I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 81: Found

Chapter 81: Found

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 9 chapters ahead at chapter 90. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Before leaving the council room, Peter and everyone decided that the Avengers weren't ready to deal with someone of Hulk's caliber.

He might as well be the living personification of rage-given form in this universe, so people like Sabertooth, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, and Mystique would never stand a chance.

Sorry, but it's just the truth.

Even if they were to fight well in the beginning, the Hulk will only grow stronger with time. Anger and rage fuel his strength constantly after all.

The anger from a drawn-out fight would be more than enough for the Hulk to beat them, which is why Peter and everyone else decided that the Avengers Council and a select few others will be the only people involved in this mission.

The Avenger's first mission, that is.

Iron Man, Magneto, Professor X, Storm, Nightcrawler, and last but certainly not least, Spider-Man.

Obviously, Fury wouldn't be anywhere near this. He may be an amazing spy or secret agent, but he would have even less of a chance than the Avengers they're leaving out of the mission.

Storm was an easy pick for the team as she's an Omega-level meta-human and could simply attack from a distance using her flight ability and lightning.

Nightcrawler isn't nearly strong enough to deal with the Hulk, but he has a very valuable ability, teleportation. He won't get involved with any of the fighting, should it ever come to that, and simply use his teleportation to assist the team when needed.

The rest were chosen because they're strong enough to deal with this. It was that simple.

Well, all except for Tony.

Most of the council didn't think that Tony's suit would hold up against the Hulk, but he managed to convince everyone that he had something planned for this. After all, Tony knew about the Hulk for a while now, so he has had time to cook something up for the green giant.

Tony refused to say anything about it when they asked, but Peter thought it was probably the big Hulkbuster suit. Though, he didn't know that for sure.

The world has changed with his influence so Peter try's not to expect anything anymore. Not to mention the inclusion of the X-men, which didn't even exist in the MCU.

Peter just has to be prepared for anything and remain watchful for things that may stay the same. He hoped that a lot would stay the same but rarely is anyone that lucky.

After the game plan was formulated and the council meeting was finished, Peter returned home to spend some time with his Aunt May before heading out that night to patrol the streets.

His crime-fighting schedule has lessened greatly due to the cell of Hand ninja in the city, but Peter still likes to get out of the house for a few times a week and swing around saving people.

Speaking of the Hand, Peter swung to a nearby brick building and entered the place through the door on the roof. The door was locked by a keypad, which Peter easily accessed before entering the building.

The outside and inside of the building were completely different. On the outside, the building looked like an old not so tall skyscraper. On the inside, the place looked brand new and modern.

Stepping inside, Peter was instantly greeted by a small group of red-clad ninjas, who guarded the door in shifts. As soon as they saw his entrance, the ninja straightened up and bowed.

"Keep up the good work!" Peter called out as he descended the stairway.

This building is the Headquarters of the Hand, not just for New York City but the whole world. The Hand never had a true headquarters before Peters arrival.

Each finger of the Hand had their own home base, which usually changed frequently based on their whims or plans. The closest thing that they had to a headquarters was the temple where Peter fought the Beast, but that doesn't really fit the description.

Peter had the Hand move here about a month ago. He could technically portal to any location, but having his subordinates close by feels more comforting in a way.

As Peter descended the stairs, he was met by his trusted second in command, Scythe, who rushed over as soon as Peter's code was used to enter the building.

"Good evening, Black Sky." Scythe says as he bows similarly to the ninjas that were guarding the roof's door. "Do you require any assistance?"

"Yeah..." Peter nods as he takes out a flash drive and hands it over. "This contains the information of a man named Bruce Banner. He should be trying to enter the country from South America. He doesn't have a passport or any identification, so he'll most likely cross the border illegally. I want everyone looking for him. Discretely of course."

"Of course." Scythe agrees instantly and tucks the flash drive into his pocket. "Would you like him killed?"

Hearing this from his second in command reminded Peter that he still has a long way to go with the Hand. Their first line of thought is always killing...

"No, I want him located and surveilled. that's it." Peter says as he thinks for a moment. "If he's having trouble crossing the border, maybe lend a hand but other than that keep a wide distance from this one. He's far more dangerous than he looks. You'll see from the drive I gave you."

"Understood. Anything else, sir?" Scythe asks respectfully.

"Yes, have we had any problems since our last talk? Anyone stepping out of line or planning behind my back?" Peter asks, knowing that Scythe has been monitoring the troublesome members of the Hand closely for him.

"Nothing that I can't handle." Scythe says with a shake of his head. "Malik and his men have been fairly quiet, which is odd for them but the new rules don't give them room to act as they used to."

"How are the cities he's in charge of? Have his men followed the rules? How are the crime rates?" Peter asks.

"Crime rates are down and the reports say everyone is following the rules. So far everything points to Malik and his men adapting to the new Hands structure." Scythe says with a shrug.

"Hmm, stay vigilant." Peter says as he turns to head back up the stairs. "I hope they adapt and thrive but some people have a hard time changing. I'm going to call it a night. Be sure to get some sleep, Scythe."

"Yes, sir."


With the Hand and Shield both looking for Banner, it didn't take long for Peter to be informed of the man's location.

The Hand was the first to inform Peter of his location, which made Peter feel a bit of pride. Shield, which has satellites and technology that has never been seen in the public before couldn't find one man, while his Ninja could.

A few days after Peter gave Scythe the flash drive, he was messaged with the exact location of Bruce Banner.

He was already in Virginia and would soon arrive at Culver University, where Betty Ross works as a scientist and Professor.

'Damn, the guy moves fast...' Peter thought.

Barely an hour after Peter was informed of this by the Hand, Natasha texted everyone about the same exact thing.

Natasha- He's here.


-Culver Campus, Virginia-

Outside of a pizza shop on the outskirts of campus, an elderly man waved off a group of children as he begins to close up for the night. As he's locking up, a disheveled man appears in his view scaring him half to death.

"W-what?" He jumps and freezes as a look of recognition forms on his face. "Bruce?"

"Stan, I give you my word, whatever you've heard about me, it's not true." Banner says as he holds his hands up on the other side of the glass door.

"Oh, I know. I always knew. I mean, you and Betty used to live up above me. Have you seen her?" Stan says as he opens the door and pulls Bruce inside, hoping that no one saw him.

"No. She doesn't know that I'm here. She's with somebody?" Banner asks as the old man locks the door and puts down the blinds one by one.

"Yeah, he's a head shrink." Stan replies.

"I see..." Bruce mutters dejectedly. "Hopefully she's happy."

"What can I do to help?" The man asks, ready to help in any way he can.

"I could use a bed for a few nights." Banner answers hopefully, eager to sleep in a nice warm bed.

"You can have your old apartment upstairs." Stan agrees easily.

"That'd be great. Thank you."

Sadly, none of the old man's work with the blinds mattered, as Banner has been followed by two separate groups for a while now.

Neither knew the other was there, but both were there on orders from the same person, Peter.

A/N: 1500 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Or else... pls]


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