I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 62: Spidey VS Beast (2)

Chapter 62: Spidey VS Beast (2)

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 10 chapters ahead at chapter 72. I took the entire weekend off and now it's time to grind again. I'll be writing 2 chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After a moment of being electrocuted, the Beast backed away, keeping a good distance from the walls and doors.

Although he was just electrocuted with enough power to kill a herd of elephants, the Beast wasn't hurt at all. In fact, all this did was trap and anger the chubby demon.

"You won't be able to leave." Peter says as he sees the Beast eyeing the enchanted walls. "This spell was crafted by someone far stronger than me."

Although Peter was fairly confident after trapping this demon, he has never fought something like this before so this was fairly nerve-wracking for him.

Especially since he would have to fight this demon with the Mystic Arts. His other powers would come in handy, but when fighting dimensional beings, the Mystic Arts will always have an advantage.

This would be his first real fight while using the Mystic Arts, not counting the portals that he uses for convenience.

"Hmm, I've never personally dealt with a Sorcerer before, but I bet that this will disappear once you're dead." The Beast says as it turns its giant form toward Peter, who was psyching himself up mentally.

'You got this. It's just a low-level demon. The Ancient One eats guys like this for breakfast.' Peter thought as he heard what the Beast said. "Maybe, maybe not."

As he says this, Peter throws his hands up and summons the Tao Mandalas, which appear on his fists with a burst of golden light.

"I guess you'll have to find out?" Peter says as he waits for the demon to make the first move.

Without a word, the demon morphs into a shadowy figure, which launches toward Peter at lightning speed. Peter blocked with the Tao Mandalas, wanting to test their defensive power early on.

As the Beasts shadowy form struck the Eldritch shields, a grunt of surprise emanated from the shadow, not expecting to be stopped as its shadow form can usually move through anything.

When the Beast struck the shields with enough force to send Peter sliding backward into the wall, Peter's body touched the golden force field, which sent an electric current into his body.


"Hahahaha!" The Beast laughs gleefully as it's body forms once again. "I'm not the only one trapped here, eh?"

The beast's mood instantly brightened. It's heard all about the sorcerers of earth during its time hiding away, but maybe this one was a weaker sorcerer? If so, then the Beast's luck was good.

A vessel with the knowledge of a sorcerer is the greatest prize he could ask for.

"Ugh!" Peter grunted as he kicked off the force field he created, no longer feeling the Lightning coursing through his body. 'That was dumb...'

The spider suit mitigated a lot of the shock he felt, but it still hurt like a b*tch.

Although Peter is susceptible to the trap he laid, he wasn't as trapped as the Beast believed. Technically, Peter could portal away at any moment, leaving the demon and the Hand to rot in the throne room.

He wouldn't do that though. This is the perfect opportunity to test his skills in the Mystic Arts. As well as fight a strong opponent that he could handle. The strongest opponent Peter has fought so far is Iron Monger, and he left most of the fight to Tony.

'Note to self, stay away from the walls and ceiling.' Peter thought as he realized that he unknowingly nerfed himself. 'Eh, whatever. I got this.'

After testing the Tao mandalas, the shield on his right fist disappeared, and in its place appeared a large golden war hammer, which Peter handled one-handed with ease.

With a weapon in one hand and a shield in the other, Peter dashed forward and wound back the hammer over his shoulder.

As Peter appeared before the huge figure of the Beast, he slammed the hammer toward its large bulging stomach.

As the attack was close to hitting, the demon morphed into its shadow form and escaped the hit, remembering how it couldn't phase through the shield from earlier. Normally, the Beast would make use of its intangible form instead of physically dodging, but that was impossible against Peter.

*Swish... Bang!*

As the hammer missed its mark and smashed into the floor, the force field appeared for a brief moment, saving the stone floor from damage.

A game of cat and mouse ensued as Peter chased after the Beast, who seemed to be far quicker in his shadow form than his obese body would allow.

On the sidelines, the four founders of the hand watched on with nervous expressions plastered on their faces. They thought that the Beast would make quick work of Spider-Man, yet thoughts like that no longer existed in their minds.

Now they were wondering who would win and weren't sure who to route for...

The Beast has taken advantage of their organization for thousands of years, and they only follow him these days out of fear, so if Spider-Man could kill him then he would be doing the Hand a service.

The problem comes after that though. What would Spider-Man do with them?

"If you're just going to run, I'll try something else." Peter mutters as the shield and hammer disappear.

Waving his hand, multiple spell circles drew themselves around Peter's body. Seeing this as an opening, the Beast launches forward, reaching its large hand at Peter's unguarded neck.

As the Beast was inches away from Peter's throat, the spell circles finished forming and countless tiny hummingbirds made of golden energy come pouring out. The room fills with the sound of birds chirping, as these birds act like homing missiles, each of them locking onto the demon. flying forward in a huge flock, faster than any normal bird could possibly move.

"F*ck!" The Beast yelled in anger as its hand was nearly around Peter's neck.

Not willing to abandon the attack, the demon dashes forward, hoping to rip Peter's throat out before the birds can get to him. As his hand wrapped around Peter's throat, the flock of birds smashed into the Beast's chest, each one exploding upon contact.

*Boom Boom Boom...*

Explosions echo in the underground chamber as the towering demon is sent flying backward. His hand nearly wrapped fully around Peters neck, but the birds intervened and don't let up. As the demon gets launched back, the birds continue forward, following the Beast's every movement.

The explosions continue as the Beast is blown up and around the room over and over. The only reason the underground throne room hasn't collapsed yet is thanks to Peter's trap spell taking all of the damage in its place.

As the Beast is flying around the room, propelled by the constant exploding birds, the hand and other servants in the room took cover behind the large stone throne and towering pillars. None of them have ever seen such a crazy fight in their entire lives.

Even in K'un-Lun, where each founder of the hand originated, they only practice chi manipulation, which is nothing compared to the magic they're seeing today.

Although the servants were scared, with every added explosion, they started becoming hopeful. Each of them was taken from their homes and families to serve that grotesque monster, like nothing but slaves, so they were wholeheartedly routing for Spider-Man.

Soon enough, the birds ended up pinning the Beast to a corner of the room, where another 30-ish explosions rang out before there wasn't a single bird left and the spell circles faded.

Left in the corner of the room was nothing but a puddle of blood along with some chunks of meat. This was all that was left of the great Beast that used the Hand as entertainment and servants for thousands of years.

"Hmm, that spell was stronger than I thought..." Peter mutters as the smoke cleared and he sees his handy work. "I'll have to thank Master Hamir for showing it to me."

As Peter says this, the blood and chunks of the demon begin to ripple and writhe around. Nobody notices this but Peter though.

The servants begin to cry and cheer for their freedom, while the Hand stare in shock and awe. They were frightened as to what Spider-Man had in store for them.

Thinking and acting quickly, Alexandra Reid moves forward and bows before Peter.

"Black Sky." She mutters, causing the Ninja in the room to move forward and bow as well. "We, the Hand, submit ourselves to you fully."

She planned to survive by simply switching one master for another. At least this new master was most likely human, stronger than the last, and wouldn't eat or torture them as the Beast did.

"Black Sky?" Peter muttered in confusion as the other three founders of the hand moved forward and bowed as well.

They didn't feel like dying today either.

Peter didn't watch a lot of the Daredevil show or know a lot about the comics so he had no clue what 'Black Sky' meant. Though he knew what this old sly woman was doing.

"You traitorous scum!" A deep demonic voice fills the throne room as the meat and blood combined and began to grow into a resident evil monster that only slightly resembled the Beast from moments earlier. "You would bend the knee to another so easily?"

A/N: 1570 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king, it is my duty to exploit the common folk. Hand the stones over or face punishment... Smelly peasant.]


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