I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 49: Enemy Movement

Chapter 49: Enemy Movement

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 64. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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As soon as Peter found a safe place to portal away, he immediately went straight to Kamar Taj, hoping to find a way to protect his mind from Professor Xavier and any other telepath he'll most likely soon run into.

Peter still didn't think that Charles would read his mind without permission, but people in the real world are different from their comic book counterparts.

He would just rather be safe than sorry. Especially since Peter is trying to absorb the X-men into his Avengers plan. Professor X may decide to give his mind a quick read to make sure Peter's intentions are in the right place, which they are but he doesn't know that for sure.

Arriving in the same room where Peter originally met the Ancient One, he begins his search with her usual stomping grounds. Sadly, upon asking around, Peter was informed that the Ancient One left to take care of something undisclosed.

After asking some experienced Masters about protection against telepaths, Peter was shown to a section in the library of Kamar Taj that contained books that pertained to the mind.

They showed him to the section and left, not offering even a single word of advice.

"Sigh... I can't believe I'm back here again..." Peter muttered in despair, as he looked over his shoulder at the table that he once used to sit at during the earlier stages of his learning.

Looking through the books on the shelf, Peter found a couple that looked promising and took them back to the table.

"I should really find a way to read faster..."


As Peter was back to his grind in the library, the world outside was not calm.

As soon as one of the Hand Ninjas broke free from Peter's webs, they cut the rest free as well before rushing to find their Master, Murakami, who was nowhere to be found.

Usually, their Master wouldn't like involving the other Fingers of the Hand in his business, so the ninja were reluctant to inform them right away. Though that reluctance soon disappeared as none of them could find a trace of Murakami.

They searched all of Tokyo, yet no matter where they looked, their master was nowhere to be found.

By this point, the highest ranking Ninja contacted the other fingers of the hand, explaining their predicament.

Each one sent back similar answers.

'I'll be there soon...'

'Fueling the jet now...'

'I'm on the way...'

'This idiot... I'm coming...'

All of them were shocked that Murakami would pick a fight with Spider-Man, not having a clue as to what was going on, as Murakami is a secretive man. Though they were all confident in taking down Spider-Man with their combined strength.


The Hand wasn't the only one to mobilize on that day.

In the Presidential Suite of a French Hotel, a man who seems to be the same age as Professor Charles Xavier sits on a balcony overlooking the city below.

A dark wine red metal helmet sat on the table in front of him and three metal marbles hover and rotate over his open palm.

[Insert picture of Magneto here]

Erik Lehnsherr, also known as Magneto is a mutant with the ability to manipulate magnetic fields to his will and control metallic objects. He was a founding member of the X-Men but later left the group to form the Brotherhood of Mutants, which became a sort of rival organization to the X-Men.

Magneto firmly believes that mutants should fight back against their human oppressors by any means necessary. An ideal that conflicted with the goals of his longtime close friend Charles Xavier, who sought a more pacifist approach to mutant prosperity. As such, Magneto was often an adversary to the X-men but would team up with them when the situation called for it.

While Erik was enjoying the view with a warm cup of coffee, a smartphone on the table buzzed and lit up with a message from a person name Raven.

Grabbing and unlocking the phone, he saw that the message was just a video. Tapping play, the screen fills and the video plays.

Silently watching the entire video, Magneto couldn't help but shake his head at his old chair-bound friend, Charles, who was speaking in front of the United Nations about the coming emergence of their species.


Though something odd happens soon after. Spider-Man appears in the video speaking about ideas his old friend didn't think of and giving his two cents in the matter.

"Do you think it's a good idea to classify yourselves as mutants?"

"...naming them after horror movie monsters is the worst way..."

"...We can't just segregate all meta-humans to your school. That won't solve the problem. The world needs to see meta-humans as just another race added to the mix."

"Meta-humans, Huh?" Magneto finally speaks as the video ended. "Doesn't sound so bad..."

Erik didn't know if Spider-Man was a mutant or not, but the man seemed to have his people's best interests at heart. Though Charles has their best interest at heart as well, so it all depends on which side Spider-Man would take.

The idealist or the realist. Of course, the idealist being Charles and the realist being Erik.

Tapping a few times on his phone, Magneto sets it down and returns inside to pack his bags.

The phone was still lit with two messages shown below the video he just watched.

Erik- I'll be there soon. It's been a while since I've seen Charles.

Raven- I'll have a hotel booked for your arrival.


Unaware of the sh*tstorm heading his way, Peter spent the whole day in the library until he found the perfect way to protect his mind. At least until he could safely start practicing personal energies and build up his own telepathic skills and defenses.

His solution came in the form of a fairly complicated enchantment, which is placed on the back of the head. Sadly, the enchantment leaves a mark unlike the protection Peter places on his friends and family.

Thankfully, Peter has hair so the mark won't be noticeable unless he shaves his head like the Ancient One.

The Enchantment is supposed to put up a mental barrier around the enchanters mind, but that's not all. When that barrier is attacked, it redirects that energy back at the attacker with the same intensity.

As long as the person doesn't try too hard after hitting the barrier, they'll only encounter a slight migraine that will last a few minutes.

Though if someone continues to assault Peter's mind even after the migraine occurs, they could do some serious damage to themselves. A brain hemorrhage(brain bleed) could happen which would then cause a stroke or other serious side effects.

If someone tried hard enough and fought through the pain, they could probably kill themselves.

After spending half the night practicing the enchantment, so he doesn't blow his brains out of his eye sockets on accident, Peter finally placed the enchantment on himself.

He hasn't tested it and he doesn't know how he would go about doing that other than asking a Master to read his mind. Though Peter wasn't sure if he wanted to risk it.

Some overzealous Master may try showing off and bypass it somehow. Peter would rather just wait for the Ancient One as he trusts her. It's hard not to after spending so much time with the woman.

Checking his phone, Peter saw that the Ancient One didn't answer his text yet, which means she's probably in some other dimension.

'I guess that I'll just have to wait for her to get back and hope it works until then.' Peter thought as he portal'd home and hopped into bed.

Before heading off to sleep, Peter looked up some more Christmas presents. He has less than a week until Christmas dinner at MJ's house, so he needed to get everything beforehand. After ordering the last of his presents and some wrapping paper, Peter wrapped himself up in blankets and knocked out.


While Peter slept soundly, multiple private jets filled with the leaders of the Hand alongside their small armies flew to Japan. These planes would land long before Peter woke up the next morning.

As for Magneto, he would make it to Japan long before the Hand. With the help of his Omega-level power, which basically means he is in the upper echelon of Mutants, Erik encased himself in some scrap metal and flew to his destination at speeds well above Mach 2.

A/N: 1438 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king, your lives are in my hands. With but a single word, I could have you and your fellow brethren slaughtered. Hand over the tax. Don't test me.]


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