Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 7

C7 – Exploring the Fog Zone

Qiang Nantie quickly turned his attention to another structure.

A short distance from the fence stood a tower ablaze with fire. It was the rare and formidable Elements Tower, with an attack power that was absolutely fearsome.

“Building: Raging Flame Tower”

“Level: 1”

“Upgrade Requirement: 100 spirit coins”

“Defense: 500/500”

“Special: Fire Attack”

“Attack Range: 20 meters”

“Description: Capable of unleashing a devastating flame attack upon enemies, it brings nightmares to all who face it.”

“Incredibly powerful!”

He had secured such a formidable Elemental Defense Tower right at the start, a fact of great significance to Qiang Nantie.

The might of an Elemental Defense Tower was truly astonishing, far surpassing that of an Arrow Tower.

Crucially, this was a group attack type of Defense Tower. Such towers act as the linchpin of defense on the battlefield, essential for safeguarding the entire territory.

Currently, his reserves of Soul Coins and Spirit Coins were low. Even with the desire to upgrade his buildings and heroes, he was without means.

Thus, Qiang Nantie contemplated venturing beyond his territory.

For a novice, this was hardly a wise move.

Yet, emboldened by Huamo’s formidable attributes, Qiang Nantie felt prepared.

Moreover, his own attributes had far exceeded those of an average person. They should be able to handle any external threats.

“Huamo, to defend such a vast territory, we need a wealth of resources. I’m considering a foray outside our lands to gather what we need.”

“Absolutely, no problem at all.”

Huamo, too, wished to see their territory flourish. Together, they picked up their Beginner Swords and made their way to the territory’s gate, which was formed by the surrounding fences, wide enough for them to pass through.

Just beyond the territory lay a grassland stretching out for fifty meters.

Past this expanse, a fog shrouded the landscape, beckoning the territory’s inhabitants to brave its mysteries.

Venturing into the Fog Zone was typically reserved for novices who had completed their Trial and possessed ample strength.

However, Qiang Nantie was not inclined to delay.

He was relieved that their surroundings were not a barren desert.

During the novice trial, participants were randomly dispatched to various locales, with no one certain of their destination.

Hardly anyone had the courage to venture into the unknown during the trial period. It was tantamount to a death wish.

The dangers lurking within the fog were unpredictable. Yet, the monsters faced during the novice trial weren’t overwhelmingly powerful.

With Huamo’s formidable attributes and his own enhanced abilities, Qiang Nantie boldly entered the Fog Zone outside their territory.

To grow stronger, he couldn’t afford to stand still; he needed to be proactive. The month-long novice trial was a crucial time to secure additional resources and rewards.

Huamo possessed exceptional perception.

Qiang Nantie had inquired how she had detected monsters earlier, but Huamo couldn’t pinpoint the reason. She simply sensed an antagonistic presence drawing near.

Qiang Nantie suspected it was linked to Huamo’s innate talent, considering she was a hero of the highest caliber, RRR grade.

Back in Swangulch City, he had never heard of anyone acquiring a hero of such quality.

However, Huamo mentioned that once outside the territory, her sensory abilities weakened significantly. She could only detect movement within a few meters, necessitating extra caution.

“Your senses are diminished?”

“It seems to be tied to the territory. The territory enhances a hero’s perception and strength.”

Qiang Nantie took mental note of this revelation, something textbooks had never mentioned.

They proceeded with caution, their eyes scanning the surroundings as they delved deeper into the Fog Zone.

Several hundred meters in, they stumbled upon a forest encircling their territory.

For Qiang Nantie, this was a mixed blessing.

The downside was that if forests surrounded the entire territory, he’d have to be vigilant against monsters attacking from all sides.

Thankfully, he had the upgraded Thorny Vine Fence, significantly bolstering the territory’s defenses.

Yet, the Level 1 Thorny Vine Fence wasn’t particularly sturdy, and he lacked the resources for an upgrade.

During the beginner trial, monsters didn’t swarm in all at once. Their numbers increased gradually—a protective measure for new territories.

He was fortunate to have the Thorny Vine Fence, which didn’t require lumber for upgrades. With enough spirit coins, he could enhance the fence, a piece of news that was most welcome.

Spirit coins are quite the treasure.

They are imbued with Spiritual Energy, making them versatile not only for upgrading buildings and facilitating trade but also for cultivation practices.

The catch is that one must first acquire a cultivation technique.

Fortunately, the forest was rich in timber, providing ample resources for him to collect.

But cutting down trees required both tools and labor, luxuries he couldn’t afford to waste time on at the moment.

Together, they ventured into the forest, surveying the area without encountering any immediate threats.

Yet, an air of danger lingered unmistakably in the woods.

Suddenly, Huamo halted, gripping Qiang Nantie’s hand.

“Watch out! There’s a monster lurking nearby.” Huamo’s senses had picked up on the creature’s presence, and she turned her gaze to the left.

A dark figure darted towards them.

With a swift motion, Huamo drew her sword and dispatched the beast with ease.

A serpent, as thick as an arm, thudded onto the ground, cleanly bisected by Huamo’s blade.

In its place, a wooden chest materialized.

Huamo had slain a Level 1 Black Scaled Snake, earning an extra reward of two Soul Coins.

A Level 1 Black Scaled Snake!

Qiang Nantie examined the carcass; he recognized the species from his readings.

Yet, he hadn’t anticipated their startling speed.

Most would be caught off guard by such a swift strike, but thankfully, Huamo was at his side.

“Clearly, slaying monsters outside one’s territory as a novice yields additional loot,” he mused, his eyes gleaming with the realization of the boon it was for newcomers. But such rewards required strength to secure.

Other Lords wouldn’t dare venture into the forest seeking such fortune without absolute certainty of their prowess.

Even during the trial period, a monster’s killing blow beyond the bounds of their territory meant true death—no laughing matter.

Thus, no Lord but him would gamble with their life so cavally.

“Huamo, you’re incredible!” Qiang Nantie exclaimed in admiration.

A blush tinted Huamo’s cheeks as she smiled in response.

“Congratulations on acquiring two more Soul Coins.”

With this latest gain, Huamo had secured another two Soul Coins, bringing Qiang Nantie’s total to 55. Yet, astonishingly, Huamo required a full 100 Soul Coins to advance to Level 1.

Soul Coins, brimming with potent soul force, were indispensable for the advancement of all heroes and Lords.

Typically, leveling up from Level 0 to Level 1 requires a mere 10 Soul Coins for most people.

However, Qiang Nantie was taken aback to find that not only did Huamo require a hefty 100 Soul Coins to advance, but he himself faced the same steep cost to reach Level 1.

He was at a loss for words.

Soul Coins were notoriously hard to come by. Should the cost for each of his heroes to level up be tenfold that of the average person, the amount of Soul Coins they would eventually consume was going to be substantial.


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