I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 78: Green Arc Begins

Chapter 78: Green Arc Begins

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 9 chapters ahead at chapter 87. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Every spell he found in the library of Kamar-Taj was helpful, but sadly, Peter hasn't had enough time to alter the Resurrection Elixir to his liking.

Though that doesn't mean that Peter didn't figure some things out about the Elixir. In fact, he knows everything about it now.

With the help of the spells that could scan things magically, Peter could finally get a read on what the Dragon Bones supply to the blood that somehow gives the resurrection Elixir all of its amazing properties.

After using the spells on the Dragon Bones and Resurrection Elixir, he knew way more than what today's technology could tell him.

First, the Dragon Bones not only have the overwhelming amount of Chi left behind from the dragons they once belonged to, but also a small portion of their life force.

Dragons could live for thousand and thousands of years, so it stands to reason that an Elixir with their bones as the main ingredient would give effects such as resurrection and unlimited longevity, though that longevity would run out after a while if the Elixir isn't taken every few hundred years or so.

The physical enhancement that's seen in those that take the Elixir can also be explained now.

Dragons are naturally far stronger than humans, so a very minuscule amount of that power is being transferred from the bones as well.

'If I had some muscles or other parts of a dragon, then I could probably make the strength enhancement far stronger...' Peter thought, but sadly all dragons are long dead beside Shou-Lao in K'un-Lun.

Though Peter would never go and kill such a majestic creature, especially since he's that last of his kind. Maybe some bartering can be done later down the line?

'I could offer him something and get some blood in exchange? That should be enough to boost the Elixirs properties by a lot.' Peter thought hopefully.

The fossilized bones of a dragon simply mixed with blood could already do so much. Peter was excited to see what the blood from a living dragon could do instead of human blood.

His chances are slim but he could always try. Being the leader of K'un-Lun's biggest enemy, the Hand, certainly won't help his chances, but he could always visit as Spider-Man instead. There should be no line connecting the Hand to Spider-Man after all.

Unless someone from the Hand has loose lips, but he can always worry about that if and when it happens. Until then, Peter can only do his best to keep it quiet.

After testing the bones, Peter moved on to the already created Elixir. Once that was tested, Peter found something odd, to say the least.

The Elixir contained everything the bones and normal human blood would have, but it also contained human life force, which proved Peter wrong about the ritual.

He thought that the ritual to create the Elixir was just some old-fashioned tradition or something but it seems to have a purpose.

That is to extract some of the life energy from those who 'give' their blood for the ritual.

Peter would have never found anything like this without his Mystic Arts powers.

In order to figure this out, Peter went over the ritual that the Hand used and found no runes, spell circles, or other markings that could explain this.

They simply had their walking blood bags restrained and slowly bled them into something that held the ground up dragon bone dust. Other than mixing it every so often, Peter didn't see anything that explained the life force being present in the blood.

Upon running some tests, Peter found what was happening.

Using the other spell he found, Peter was able to separate the Elixir into two parts. The blood and bone dust.

Upon scanning each of them separately, Peter found that both ingredients contained exactly what they were supposed to, but that changed in a matter of minutes.

Testing both ingredients again after 10 minutes time, Peter found none of the human life force left in the blood whatsoever. It was all gone.

Finding this odd, Peter tested a small amount of his own freshly extracted blood.

His fresh blood had a very high level of life force in it. Far more than the blood he tested earlier, but that's probably because of his enhancements compared to normal human.

After waiting another ten minutes, the amount of life force in his blood sample halved. Better than normal human blood but still a lot for only 10 minutes.

Why was this?

Well, Peter concluded that all living creatures have life force in their blood, bones, organs, etc. but that life force dissipates over time after these things disconnect from the body.

This probably happens to dragons as well, but they have so much life force that it takes far longer for it to dissipate, or maybe the bones hold life energy better than blood?

Peter wasn't taking out his bones to test that theory though. He could look into it in another way and at another time.

This does make sense for the Hands ritual though.

They needed the blood to be fresh when it was mixed with the dragon bone dust. The human life force in the blood seems to stick around after mixing with the dragon life force in the bone dust. Peter doesn't know why but the two seem to reinforce each other in a way.

'Maybe a mix of dragon blood and human blood with the bone dust would be better than using just dragon blood...' Peter thought as he planned to enhance the Elixir before taking it himself. 'My blood seems to have far more life force than a normal human so I should use mine somehow...'

Peter could also give this enhancement to his loved ones as well. They would be better equipped to protect themselves, which would lift a huge weight from Peter's shoulders.

They may have the protections he gave them but it's better to be safe than sorry.

He would just have to make sure the Elixir is 100% safe before even bringing it up to anyone, especially MJ. She's would be impatient and want the Elixir as soon as possible.

Peter knew that she wants to help him, but he would only allow that if she was safe about it.

As for Ned, he would be happy to get a power-up for sure. May on the other hand wouldn't really care much. She hasn't shown any signs of wanting any power up, unlike Ned and MJ.

Once Peter knew how the Elixir worked, he ran a few more tests but didn't find a way to enhance the Elixir without a new ingredient.

With the power to separate the ingredients back to their base form, Peter could constantly test the dragon bones and blood without fear of running out, but soon enough the blood ran out of life energy.

Though he didn't use all of the Elixir for his tests, as he wanted to keep some for emergencies.

It's not like he had to use anymore anyway.

Peter knew exactly how the Elixir was made and worked by this point. He only needed to find a way to enhance it.

Using his own blood was his best bet.

Sadly, the ritual needs a lot of blood.

When you take the Elixir, it's not a drink, lotion, or whatever. No, you're unconscious and submerged in the black substance for a long period of time. Therefore a huge amount of blood is needed for every batch.

Peter may be enhanced, but losing that amount of blood in one sitting would kill him long before the Elixir was finished.

Thinking that he could make it in small batches, Peter tried mixing a small amount of his freshly extracted blood with a small pinch of bone dust, but that didn't work as he hoped it would.

Even to this very day, he didn't know why this was the case. It should have worked yet it didn't.

Peter's only guess was that the mixture needs to be done in large batches for some reason. Possibly because only a portion of a dragon bone won't do the trick and the whole thing is needed?

He has no idea, but that was the best answer.

'Maybe I can use the Mystic Arts to solve this?' Peter thought as he saw the time.

It was almost morning and he had his first day as a sophomore in high school tomorrow. Packing away everything safely, Peter hopped into bed and called it a night.


Near the landing strip of a military airfield, two men can be seen discussing something. One of them is a blonde man with blue eyes dressed in military garb. He seemed to be in his 50s, and from the markings on his clothes, a very high-ranking man in the military.

[Insert picture of Lieutenant General Thaddeus E. "Thunderbolt" Ross]

The man standing a cross from General Ross was a dark-skinned bald man with even more markings on his military clothing.

[Insert picture of four-star General Joseph "Joe" Greller here]

"I got you who I could. Short notice, but they're all quality. I pulled you one ace though. Emil Blonsky. Born in Russia, raised in England, and on loan to SOCOM from the Royal Marines." Greller says as he hands over a file.

"I know you cashed in some chips for this, Joe. Thank you." Ross says as he accepts the file.

"Glad I could help but this scientist better be as good as you say." Greller says as he walks off.

Seeing the higher-ranked General off, Ross' face squints in discomfort for just a moment. He lied to his superior about the purpose of this mission and felt bad about it.

Pushing those feelings away and steeling his resolve, Ross walks over to a waiting military plane, which soon takes off with him aboard.

-Hours Later-

"This is the target and the location. Snatch and grab, live capture. You'll have your dart clips and suppression ordnance, but live fire is for backup only. We got locals out there, but we want it tight and quiet." A soldier on board the plane says as he hands out photos of a man in a white lab coat.

[Insert picture of Bruce Banner here]

"Is he a fighter?" An experienced soldier with brown slicked back hair asks as he accepts the photo.

[Insert picture of Emil Blonsky here]

"Your target is a fugitive from the US government who stole military secrets. He is also implicated in the deaths of two scientists, a military officer, an Idaho state trooper, and possibly two Canadian hunters. So don't wait to see if he's a fighter! Tranq him and bring him back." General Ross says as the plane begins to land.

A/N: 1818 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! The work on my castle and throne is taking to long! I hereby release my army to confiscate all stones! HehehahaHAHA!]


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