Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 6

C6 – Open the Treasure Box!

Huamo’s attributes clearly indicated that she was a hero capable of both ranged and melee combat. She appeared to be executing her Lotus Sword Technique at the moment. Qiang Nantie was utterly enchanted by Huamo’s swordplay. With each graceful movement of her sword, it was as if white lotuses blossomed in the air.

Once again, Huamo sprang into action, her movements exuding elegance. She seemed less like she was slaying enemies and more like she was performing a dance. The sound of defeat echoed as two black wolf carcasses materialized on the ground. She had dispatched the wolves with ease.

The display of Huamo’s formidable attributes left no doubt in Qiang Nantie’s mind about her immense strength. After several exchanges, ten black wolves lay lifeless. Huamo remained poised and supremely graceful, embodying the valiant spirit of a warrior woman.

“The rewards have appeared,” she announced after dispatching the wolves, calling out to Qiang Nantie in the distance.

He approached and discovered ten wooden chests on the ground. These chests, the spoils of their victory, were crucial for the advancement of their territory.

Item: Wooden Chest

Quality: Wood

Description: Opening the chest will reveal a variety of items.

Chest qualities range from Wood, Black Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Dark Gold, Platinum, Diamond, to Lucky Color. The higher the quality, the better the contents.

At that moment, the territory’s notification system chimed in. “The first day of the newcomer’s trial has concluded! Commencing reward tally! Elimination of 10 black wolves. Battle Rating: SSS. Rewards: Basic package includes 20 Soul Coins, 20 Spirit Coins, and a basic building fence. Additional rewards include 20 Soul Coins, 20 Spirit Coins, and an Arrow Tower.”

Qiang Nantie was elated. Completing the daily newcomer’s trial brought him extra rewards, and thanks to Huamo’s effortless victory, his rating was unsurprisingly the highest. “I never expected to acquire two buildings this time. With these additions, the safety of our territory is now more secure.”

From this battle, he had gained 10 wooden chests, 40 Soul Coins, 40 Spirit Coins, a basic building fence, and an Arrow Tower. It was an auspicious beginning. “The newcomer’s trial offers bountiful rewards indeed.”

During the newbie trial, he earned a treasure chest with every monster he defeated. He was only eligible for the low-level wooden chests, but the chances of getting one were quite high.

It was a perk for newcomers.

Once the trial was over, the odds of finding a chest dropped significantly.

Qiang Nantie said, “Huamo, you’re luckier than I am, so you should be the one to open the chest.”

The greater the luck, the better the contents of the chest. With a mere 1 point of luck, he was no match for Huamo’s 10.

“What do I need to do?” Huamo asked, not declining the offer.

“Just take the chest and open it,” Qiang Nantie instructed.

The chests that materialized after slaying a monster didn’t require a key to unlock.

But those found in the wild needed a key of the corresponding level to be opened, and they contained far more valuable items.

Huamo took the chest and opened it.

The wooden chest creaked open.

“Congratulations, you’ve received two Soul Coins.”

Huamo eyed the coins and remarked, “It seems my luck isn’t that great.”

“The wooden chest is the most basic type,” Qiang Nantie reassured her. “It would be surprising to find anything substantial in it. If it were up to my luck, I’d likely end up with just one Soul Coin.”

In the beginning stages, every item was crucial for the territory’s growth.

Even a single Soul Coin was an essential resource.

And the majority of people only managed to find spirit coins.

Huamo pressed on, opening more chests.

“Congratulations, you’ve received 2 spirit coins.”

“Congratulations, you’ve received 2 Soul Coins.”

“Congratulations, you’ve received 2 Soul Coins.”

As Huamo surveyed her haul, she began to question her luck.

“Two Soul Coins is the best outcome from a wooden chest. Since you’re consistently getting that, there’s no reason to doubt your luck. I’d probably end up with mostly spirit coins,” Qiang Nantie pointed out, fully confident in Huamo’s fortune.

While spirit coins were important, their value paled in comparison to that of Soul Coins.

Spirit coins are valuable because they can be used for trading.

One can exchange surplus resources and buildings for other Lords’ spirit coins. Yet, this feature only becomes available after the completion of the Newbie Trials.

Huamo grasped the concept after Qiang Nantie’s explanation.

She proceeded to unlock the chests.

“Congratulations, you have received two Soul Coins.”

“Congratulations, you have received two spirit coins.”

“Congratulations, you have received one Soul Coin.”

Out of the ten wooden chests, Huamo managed to secure spirit coins four times, a testament to her exceptional luck.

Had Qiang Nantie been the one opening the chests, he likely would have ended up with just five Soul Coins.

He held little hope for anything of value in the wooden chests, the most basic type of chest.

From the ten wooden chests, he garnered a total of eleven Soul Coins and eight spirit coins.

To accelerate his progress, he needed to bolster his hero’s strength, which meant amassing a substantial number of Soul Coins. Unfortunately, ways to acquire them were scarce.

The most efficient method was defeating various monsters to claim their treasure chests, which contained Soul Coins.

Only the slayer of the monsters had the right to open these chests, which were non-tradeable and would vanish if left unclaimed for over a day.

Soon enough, the corpses of ten black wolves on the ground had disappeared, cleared away by the territory’s refresh system.

Qiang Nantie lamented the waste, lacking the gathering skill to extract any materials from the black wolves.

He then set about constructing a fence and an arrow tower, eager to witness their transformation within the Rainbow Lord Space.

“You have constructed a fence, and it has evolved into a Thorny Vine Fence.”

“You have erected an arrow tower, and it has evolved into a Raging Flame Tower.”

Suddenly, a line of fences sprang up along the perimeter of the territory, entwined with various vines bristling with sharp thorns, their roots burrowing deep into the soil. These fences were, in fact, entirely plant-based.

“Building: Thorny Vine Fence”

“Level: 1”

“Upgrade Cost: 100 spirit coins.”

“Defense: 1000/1000”

“Special: Repair”

“Introduction: Fences grown from Thorny Vines possess a remarkable vitality, enabling them to self-repair when damaged. Unless they are uprooted entirely in one go, they will continue to thrive.”

“This is amazing!” exclaimed Qiang Nantie upon reading the description of the fence.

It was as if he had been granted a fence with an unlimited capacity for self-repair. Moreover, a fence that could mend itself without depleting any resources was incredibly formidable.

Even though these upgraded structures lacked any specific quality rating, each one was on par with, if not superior to, any SSS Grade construction.


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