I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 48: Avengers x X-men?

Chapter 48: Avengers x X-men?

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 63. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"...If you want these 'mutants' to avoid discrimination, then naming them after horror movie monsters is the worst way to go about it." Peter says, causing Charles to look dumbfounded.

"I-I didn't..." He mutters into the microphone, shocked by his huge blunder.

"I get it." Peter says with an understanding nod. "You didn't mean for it to come across that way. Since mutant sounds like a slur, maybe meta-human would make a better name?"

Charles calmed down slightly and nods in reply. He didn't think such a scientific label would cause this much of an issue.

"Sadly, the public won't be so welcoming to this new race of meta-humans. Just look at the past exploitation of African Americans or the disgusting actions of Nazis against Jews. The emergence of a new race will most definitely cause some waves. Especially since this race is inherently dangerous. A child could unlock his X-gene and shoot fire from his hand, accidentally burning down an entire apartment building." Peter explains, causing worry and shock to fill everyone's faces.

"I understand your point but..." Charles interjects, but Peter cuts him off.

"I don't say this as a way to scare everyone into hating meta-humans. See? That sounds a lot better, doesn't it?" Peter clarifies with a smirk, causing everyone to nod in agreement. "I say it as a precaution for what's to come. If we are going to welcome this new race of people into the world, which I think is a wonderful thing, then certain protections need to be put into place. For both parties, not just meta-humans."

What Peter was saying really connected with everyone in the room. They all seemed to gravitate toward his words.

"How many of these new humans do you expect to awaken their X-gene in the next ten years?" Obama asks, joining the conversation.

"The current calculation is .00002 percent of the world's population will unlock their X-gene in the next ten years." Charles answers after a moment of thought.

"So, around 1400 people, huh?" Peter says, instantly doing the math in his head. "That's surprisingly manageable..."

"Yes, which is why I'm here." Charles uses Peter's statement as a springboard to start speaking again. "We, as people of this planet, can set things in motion so that these meta-humans-" he sends a thankful nod to Peter. "-don't become the next slaves or some subhuman species that everyone is afraid of."

"There are risks though, as Spider-Man mentioned..." The Russian representative speaks.

"I did say that but risks can be accounted for and mitigated with preparation. Especially when we're dealing with such a low number like 1400. We also have to remember that the ones unlocking this gene, more often than not, will be children." Peter interjects.

"Scared children..." Charles clarifies with a nod.

"Dealing with emotional super-powered children certainly won't be fun, but at the end of the day, we can't just sit back and let things play out. That's how people like Hitler come into power and atrocities take place." Peter says, once again receiving nods of agreement all around.

"I already have to deal with emotional children at home. If they suddenly awakened superpowers, then God helps us all..." The representative from Saudi Arabia jokes, getting a round of laughter from the parents in the room.

"Then how should we go about handling this?" Obama asks.

"A boarding school!" Charles says with an excited smile.

"That's not a bad idea, but it's far too simple." Peter says, instantly wiping the smile from Xavier's face. "I agree that some sort of school should be put in place. These children will need to learn how to control their powers after all, but what about the rest of the world? We can't just segregate all meta-humans to your school. That won't solve the problem. The world needs to see meta-humans as just another race added to the mix."

Everyone around the room started getting headaches as they instantly knew that this was going to take up so much of their time.

As Peter was about to finish his point, someone mentioned the time and the meeting came to a close. Charles would have to come back tomorrow to finish, but he expected that already.

'Maybe I can combine the X-men with my Avengers plan?' Peter thought as he watched Xavier roll off the stage.

Before following the president to their meeting with the representative from the United Kingdom, Peter stayed behind and waited for Xavier

"Charles!" Peter says and Xavier instantly turns his chair. "Come with me. We should talk."

Charles nods as he rolls up to Peter followed by a brown-skinned woman with white hair, dressed in all black.

[Insert picture of Storm here]

'Storm, Huh? I always thought that she had the coolest powers in the X-men.' Peter thought.

Storm can control the weather and atmosphere and is considered to be one of the most powerful mutants on the planet.

'I wonder who else joined up with Charles already?' Peter thought as he held his hand out. "Hello, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Spider-Man."

"Charles Xavier." He says and shakes Peter's hand.

"You are?" Peter turns to Storm and extends his hand to her as well.

"Ororo Munroe." She says and gives Peter a quick shake before pulling away.

"Good to meet you two. Now follow along. We have a meeting to get to." Peter says as he turns and starts walking.

As Peter leads them to a meeting room in the building, the President and the UK representative looked at them in confusion.

"Are we involving Professor Xavier in this?" Obama asks.

"Yep, everyone take a seat." Peter says as he makes room for Charles at the table before sitting down himself.

"What's this all about?" Charles asks before anyone else.

"There's so much that needs to be talked about that I don't even know where to start..." Peter says as he goes into a long-winded explanation of the Avengers Initiative plan.

"That sounds like something we'll need. Especially after learning about these muta... Ahem, meta-humans." The UK representative was very energetic about the Avengers plan.

'Thank you, X-men!' Peter thought happily, as Charles seems to have helped push things into motion.

Hearing his slip of the tongue, Charles knew that he messed up when labeling his people as Mutants. Thankfully, Spider-Man was there to set everyone straight. He can only hope that it wasn't too late though.

"Why are we here? I only wish to build a school." Charles asks, not willing to involve his children in this.

"I believe we can combine our efforts." Peter says, getting a skeptical look from both Storm and Charles. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I have no plan to use school children as soldiers or anything like that. Though these children will grow up one day and at that point they can make their own choices. Now, not all of them would be interested in becoming a hero, but some may find the job appealing."

"The Avengers happen to have a very wealthy backing as well." Peter says referring to Tony. "We could easily fund anything you would ever need."

The room goes silent as Charles went into deep thought. He didn't plan to work with anyone, but Spider-Man was so influential in their society that it was hard to say no.

Peter didn't say it, but with his backing, meta-humans would have a far easier time being accepted into the world. Spider-Man commands a fan base of more than half a billion people from all around the world and that following only grows with each passing day.

Proof of this showed in the UN meeting they just sat through. Normally, some random person wouldn't be allowed in the room, yet Spider-Man was there and even spoke freely without repercussion.

"I-I need some time to think." Charles says as he wheels himself out of the room.

"That's okay." Peter nods as he writes down his ghost phones number, handing it to Storm as she followed Charles out of the room. "Call me with your decision. There's a lot that we need to iron out after all."

Once the X-men left the room, Peter turned to the UK's representative.

"So, are you on board?" Peter asks hopefully.

"Yes, 100%." He says with a vigorous nod. "With the way things are going, the world will need something like this more than ever."

'One down and four more to go.' Peter thought happily. "Good, then you two work on the next meeting. Maybe contact South Korea next?"

"You want me to help as well?" The UK representative asks in surprise.

"Yup, you're involved now so you might as well help out." Peter says as he stands and walks toward the door. "See you two tomorrow."

A/N: 1496 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! I'm lazy but I am king so respect me and give stones. Now.]


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