Infinite Evolution of My Territory

Chapter 3

C3 – Mysterious Store Discount Card

Qiang Nantie immediately began to inspect the changes in the structures compared to the previous ones.

Building: King Crystal

Level: 1

Defense: 200/200

Shield: 1000

Special: Thunder Attack

Description: The central hub of Overlord Space. This modified crystal possesses both offensive and defensive capabilities. It will proactively attack any being within a ten-meter radius harboring ill will towards the Overlord.

Qiang Nantie was astounded!

The defense of the Lord Crystal had doubled, and it now boasted a shield. Moreover, this shield had a defense rating of 1000 points!

That’s tenfold the defense of the original crystal!

Qiang Nantie quickly turned his attention to the upgraded Lord Crystal.

The crystal appeared more majestic than before, pulsating with the glow of thunder. Swirls of purple lightning wrapped around it, signaling its immense power.

Most notably, the entire crystal was encased in a transparent, glass-like shield with a defense rating of 1000 points.

The Lord Crystal was the linchpin of the entire territory. While other structures could be rebuilt if destroyed, the loss of the Lord Crystal meant total annihilation of the territory.

They could no longer claim the title of Lord.

In the Whispering Land, the devastation of a Lord’s territory often inflicted severe trauma on both mind and body, with many ending up in the Green Mountain Madhouse.

Tragically, suicides were not uncommon.

Qiang Nantie shifted his gaze to his other buildings.

Building: Spirit Vein Bamboo House

Level: 1

Defense: 100/100

Special: Spiritual Energy Concentration

Description: Capable of absorbing the spiritual energy from the environment, it aids the Lord in accelerating their cultivation.

Building: Bronze Bird Terrace

Level: 1

Function: Summoning

Special: Female Heroes

Description: Home to numerous formidable female heroes from other realms. Each possesses extraordinary abilities. An Elementary Summoning costs 100 Soul Coins, an Intermediate Summoning 500, an Advanced Summoning 1,000, and a Super Summoning 10,000 Soul Coins. Note: The more Soul Coins spent, the greater the likelihood of summoning a hero!

Building: Mysterious Store

Level: 1

Defense: 100/100

Function: Purchase

Special: Refresh

Description: Every 24 hours, this store automatically stocks a new batch of items for sale. You can buy them using Soul Coins and Spirit Coins.

Qiang Nantie was taken aback as he finished surveying the buildings. He was at a loss for words.

The simple thatched banda had transformed into a quaint bamboo house, shrouded in a subtle mist. It resembled the abode of a sage, exuding an air of enigma.

To his astonishment, the Bronze Bird Terrace had the power to summon heroes!

Though limited to summoning only female heroes, its capability was nonetheless formidable.

The disparity between mere soldiers and heroes was vast; they weren’t even in the same league.

A group of ten soldiers stood no chance against a single hero.

What’s more, the chance of an ordinary barracks summoning a hero was exceedingly slim.

In fact, the likelihood was virtually nil. Such was the harsh truth.

Despite the Bronze Bird Terrace’s description noting it didn’t guarantee a hero summoning, it was a delightful surprise for Qiang Nantie.

“Regrettably, with only 100 Soul Coins to my name, failing to summon a hero on my first try could leave me vulnerable to the looming monster assaults,” he mused.

Qiang Nantie held off on attempting to summon a hero immediately, aware that the Bronze Bird Terrace didn’t promise a successful summoning every time.

With just 100 Soul Coins in his possession, he needed to allocate them wisely to optimize the prosperity of his domain.

He quickly turned his attention to where the altar once stood, now replaced by a structure resembling a storefront. The shop was modest in size.

Curious, Qiang Nantie approached to see what goods were on offer.

As he entered the small store, he found it deserted. Yet, on the counter lay five items, each secured under a protective shield. Qiang Nantie could discern all the details about these items.

The first item was a weapon, endowed with 2 Strength points and of Black Iron quality. It was basic gear, offering a minimal boost in strength.

The second item was a card.

Item: Discount Card

Price: 0

Description: Refreshed upon the store’s opening, this card allows the Lord to purchase items from the Mysterious Store at just 10% of the listed price after an initial buy. The use of this card is exclusive to the Mysterious Store.

“This is actually a welfare card.”

Qiang Nantie didn’t hesitate to purchase the card. As soon as he did, a card materialized on the counter, which he promptly picked up.

Next, he turned his attention to the third item.

It was a building, which took Qiang Nantie by complete surprise. He hadn’t expected to encounter a building for sale on his first visit to the mysterious store.

However, the cost was well beyond his current means.

The fourth item was lumber—a resource necessary for upgrading buildings, alongside stone.

Should fortune favor him, his territory might boast abundant supplies of wood, stone, and other resources. He could then trade these with other Lords or merchants, using the spirit coins earned to develop his lands.

Upon seeing the fifth item, Qiang Nantie’s eyes bulged in astonishment.

“Such a thing exists!”

Item: Hero Summoning Card

Quality: Unknown

Price: 1,000 Soul Coins

Description: Place this card within the barracks, and the Lord is guaranteed to summon a Hero.

Qiang Nantie was indeed astounded. He owned the Bronze Bird Terrace, but given the low odds of a successful summoning, he was reluctant to risk his last 100 Soul Coins on a Hero.

Now, without a second thought, he used a Discount Card to acquire the Hero Summoning Card.

“One Discount Card has been used. You have spent 100 Soul Coins on a Hero Summoning Card.”

Qiang Nantie hurried into the Bronze Bird Terrace.

It was a modest structure, just one story tall, with an object emitting a soft glow against the wall. Beyond that, the space was empty, yet it had an air of elegant simplicity.

With a thrill of anticipation, Qiang Nantie placed the Hero Summoning Card upon the glowing spot and initiated his first summoning.

“Would you like to commence the summoning?”


A burst of light from the summoning array enveloped Qiang Nantie from behind.

He turned to find a woman standing before him.


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