I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 79: Hulk

Chapter 79: Hulk

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead at chapter 89. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Dressing nicely for his first day of school, Peter ate breakfast with May in the kitchen of their new house before heading off to school.

Although he's a fairly wealthy person now, Peter still takes the subway to school every day. He's used to it and enjoys the walk by this point.

Though that doesn't mean he won't get a car sooner or later.

In fact, he has his learners permit, meaning Peter could drive a car with the supervision of someone with a license. He has been practicing for his driver's test with May every so often.

May still has her car from before they were rich and refuses to get an upgrade, so Peter has been practicing in her old Toyota Corolla.

He'll convince her to buy a new car some day.

On the subway, Peter scrolled through his phone, looking at cars that he would possibly buy upon getting his license. The more Peter looked at cars on his phone, the more he wanted to buy an old car and completely upgrade it into something almost futuristic.

He had the capabilities and the money to do so after all.

That would be more fun than buying some random sedan or SUV, and Peter would have something fun to work on in his spare time.

After looking through all of the possible cars, Peter was torn between either the 1965 Ford Mustang or the 1963 Chevrolet Corvette.

[Insert car pictures if you want 🤷‍♂️]

Both cars are esthetically pleasing in Peter's opinion. The engine, breaks, handling, and other specs didn't really matter to him. Whichever car he gets would be gutted and turned into a futuristic Tesla powered by magic anyway.

His choice was solely on which looked better.

While contemplating this, Peter arrived at school and strolled in with all eyes glued to his figure. Ever since Candy Crush became one of the mist popular mobile games all around the world, Peter's status in school has risen dramatically.

Before, Peter was a sort of loner that would be bullied, but now he's considered one of the 'popular' kids. Though that doesn't mean he hangs around anyone other than MJ and Ned, so he's still a bit of a loner.

A popular loner.

The fact that Peter would give out free in-game currency to the people in his school probably helped his rise.

Even the teachers and staff of the school looked at him differently now. After all, he gets perfect grades and makes enough money for his schooling to be pointless at this point.

Though Peter enjoys school as it gives him time to spend with MJ and Ned, so he wouldn't drop out or skip grades.

As for being popular now, he doesn't care one bit. Nothing has changed besides the way his peers treat him, which didn't bother Peter at this point in his life.

After happily spending the school day with Ned and MJ, Peter was going to invite them over to shop for cars online with him, but suddenly his phone buzzed.

Bald Pirate: Code green

As Peter checks his phone, the expression on his face morphs into that of surprise, excitement, and worry.

"Sorry, I gotta go." Peter says as he pecks MJ on the cheek and waves to Ned. "I'll explain later. Let's look at cars tomorrow."

Before either of them could reply, Peter ran off to a secluded location and portal'd to the Council room in Avengers Tower.


After landing the plane in Brazil, General Ross and his small army of soldiers geared up an entered a small town.

"Camera." Ross orders over the radio as a soldier pushes a wire with a camera on its tip underneath a house's front door. "Here we go!"

Being the high-ranking General he is, Ross is currently outside of the town in a safe location, excitedly watching this all play out through body cameras.

Sadly for him, the General's excitement was ruined by a dog that noticed the camera and bites it.

"Get rid of the damn dog." Ross orders in annoyance.

The soldiers retrieve the now broken camera and begin putting explosive charges around the door.

"Take him." Ross orders and the charges blow.


The soldiers, who are being led by Blonsky, enter the house. They shoot tranquilizer darts at a small bed, only to find that it was empty with just a pillow and another blanket underneath.

"Target's on the move." Blonsky calls out over the radio as he shoots a dart at the poor dog that wouldn't stop barking at them.

"Where is he?" The General asks over the radio.

"He's on the ground." Blonsky replies as he catches sight of Bruce Banner ducking into a nearby alley from the window.

"Let's go! Go! Move, move!" As the soldiers give chase, searching the entire town for their target, said target was racing through the street in a sweatshirt with the hood up, trying his best to blend into the surrounding crowd.

Sadly, Bruce is a scientist and not a spy. His movements are easily readable to a trained soldier like Blonsky, who instantly notices him.

"There he is! Go, go, go!" He says and the chase begins once again.

"Do not lose him!" General Ross eagerly says over the radio.

A messy chase ensues, where Bruce has the upper hand as he has lived in this small town for a while now. He knows all the side alleys and back doors to slip through.

Every time Banner would lose one group of soldiers, another group would catch sight of him, starting the whole chase over again and again. It certainly didn't help that his watch was beeping, signaling that his blood pressure was rising to dangerous levels.

Taking a chance, as he doesn't want to change and hurt anyone, Banner hides quickly to lower his heart rate, catching his breath before he continues running again.

After running for a while, Banner manages to lose the soldiers hunting him, but sadly that luck doesn't last long.

While running, Bruce bumped into a few local gang members and didn't have the time to apologize for such disrespect. Not that they would have let him go with a simple 'I'm sorry' anyway.

While he may have lost the soldiers, for now, Banner was currently being followed by a whole separate unsavory group.

"Where is he?" Ross calls out over the radio.

"Target acquired." Blonsky answers after seeing Banner run into an abandoned building with at least 6 men on his tail.

Bruce intended to hide here for a moment and calm down as his watch was beeping rapidly by this point, but that was soon interrupted.

"Gringo!" The lead gangster yells as he and his men enter the building.

Cornered by the tough guys that came out of nowhere, Banner was confused as they snatched his laptop from him like the criminals they are.

"Please! No! Not the computer! I need that for my research!" Bruce calls out pitifully as he's pinned up against the wall.

"Not so tough now, huh?" The leader calls out as they all start wailing on Banner.

It started with punches but soon devolved to stomping as Bruce fell to the floor, taking each hit with gritted teeth as an angry expression slowly morphed onto his face.

"Stop. Please. Me … angry … very bad." Banner tries to reason with them but they didn't understand, nor did they care to.

"Yeah? Well, I very bad angry too." One of them jokes as they all laugh and continue beating him.

"Oh, no. You don't understand!" Bruce says as his skin begins to turn green, shocking the gang members around him.

"What the..."

"Is he sick..."

"What's wrong with him..."


This shock didn't last long as silenced darts are shot from the windows of the building and hit each of the gang members. They all fall to the floor and pass out at the same time, but sadly, it was too late.

Banner's watch was beeping crazily by this point. As he lay on the floor covered in bruises, his BPM hits 200, causing a loud angry roar to escape his lips.


After the earth-shaking roar is heard, Bruce's body expands and grows into a giant muscle-bound green monster, destroying every bit of clothes he was wearing besides the pants, which turned into tight underwear that barely covered his privates.

[Insert a picture of the Hulk here]

"Anyone else seeing this?" One soldier asks in fear.

Not even bothering with the soldiers yet, the Hulk picks up the unconscious gang members one by one and throws them across the room, killing them as they impact the hard wall.

"We've got a bogey of some kind. Please advise?" A soldier asks fearfully over the radio, unsure of what to call the monster before him.

"That is the target! Use every tranq you've got! Do it now!" Ross orders without a care for his men's safety.

Following orders, as they've been trained to do, the commandos opened fire on the Hulk, only for their darts to bounce off of his skin.

Feeling his skin itch, Hulk turns to see the soldiers with weapons drawn and charges at them in anger.

"Go live! Go live! Go live!"

"Get out of the way!"


The commandos begin to panic as the giant green monster closes in on them.

Grabbing a soldier in his giant hand, Hulk squeezes him like a tube of toothpaste, killing him instantly and tossing him aside like a used toy.

After seeing this, the frightened commandos open fire with actual rounds, causing him to only grow angrier and stronger with every bullet that impacts his skin.

"It's behind us! Move! Move! Get him! Shoot! Shoot!"

The soldiers spread out in and around the building and try their best, but nothing seems to break through the Hulk's skin.

Seeing that bullets were of no use, Blonsky throws a grenade at the Hulk, temporarily stopping him for only a moment.

"Leave me alone." Hulk yells like an oversized and angry child.

That grenade was the last straw. With an angry grunt, Hulk rushed around the building slaughtering the many soldiers with the ease of a child playing with their dolls.

Wherever the Hulk would appear, blood and screams would soon follow close behind.

"No! No!" General Ross yelled over the radio as his men were dropping like flies.

Blonsky, being the smart and experienced soldier he is, instantly saw that this was a losing battle and scurried away, which saved his life.

The rest weren't so lucky...

A/N: 1769 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king, I have raided and decimated your homes, neighborhoods, towns, and cities. No matter what, I shall have my stones!]


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