I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 80: The Council Convenes

Chapter 80: The Council Convenes

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead at chapter 90. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Walking through a portal into the Council room at the top of the Avengers Tower, Peter and Professor Xavier were met by Fury, Tony, and Magneto, who were sitting around waiting for their arrival.

Peter always has to pick up Charles for meetings like this. He is the only one that doesn't live in the city and the X-men don't have their cool jet just yet.

"Yo!" Peter calls out as the portal closes behind him and the Professor.

"Good, you're both here." Fury says as he plugs a flash drive into the table and taps a few buttons.

Instantly, a hologram appeared in the center of the table. Videos begin to play, showing body cam footage of a battle between heavily armed soldiers and a giant green monster. The massive muscle-bound green giant was decimating the soldiers with ease.

It was more of a massacre than anything else.

The soldiers were either torn apart, clobbered to death, or thrown away at speeds that would surely kill them upon impact.

Suddenly, the video froze on a close-up picture of the green monster and a window popped up next to it. This window showed a picture of Bruce Banner with a lot of text below.

"For those that don't know, this is Doctor Robert Bruce Banner. He's a renowned scientist who is highly respected for his work in biochemistry, nuclear physics, and gamma radiation." Fury starts but Peter picks up where he left off after taking a seat.

"Banner was commissioned by the United States General Thaddeus Ross to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that created Captain America. However, Ross elected not to inform Banner about what he was creating. During the experiment, Banner was exposed to dangerous levels of gamma radiation."

"As a result, the mild-mannered scientist found that when angered, provoked, or excited, his body and brain would transform into a huge, rage-fueled, primitive-minded creature known as Hulk. For five years, Banner remained on the run from the United States Army with the Hulk under control. Though it seems that they clashed recently, based on this video." Peter says shocking Charles and Erik who knew nothing of this.

"You would be correct. Ross lied to his superior and went down to Brazil to capture Banner. As you can see that operation failed horribly, like many that involve Thaddeus." Fury throws a small dig at the Generals history.

"It sounds like you knew about this for a while. Why haven't we dealt with this yet?" Charles asks and gets a nod of agreement from Erik.

"The Hulk is a strong opponent to face and the Avengers was still new." Peter says with a shrug.

"He seemed to have the Hulk under control as well. It wasn't like he was in Brazil rampaging or something. This incident only occurred because Ross and his men tried to capture Banner." Fury clarifies.

"Should we mobilize some Avengers to take care of it?" Erik asks, thinking this was a strategy meeting to kill Banner.

"No, Banner is a future member of the Avengers." Peter puts a stop to this line of conversation.

"Why?" Charles asks confusedly. "You said it yourself. When in this state, he's a rage-fueled and primitive-minded creature. Just look that the footage. I'm not saying we have to kill the man, but recruiting someone like this seems like a liability to me."

No one could argue with Professor Xavier's words. Especially after watching the slaughter from the body cams of the soldiers so easily defeated.

"So, how should we handle this?" Tony asks with a glass of dark liquor in his hand. "Maybe sedate the guy before he can turn and bring him back for testing? With enough time I could probably come up with some type of cure."

"I say we just kill the thing, but I know none of you would agree. Well, Fury might but he's surprisingly sentimental at times..." Erik says defeatedly.

"Huh?" Fury grunts in confusion.

"How about this." Peter says with a sigh, as he knows that none of them see things his way. "I admit that Banner's power is unpredictable and possibly uncontrollable, but I believe that Hulk can be reasoned with."

Erik rolled his eyes at this, while everyone else in the room looked at Peter doubtfully. Even Fury was doubtful and it was his idea for the Hulk to be an Avenger in the first place.

Ignoring the looks from his colleagues, Peter continues speaking.

"We'll approach Banner and try our best to speak to him without the Hulk appearing. Though, if the Hulk comes out, give me time to talk to him too before we start fighting. That's all I ask." Peter says and no one had it in them to turn him down.

"Do we even know where he is now? There's no way he's still in Brazil after this." Tony asks as he gestures to the hologram.

"His current location is unknown, but we know that his last heading was north." Fury says as he presses a button and a video of the Hulk leaping off the ground and launching over a jungle plays. "I have a lot of resources looking for Banner as we speak."

"Do we know where General Ross's daughter lives?" Peter asks, confusing everyone but Fury.

"Hmm..." Tony taps the table and a holographic keyboard appears for him to use. "Betty Ross currently lives in Virginia, why?"

"Then that's where we'll find Banner." Peter says with a nod. "Fury, send Natasha and Clint to watch her. Banner will show up soon enough."

Without asking any questions, Fury took out his phone and sent out two separate text messages.

"Done." He says and stashed his phone away once again.

"Why do we believe he'll show up for this girl? Revenge against the General perhaps?" Erik asks curiously.

"No, Banner isn't the type." Fury says with a shake of the head. "They were dating before the accident that made the Hulk, so it stands to reason that there's still somewhat of an emotional attachment."

"Not only that." Peter says as he sees the doubtful looks on everyone's faces. "She also worked with him on the super soldier serum, so Betty could help him find a cure for the green guy. As a scientist, I'm positive that Banner has tirelessly spent these five years trying everything to fix himself. Her input on that would be invaluable to him."

"Okay, I'm convinced." Charles says as he and everyone else see their reasoning now. "Who should we send when he's found?"

"That's right!" Tony exclaims as he jumps to his feet excitedly. "This will be the Avenger's first real mission!"

"Did you just figure that out?" Fury mutters with a roll of his singular eye.

"Oh, shut up. This is exciting!" Tony responds with a grin.

Even Fury's snide comments couldn't bring his mood down right now.

"This seems like something that Charles would excel at." Erik says as he looks toward his old rival.

"How so?" Charles asks back.

"Can't you simply put this Hulk to sleep with your telepathy? If it truly has a primitive mind, then putting the thing to bed should be child's play for you." Magneto says as if it would be the easiest thing in the world.

"That could work, but we shouldn't count on it." Peter says, knowing it won't be that easy. "Let's call that plan B. Plan A is me speaking to Banner or Hulk. Plan C will be fighting."

"I don't think that many of the Avengers will be able to handle something like this." Tony says after a moment of thought. "Storm is the only one that comes to mind. Kurt can act as support but that's about it."

"We may have to handle this ourselves..." Erik says with a thoughtful look.


-Chiapas Mexico-

A tired, dirty, and, disheveled Bruce Banner could be seen walking the dirty streets without any clothes whatsoever, not even shoes. Thankfully, he still had what remained of his pants, which were mangled and didn't fit anymore, holding them over his private parts.

Tired from his journey from Brazil, Banner took a seat in a crowded market with arms outstretched and his hands palmed together.

After resting for a while, most people would see him and grimace in disgust before turning their heads away, thinking that he was just a beggar.

Out of nowhere, a little boy runs over and drops a handful of pesos onto the ground in front of him. Before Banner could thank him, as everything he owned was either destroyed or left back in Brazil, the kid ran off and disappeared into the market's crowd.

With his new funds acquired, Bruce first bought himself some clothes before filling his stomach and continuing the trek toward America with a tired but determined look on his face.

A/N: 1482 words



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