Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 5

C5 – Monster Attack

Qiang Nantie led Huamo around to get acquainted with his territory. At present, it lacked even basic fences, as constructing them required materials like wood or stone, with wood being sourced from felled trees.

Given that Huamo’s abilities and strength far exceeded Qiang Nantie’s, he presented her with some novice gear, saying, “Here’s some equipment for you to start with. Once I get my hands on better gear, I’ll make sure you’re upgraded.”

“Thank you, my Lord,” Huamo responded.

As Huamo began to bow in gratitude, Qiang Nantie quickly reached out, holding her hand firmly. “Please, no more of this in the future. I’m not fond of such formality; it puts too much distance between us.”

“Understood, my Lord,” Huamo replied, a blush coloring her cheeks.

“Just call me Qiang Nantie,” he insisted.

“But isn’t that improper?”

“Don’t worry about it. I prefer it when you call me by my name.”

“If you insist.”

Qiang Nantie then delved into a series of questions for Huamo, including whether she retained any memories from her life in the Three Kingdoms. He found out that she had no recollection of her past life, which he considered fortunate.

When asked about her magic, Huamo explained that her spellcasting abilities were innate, as natural to her as instinct. Qiang Nantie realized that her past didn’t matter; what mattered was the new future she now possessed.

Their new territory was bare, with no furnishings except for the buildings they had summoned. They sat together in the Spirit Vein Bamboo House, basking in the room’s spiritual energy, which enveloped them in comfort akin to a warm hot spring.

Qiang Nantie yearned to practice cultivation techniques, which were highly valued in the Whispering Land. His only option was to acquire them through his territory.

He shared some of his limited food supply with Huamo, aware that he needed to address their sustenance soon if they were to last a month in this new territory.

Over the course of eight hours, they surveyed the perimeter of their land. Qiang Nantie’s domain spanned five hundred square meters, with an additional fifty meters of visibility beyond its borders.

Beyond fifty meters, his vision blurred into the unknown.

The Lords were compelled to venture into the Fog Zone.

Yet, danger lurked within; the contents of the fog remained a mystery. A novice Lord encountering a monster was as good as dead.

The territory space was peculiar, barring even the sons of mighty Lords from the Overlord Space until they turned eighteen.

Thus, all youths of the Whispering Land were equal at the starting line. They began at level zero, their attributes nearly identical.

Still, the offspring of wealth could bolster their strength through early cultivation and equip themselves with superior gear before claiming their territory, giving them an edge as they stepped into the Overlord Space.

Time flew for Qiang Nantie in Huamo’s company.

Eight hours later, Huamo’s demeanor shifted to one of grave concern. She lifted her lovely face to Qiang Nantie and intoned, “Qiang Nantie, I sense the presence of monsters approaching.”

Qiang Nantie was taken aback. Inside the room, and yet Huamo sensed a distant aura.

Did that mean she would foresee any of his future intentions?

“Huamo, let’s stand united against our foes and defend our home!”

With unabashed boldness, Qiang Nantie grasped Huamo’s delicate hand, gazing into her eyes with fervent emotion.

He was resolute in winning over the exquisite Huamo.

Huamo showed slight reluctance to his advances, yet she didn’t pull away. Had she wished, her strength would have easily repelled his touch.

A blush crept over Huamo’s cheeks as she bowed her head and whispered her assent.

With a smile, Qiang Nantie strode forth alongside Huamo.

His ardor was bound to touch her heart.

With enough sincerity, he believed Huamo would inevitably be his.

As they emerged, a black wolf charged toward their territory from the distance.

“How can there be ten monsters on my land?”

Qiang Nantie observed the pack of ten wolves, their coats as dark as night, eyes wild with ferocity. Each stood two meters tall, an imposing sight. He was astounded.

As a fledgling Lord, his domain shouldn’t harbor such formidable creatures.

Moreover, twelve years of mandatory education had ingrained in him the knowledge that no more than three monsters would initially appear within the golden Overlord Space’s territory.

Yet, at the onset of his Trial, ten monsters materialized in his domain, a stark contradiction to what he had been taught.

“This must be the work of the Rainbow Lord Space,” Qiang Nantie deduced, his brow furrowing at the unwelcome realization.

It was merely the first day of the novice trial, and with time, the monsters would only grow more formidable. Without sufficient strength to defend his territory, all he had built would crumble to dust.

“No, I refuse to let you ravage my territory; I won’t allow anyone to shatter my future!”

Overwhelmed by a sense of urgency, Qiang Nantie knew he had to dig deep to safeguard his aspirations and dreams.

His gaze fell upon Huamo, and a wave of relief washed over him. She was his only hope now.

“Huamo, can you take down these ten monsters?”

With her attributes enhanced tenfold, Huamo was a force to be reckoned with.

Her diverse powers should make short work of these creatures.

Huamo turned to Qiang Nantie, her smile radiant and reassuring.

“Rest assured, I’ve got this territory under my watch.”

Her demeanor shifted to one of steely resolve as she faced the threat. Brandishing her new sword, she surged forward with incredible speed.

She moved with the swiftness of lightning, her movements a graceful dance, her stance both elegant and spirited.

The lack of barriers around the territory meant the black wolves had easy access.

Their sights were set on the Lord Crystal at the territory’s heart, a gem that beckoned them like a siren’s call.

But upon encountering Huamo, they lunged with gaping maws, intent on taking her down.

“Huamo!” Qiang Nantie called out, anxiety lacing his voice. His faith in her abilities was strong, yet concern lingered.

Frustrated by his own lack of power, he could do nothing but watch the battle unfold.

As the black wolves closed in, Huamo’s speed soared anew. She became a blur, weaving through the wolves with ease.

With swift strokes of her sword, twin phantoms of lotuses blossomed in the air.

Two black wolves lay motionless on the ground, their demise evident as blood pooled beneath them.

Qiang Nantie stood agape, his surprise palpable. He had not anticipated Huamo’s formidable strength. With apparent ease, she had dispatched the two black wolves.


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