I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 63: Spidey VS Beast (3)

Chapter 63: Spidey VS Beast (3)

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 11 chapters ahead at chapter 74. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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As the even more monstrous version of the Beast appeared, Peter looked toward the kneeling ninja and frightened servants, who have frozen in shock mid-celebration.

"You may want to get in cover once again..." Peter says as the ninja instantly rush away, back to hide behind the throne.

The servants acted a bit slower but still made it behind the pillars, peaking out every now and then to see the monster's new form.

"You got a lot uglier..." Peter commented as he looked at the deformed Beast in the corner of the room.

The demon grew to twice the size and transformed from the fat glutinous looking beast to a giant veiny bodybuilder that could give the Hulk a run for his money.

Not only did he become muscular but the proportions were completely off as well. One arm was big but the other was huge. The rest of its body was all out of whack as well, with some muscles being bigger than others, and the beastly facial features that were once symmetrical are now lopsided.

He truly resembled a person that was infected by the T-Virus or some other mutant monster from films.

"Grrrr..." The Beast growler as it breathed, looking over its new arms and legs. "Hmm, I like the new look."

"Well, at least you're healthy now, maybe?" Peter says skeptically as he ponders which body type was worse.

"Hahaha!" The Beast completely ignores Peter as it admired its new body with a gleeful laugh. "This body is amazing!"

The Beast could feel the power coursing through its veins, far exceeding anything the demon has ever felt before.

"Thank you so much, Spider!" It says happily as its new muscles flex every so often as if this was some sort of bodybuilding show.

"Eh, I didn't really do anything but you're welcome, I guess?" Peter says as his golden war hammer appears once again. "Why don't I help you test it out as well?"

As Peter says this, he dashed forward and leaped into the air, slamming the hammer down onto the Beast's open chest.

The Beast was so preoccupied with admiring its new physique that there was no time for any sort of defense. When the eldritch hammer impacted the demon's chest, the muscles indented slightly and absorbed the blow with ease.

"Huh?" The Beast grunted in surprise as the attack, which would have sent him flying earlier, did absolutely nothing this time around. "I love this new body!"

As the Beast says this, a wicked grin forms on its face as a large arm juts forward and grasps Peter by the torso.

"As thanks for this new body, I'll make your death a quick one." The Beast says as it tosses Peter across the room and into the wall, where he was electrocuted for the second time today.


Knowing this would happen, Peter spun mid-air and kicked off the wall immediately upon impact, only getting electrocuted for a brief moment.

"This is more like it!" Peter says excitedly as his war hammer disappears and two golden brass knuckles form on each of his hands.

Without thinking, Peter rushes forward and starts to brawl with the giant Beast. Peter would land hit after hit while dancing around the demon, using his agility to duck and dive passed every oncoming attack.

As the brawl continued, Peter was starting to get a bit hot-headed but he didn't know why. He felt as though this was the time to finally go all out against an opponent, as he has never done so before.

The problem was that Peter wasn't usually like this. Something was stimulating his adrenaline, testosterone, or something because Peter started feeling like a berserker out of nowhere.

Taking some deep breaths, Peter tried calming himself, but it was a hard task to achieve for some reason.

'Is he doing this to me?' Peter thought as he danced around the Beast, landing hit after hit.

All of them doing nothing to the demon. In fact, with every added hit Peter felt more and more pumped up and angry.

Using his enhanced senses, Peter could smell an odd fragrance in the air. It didn't smell good or bad, but it wasn't noticeable unless you had super senses like him.

'Is it coming from him?' Peter guesses as he ducks behind the Beast and sees something odd on its back.

At the back of the demon were a bunch of little volcano-shaped holes. Nothing was coming out of them, but the smell was a lot stronger there.

Testing a hypothesis, Peter sent a quick punch to the Beasts body and sees the volcano-shaped holes contract and spew out some air before going still once again.

'Eww... I've been breathing that in?' Peter thought in revulsion as he dashed away from the Beast. 'Disgusting...'

It seemed to be a new power that the beast got from its transformation. Every time he takes damage, whatever it is gets pumped out, enraging the Beasts opponent slowly.

An enraged enemy is careless and foolhardy after all. Thankfully, Peter was enhanced so the fumes weren't as effective on him. Though if he breathes in much more then it will be hard to calm down.

'I need to find a counter to the smell or end this fight before my mind goes crazy.' Peter thought as he started keeping his distance from his opponent, not letting the Beast get close to him.

As Peter was thinking of ways to counter the rage-inducing fumes, the servants and Ninja hiding on the sidelines began to feel the effects themselves.

The servants were the first to go berserk as they had less discipline than the heavily trained ninja. Instantly, the once scared men and women started fighting each other out of nowhere. Fear turned to rage as they turned on one another like rabid animals.

The ninja noticed this and kept their distance.

"Hmm..." Madam Gao was the first to notice the odd effect on herself and others.

As she was putting the pieces together in her head, the ninja stationed around them began to get enraged and lashed out at the four founders of the hand.

As thousands of years old Masters, they weren't easily influenced and kept their sanity. Each finger of the hand wasn't looking at their soldiers, yet dodged the attacks to their back with ease.

"What is this?" One of them asks in confusion as they all started becoming aware of the raging feeling boiling inside them.

Madam Gao finally puts it together and rips a piece of her clothing, turning it into a makeshift mask for her mouth and nose. Seeing their fellow finger do such a thing, the others figured it out as well, making some makeshift masts for themselves too.

As the servants were killing one another, the founders of the hand began slaughtering their own compromised men and women. Peter could sense this happening, but was busy with an angry Beast chasing him down.

"Stay still you bug!" The demon exclaims in annoyance as Peter has been keeping his distance.

"Spiders are... you know what. Forget it." Peter says in exasperation, tired of everyone calling him a bug or insect.

After some time of thought, Peter knew that he didn't have any spells to counter the fumes, so he would try a spell that he hasn't tested before to end this quickly.

"I need a..." Peter mutters as he looks around the room for some sort of container, finding an expensive-looking vase on the steps leading to the throne. "Okay, I'm going to need you to stand still for a bit."

Leaving the vase where it was, for now, Peter lures the Beast to the center of the room. Once it was there, Peter started dancing around its huge form, attaching webs all over its body.

As the webs took hold, Peter would loop them around the nearby pillars in the room, restricting the Beast's movements. Some webs would be ripped apart, but by the time that happens, three more would take their place, as Peter worked in overdrive.

After minutes of doing this, the Beast was trapped in the center of the room with its arms and legs spread wide open, completely tied down to the pillars in the room.

"Grrrr... Agh!" The Beast tugged at the webs, causing them to stretch as cracks began to form on the pillars.

Acting quickly before the pillars get destroyed, Peter grabs the vase with a web shot and places it in front of the Beast.

"Let's hope this works." Peter mutters as he recalls a spell that he read about from his time in the library of Kamar Taj. "Nox snd opacatissimam appello hiemem coldesr. offerens sangui- nem unici mei et corporis inimici mei, posco pro oower signare hanc bestiam in vase gvis."

As Peter begins to speak, a single yet complicated spell circle forms on the ground under the vase.

When the circle was fully formed, Peter took off a single glove and summoned a golden knife, cutting his palm and smearing and dripping it onto the circle.

As the blood touches the spell, the room turns a pitch darker and gets many degrees colder than before. Peter could even see his breath in the air.

"Ahhhhhh!" The Beast yelled as its muscles flexed and pulled the many pillars apart, freeing itself. "I changed my mind. Your death will be long and painful!"

As the Beast was about to lash out at Peter, the spell circle levitated off the floor and stuck itself to the vase. Instantly, dark tendrils shoot out of the vase and wrap around the beast's large form.

As the tendrils circle around the Beast, an icy chill fills the room as the demon's restricted body begins to freeze over.

"Argh!" The Beasts exclaimed in pain as the ice covers its entire body.

Soon, the tendrils completely engulf the demon and begin to slowly shrink, retreating back into the vase with ease.

As the Beast disappears into the pot, a pitch black lid appears on top, sealing it away completely.

Taking a calming breath, Peter turned around, expecting to see the dead bodies of the innocent servants. What he didn't expect to see were the servants sleeping peacefully without any injury and a familiar bald woman standing nearby.

"Good work, Peter."

A/N: 1735 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES. As a former king, I now lay in wait for my enemies to slip up. Once they do I'll pounce like a lion and reclaim my former glory! 🤴]


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