Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 4

C4 – The First Hero Appeared!

The woman’s figure was strikingly beautiful, and her lips were exquisitely delicate. Dangling from her ears were earrings of such fine craftsmanship that they were utterly captivating.

Her brows arched gracefully, her complexion was as pure as snow, and her eyes held an irresistible allure. Qiang Nantie was completely taken by her charm.

Adorned with a white jade hairpin and dressed in a short skirt, her slender waist drew the eye.

She was the epitome of beauty and charm, akin to a celestial being.

“Congratulations, you’ve summoned the Hero, Huamo!”

Upon hearing this, Qiang Nantie was taken aback.

“What? Huamo herself?”

He was utterly astonished.

This was a figure from Earth!

Moreover, she was celebrated as the foremost beauty of the Three Kingdoms.

Indeed, she lived up to her reputation; it was rare to find someone as breathtaking as her.

He remembered Huamo from a game he played back on Earth.

Until this moment, no Earthly figure had ever appeared in the Whispering Land.

It had never crossed Qiang Nantie’s mind that he would actually summon Huamo.

The prospect of the Bronze Bird Terrace now thrilled him. If he could summon Huamo, perhaps Althaea and Zhao Aishang were within reach as well.

But then, Qiang Nantie quickly stumbled upon a significant issue.

Huamo was merely a delicate woman.

She was a character from a game, after all. Could someone like her stand up to monsters?

Maybe she would simply pass out at the sight of one.

Qiang Nantie realized that the sisters summoned by the Bronze Bird Terrace, aside from their charm, lacked any practical skills.

He had hoped to summon a warrior heroine like Pi Mansu, but that was not to be.

“My lord, I greet you.”

Huamo bowed deeply upon seeing Qiang Nantie, paying her respects.

Her voice was truly melodious, stirring the soul.

“No need for such formality. Huamo, do you recall who you are?”

Qiang Nantie quickly approached, taking her tender hand in his, while internally he pondered their strategy for the upcoming battles.

Could this gentle girl truly aid him in slaying monsters?

Perhaps her role would be limited to beguiling the enemy.

“All I know is my name and the skills I’ve acquired. My past is a complete mystery to me.”

Huamo’s reply was a soft whisper, her ears blushing with embarrassment as Qiang Nantie continued to hold her hand. She was too shy to ask him to release it.

Qiang Nantie, noticing Huamo’s shy demeanor, found himself even more captivated. Despite his considerable self-control, he couldn’t help but be utterly enchanted by her beauty.

“Sorry, did I hurt you?” he asked, releasing her hand quickly, yet inwardly longing to hold it once more.

“I’m fine,” she assured him.

Qiang Nantie was aware that every hero, and indeed every soldier, had an attribute list. He promptly checked Huamo’s:

Hero: Huamo

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Human

Owner: Qiang Nantie

Quality: RRR

Loyalty: 100

Level: 0

Charisma: 50 (Base Value: 5)

Luck: 10 (Base Value: 1)

Strength: 6 (Base Value: 0.6)

Physique: 7 (Base Value: 0.7)

Agility: 8 (Base Value: 0.8)

Spirit: 15 (Base Value: 1.5)

Innate Skill: Lotus Saint Body – Recovery Speed and Attack Power both increased by 100%.

Skills: Lotus Sword Technique, Holy Lotus Technique.

Special 1: The foremost beauty of the Three Kingdoms – Speed increased by 100%.

Special 2: One of the Four Great Beauties – All Attributes increased by 10%. With each additional Beauty in battle, all Attributes increase by another 10%. When all Four Beauties fight together, all Attributes increase by 100%.

Special 3: Devastating Beauty – Significantly boosts the loyalty of Territory residents.

Introduction: Enhanced by a mysterious energy, her basic attributes have grown tenfold.

After absorbing the details of Huamo’s profile, Qiang Nantie was astounded. She was incredibly formidable. He realized he had been wrong to ever see her as a delicate woman. The gap between her attributes and his own was stark.

These were just Huamo’s basic attributes. With her special bonuses factored in, her capabilities were even more impressive. A hero’s starting attributes could indeed be this powerful. Qiang Nantie was overjoyed.

Huamo belonged to him, her loyalty unwavering at a solid 100%. This was beyond his expectations. Typically, heroes and soldiers summoned by other lords started with a mere 90 loyalty points, and poor treatment could spur them to rebel. They were, after all, sentient beings with emotions and thoughts. Yet, in his domain, loyalty was at its maximum from the outset.

He would never mistreat those under his command, particularly the women. “I never imagined Huamo’s caliber to be the stuff of legends, at the RRR level. It was supposed to be a myth, but it’s real,” Qiang Nantie mused in astonishment.

Hero qualities ranged from F to RRR, encompassing twelve distinct levels. “With a hero like Huamo, these monsters are no more threatening than groundhogs.” Huamo’s Charm attribute, in particular, was a revelation to Qiang Nantie. A normal person’s highest attribute might peak at one point, but Huamo’s Charm was an extraordinary five times that. The implications were staggering.

High Charm and Luck scores brought numerous advantages, such as discovering special materials or unique structures during exploration, or attracting heroes eager to join one’s territory. The so-called Sons of Luck and Destiny were blessed with high values in these attributes.

Qiang Nantie felt a wave of relief wash over him. His special construction within the Overlord Space wouldn’t let him down; its vibrant, supportive presence was overwhelmingly potent. His only gripe was the meager bonus it provided him. Was it a slight? He was, after all, a high school graduate with a wealth of knowledge about being a lord, fully aware of the extraordinary nature of his territory.

A sense of urgency gripped him; his domain must remain a secret from the outside world. If discovered, it would surely attract the covetous gaze of many. His strategy was twofold: maintain a low profile to foster growth and avoid rash actions, and fortify defenses while amassing provisions.

Turning to Huamo, he inquired, “Our territory will soon face an onslaught from monsters. Does that frighten you, Huamo?”

He had great confidence in Huamo’s abilities, yet he wasn’t quite familiar with her combat experience.

“I’ve studied spells, and should any monsters dare to invade, I vow to defend our territory to the death, ensuring they never return!” Huamo declared with commanding presence, leaving Qiang Nantie utterly dumbfounded.

But he quickly snapped back to reality, rushing forward to take Huamo’s hand, earnestly saying, “I can’t afford to lose you. You need to stay safe, alright?”

“I understand.”

Huamo’s cheeks flushed anew, her delicate beauty sending Qiang Nantie’s heart racing.


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