  Astraea came back while the two of you were gone but went to her room and never came back out.

Tamamo: She did say something about letting the two of you know she wants to see you when you get back too.

Thanks for passing on the message.

Order: Yes, we’ll go see what she wants then we’ll ask what’s been going on with Keeno.

Luna: Alright.  Though as a little teaser, I think Keeno just invented snowboarding in her world.


Order: Sounds interesting.


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