Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 39- Waiting out the Storm

Chapter 39- Waiting out the Storm

[Keeno POV]

After checking out the room we rented, Pram and I went back to the lobby.  A few people looked over to us before quickly looking away.  I didn’t fail to notice that most of the people looking away did so while trembling a bit.

‘…’ (Keeno)


‘It’s fine, Ama…I just need to get used to it again.’ (Keeno)

We sat down at an empty table, and someone walked over and asked if there was anything they could do for us.  Again, the lady tried her best to talk mostly to Pram while looking away quickly anytime she looked at me.  Pram ordered some food, and the lady basically ran away.  The two of us sat in silence for several minutes.

“Okami…are you alright?” (Pram)

“Yeah.  I just forgot how…lonely?  It is for people to be scared just by seeing me.” (Keeno)

“I mean, I sort of remember feeling a bit scared since your demeaner and eyes make you really intimidating, but when I really got to know you, I knew you weren’t a bad person.  Though I also think I’m a bit biased since we’ve been friends so long.” (Pram)

I smiled a little at Pram’s words.  Shortly after that our food was placed in front of us and we started to eat.  While we did so we listened to the sound of hail and the hushed chatter of other patrons.  Once we were both done, we went back to our room.  Pram sat on her bed while I stood next to mine.  I undid my hair and let if fall to its full length.

“I’ve been wondering for a while now, Keeno.  Why do you keep your hair long like that?  Doesn’t it get in the way?” (Pram)

“Like you’re one to talk, Pram.  But to answer you, not really.  It’s all a matter of getting used to it.” (Keeno)

{Plus, I just really like Keeno’s long hair.  It’s so silky and smooth and I can never get enough of running my hands through it.}

“I see.  It must be nice having such a loving lover.  I’m quite jealous.” (Pram)

{Sorry Pram, I know you held feelings for Keeno before, but I will never let her be with anyone other than me.}

“So that was the case after all.  I had a feeling you felt that way about me once, but around the time Ashe moved on I felt our friendship became just that.” (Keeno)

“I was a little kid back then, ok.  It doesn’t help that you are so pretty, nice, warm, caring…beautiful…*ahem*  Anyway, I feel like I’ll find my perfect person on our journey as well, it’s just a matter of when.” (Pram)

“Love lives aside, I wonder how long this storm is going to last and how we’re going to reliably travel if something like this is a normal occurrence around here.” (Keeno)

{I’ve taught you how to make solar barriers, Keeno.  Just set one up and you’ll be protected from hail and snow.  Wind is another matter, but it shouldn’t be too bad I think.}

“Yeah, that IS an option.” (Keeno)

I sat down and placed my hand on my chin while I tried thinking of more ways to protect ourselves from the elements.  While I did so Pram laid down on her bed and started to hug her tail.  That was when I remembered Huginn and Muninn were in mine.  I moved my tail in front of me and stuck my hands in.  I felt around for a few seconds only to find out the two of them were fast asleep in my fluff.

“Hehe.  Guess we should get some sleep.  I’m kind of tired from all the running.” (Keeno)

“Yeah…plus that was a good meal we had.  Nice and warm.” (Pram)

“Speaking of warm, want me to light the fireplace?” (Keeno)

“Nnn.” (Pram)

Pram was already half asleep it seemed, so I got up from my bed and walked over to the fireplace that was in the room.  I tossed a few pieces of firewood inside and used my magic to light it.  The room lit up with a blue glow as the cerulean flames filled the fireplace.

{I know I’ve said it many times, but your fire is so much more comforting than mine.}

“Hehe.  I kind of find that funny, Ama.  I mean, you are also the Goddess of Life, so shouldn’t your flames be the kind that radiate stuff like that?  Meanwhile mine should give off a feeling of coldness and despair.” (Keeno)

“…Keeno…not like that…nice and caring…….and fluffy.” (Pram)

{What Pram said.  I honestly feel you are nicer than I am, though I may just be jaded considering how much I’ve seen mortals squander the Life I give them.}

“Well, what can I say?  Life can also be cruel whereas death is accepting to all, no matter what.” (Keeno)

{Feeling philosophical tonight, are we?}

“Not really, just tired.” (Keeno)

{Hehe.  Then get some rest, my beloved.  You worked hard today, so you deserve it.}

I smiled and laid back down on my bed.  I pulled my tail over my stomach so I didn’t disturb Huginn and Muninn and closed my eyes.  I slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of Pram’s quiet snores, hail hitting the roof, and the crackle of the fire.

[Amaterasu POV]

Once I was sure Keeno was asleep, I turned my gaze over to Fia.  She was sitting on the terrace of a mansion looking out over a city while rain fell from the sky.

{Fia, how are you doing?}

“Good.  I’m about ready to move on from Vanir.  I’m tired of all the rain and the annoying little games these people play to try and one up each other.”

{Understandable.  Know where you’re going next?}

“Depends, know where Keeno’s going after here?”

{Probably Falheim.  She doesn’t like how she has to let her birth givers live and gather power.  If it wasn’t for Phobos, she’d be on her way there now.}

“Hmm.  Maybe I’ll go to Valkyr.”

{Hmm.  Sounds good to me.  Any idea on how long it’ll take for you to get Keeno allies there?}

“Depends.  I remember them being a bit stubborn, so the people I try and convince will probably want to test Keeno themselves.”

{Not surprising.}

Lightning flashed in the sky and thunder followed shortly after.

“How is Keeno?”

{She’s fine.  They had to outrun a blizzard today, but they made it to their first new Solheim city.}

“That’s…I don’t know, very Keeno of them.”

{Pfft.  I’ll tell her you said that.}

“Please don’t.  I don’t want the first thing Keeno says to me when we meet again is how she thinks that’s rude of me to say or something.”

{You know she’ll forget it by that time.  Anyway, I had a question for you aside from just checking on you.}


{The way Keeno and Pram are going, they’ll pass by that place.  Should I let Keeno know about the Well?}

“Oh…Hmmm.  Why not?  It won’t hurt them.”

{I know that, but I get a feeling like Keeno will be more affected by it than someone normally would be.}

“Well, it’s not like the Well can take a price from her.  It can from Pram, but whatever it wants from her will be easily doable by the two of them.”

{That’s not what I meant, Fia.  I don’t know how to describe this feeling, but still.}

“If you’re this reluctant, then why even consider it?”

{Because I know it will be helpful in the long run.}

“*sigh* Then all I can say is talk to them about it.  If they decide they don’t want to deal with it, then they won’t and your worry will be absolved, if they decide to go to it, then Keeno will say something that will ultimately reassure you.”

{…You’re right, I’ll talk to them about it when they wake up.}

Fia then stood up from her seat and stretched.

“Speaking of sleep, I should get some too.”

{Have a good night, Fia.}

“Same to you, Rasu.”

Chaos Realm:

Order: Payto, are you ready to go?

I am.  Luna, we’ll be away for a few days, feel free to let yourself in and watch.  If Astraea comes back while we aren’t here, just let her know where we went.

Luna: Got it.  And I promise nothing will happen to those mongrels while you two are away.  And if something unfluffy does happen, it’s 100000% not my doing.

I hear you loud and clear.

*Payto and Order leave*

Luna: Tamamo the unfluffifying can wait, what do you say to a small raid on their coffee selection?

Tamamo: I like the idea, though we should tell them when they get back.

Luna: That was the plan all along.  I just want to see if there is any different variety here than what Java has to offer.

Tamamo: Ufufufu.  Maybe we could even let Java know so he can start growing some.

Luna: And this is why I always call you a genius.


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