I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 64: Take the Hand?

Chapter 64: Take the Hand?

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 11 chapters ahead at chapter 75. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"Good work, Peter." The Ancient One commends her student's work. "I give you a passing grade. You could have simply sealed the demon sooner, which wouldn't have risked these people's lives, but this is your first encounter with a dimensional being so I won't hold that against you."

The Ancient One jumps right into teacher mode and begins listing all of the mistakes Peter made in this encounter. From getting electrocuted by his own spell twice, to not noticing the fumes in the room earlier on.

"Speaking of that nasty gas..." The Ancient One mutters in disgust as she waves her hand.

Instantly, the spell trapping everyone in the room shatters and a powerful gust of wind blows into the throne room, clearing out the rage-inducing fumes.

"That should do." She says as Peter turns to the group of ninjas on the side, who are asleep as well. "You should calm down soon enough."

The Ancient One didn't bother saving the Hand ninja as she had no sympathy for them, so a good few of them are either bleeding out or already dead. The servants were innocent, but the Hand certainly was not.

Of course, the four fingers of the Hand are alive and untouched, as none of their subordinates were able to land a single hit on them.

"How long have you been here?" Peter asks as he conjures a spell circle, which heals the wounded ninja.

He didn't watch much of the Daredevil show, but he watched enough to know about the ninja that the Hand recruits from dojos all around the world. Indoctrination and brainwashing was the name of the game. Pretty much whatever the Hand could do to build their army.

Peter felt bad for them after seeing their situation in his past life, so he couldn't just leave them there to die.

"Since you sent the text." The Ancient One replies, not commenting on her student's actions. "I must say that I'm impressed. Obviously, there were some failures, but for someone so new to the Mystic Arts, your performance was far better than anyone I've seen in a long time."

"Thanks." Peter says as he scratches the back of his head abashedly.

Peter doesn't know what to do when he gets complimented like this. He always feels odd and out of place, but he enjoys it nonetheless.

"Where have you been?" Peter asks as she hasn't answered any of his texts or calls.

"Let's talk about that later. I heard that you were looking for me. Something about mind arts?" The Ancient One asks.

"Yes, I ran into a telepath. He's friendly, but I'd like to build up some defenses. I've already placed an enchantment..." Peter explains about the Enchantment on the back of his head and the meta-humans he met.

"Turn around." She instructs and Peter turns as she touches the back of his head, causing the enchantment to glow. "You did well with this. It should be more than enough to keep that telepath out. Though a Master of the Mystic Arts could get through with a moderate amount of effort."

"Can you teach me how to block them?" Peter asks as he turns back around.

"I'll add it to the list." The Ancient One nods.

"Thanks." Peter says gratefully as an idea appears in his mind. "Hey, do you want to join the Avengers?"


After asking that question, the Ancient One didn't give Peter a concrete answer, most likely unsure of whether she should involve herself, as she probably has the short rest of her life planned out to the last second.

Peter didn't want her to die as she did in the movies, so he would do his best to get her to change her fate. Starting with having her taking a more active role than she did in the movies.

He's here to change things, so hopefully, he can save those that shouldn't have died.

Before leaving the underground chamber, the Ancient One took the sealed demon and the sleeping servants away with her. She would stash the demon pot somewhere safe and return the civilians to their homes.

As for the Ninja, Peter didn't know what to do with them, so he sent the fingers of the Hand to join Murakami and Nobu in the mirror dimension.

The other surviving ninjas were a whole other story. Peter was confused as to what he should do with them. Not just these few ninjas either, as the whole of the Hand was still a thing.

Peter didn't want to just allow a new person or persons to take control of such a powerful organization, as they could be worse than the founders.

The image of them kneeling towards him and calling him that odd name appeared in his mind at that moment.

'Black Sky...' Peter pondered as he woke one of the ninjas with a spell that dumped water on their head.

"Huh?!" The Ninja shoots up and looks around in confusion, unwrapping his head covering, revealing a man of Japanese descent.

[Insert picture of MCU Scythe here]

"Stand up!" Peter orders bossily.

They bowed to him before, so Peter thought the best way to get answers was to act like he was in control.

It worked.

The second this man turned to see who was talking, he jumped to his feet and straighten his back, waiting for Peter's orders.

"What's your name?" Peter asks.

"Scythe, Black Sky!" Scythe answers respectfully.

"What is Black Sky?" Peter asks.

"The Black Sky is said to be the one to lead the Hand. He or she will be the one to accomplish our ultimate goal, Immortality. You're the Black Sky as the founders said." Scythe answers once again, looking around for the four fingers. "Sir, where are..."

"They angered me so they're currently being punished." Peter interrupts, knowing what he was asking. "Who are the highest ranking members of the Hand, we need to call a meeting."

"Um, a lot of them are currently in Japan. The founders brought many of their subordinates to deal with..." Scythe stops himself before he could anger Peter.

"To deal with me. Okay, wake up everyone that's still alive. We're leaving." Peter says as his suit turns black and he walks out of the underground chamber. "Don't keep me waiting long. I'll be at the helicopter."

Peter didn't know what he was doing and was truly winging it right now. He knew that he didn't want to leave the Hand to itself as that would be irresponsible, but he also didn't want to run an ancient ninja organization.

He's already busy with the Avengers and everything else...

'Maybe...' Peter thought as an idea began forming.


While waiting for the ninja to come out, Peter pulled out his ghost phone and called Magneto. He planned to call him after the UN meeting, before all of this craziness started.

*ring ring ring...*

"Hello?" Erik answers with annoyance clear in his voice.

"Yo, it's your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," Peter says over the phone.

"Who are you talking to!? Hang up, we're not done here!" A gruff and angry voice is heard on the other side of the call.

Suddenly, the call becomes muffled but Peter could still slightly hear what was said.

"Victor, if you don't leave right now, I'm going to impale you to the side of a cliff and leave you there for weeks." Magneto threatens as some yelling and banging can be heard before he returns to the call. "I apologize for that. What can I do for you."

"We need to schedule a meeting..."


Once the ninjas were woken up, they rushed out of the building to find an all-black Spider-Man waiting by the helicopter that they lured him to the temple with.

"Let's go, take me to the Hand headquarters, main base, or whatever." Peter says as he gets into the backseat.

Without a second thought, the ninjas jump to Peter's words, following his ever whim without a second thought. The moment four fingers of the hand bowed to him and pretty much named him the messiah, whatever brainwashing or indoctrination kicked in, making Peter their de facto leader.

As the helicopter flew back to the city, the Hand ninja in the helicopter didn't know what to say or do. Most of them removed their face coverings and were nervously peaking at Peter, who was on his phone texting Tony.

Peter- Tell Fury we have a meeting with Magneto tomorrow at 5 pm. I'll bring him to your house in LA.

Tony- Why do we have to invite the super-powered maniac to my house? Let's bring him to yours instead.

Peter- He isn't a maniac and my house has my family in it. You live alone and you're moving anyway. Stop being a baby.

Tony- ...fine just keep him away from my suit.

Peter- I see, you're scared since he can beat you easily, huh?

Tony- ...

Peter- Maybe make a suit that isn't metal?

Tony- Good idea! Want to swing by and assist?

Peter- Nope, I'm busy. See you tomorrow.

As Peter finishes the conversation, he puts his phone away and sees that the helicopter was landing at the top of a tall skyscraper.

"Lead the way." Peter says as a ninja opens the doors for him and he steps out onto the rooftop. "We need to call a meeting."

A/N: 1570 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! I sleep 😴 💤 🛌]


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