I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 50: UN Scuffle

Chapter 50: UN Scuffle

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 65. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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When Peter woke up the next day, some of the packages he originally ordered had arrived already. After sneaking them into his room before May could snoop around, Peter completed his morning rituals and returned to Japan to accompany the president.

They have a meeting with the representative from South Korea today after all. With the UK on board, only four more countries needed to join.

Peter technically has school today but missing a few days here and there means nothing to him. With his current grades, the teachers wouldn't mind and MJ would bring him any work he missed. She and Ned know he's busy in Japan dealing with the Avengers plan anyway.

While riding in the convoy leading to the UN building with the President by his side, Peter scrolled through his phone looking for texts from the Ancient One and Professor X.

Sadly, neither of them contacted him yet.

He wasn't worried about the Ancient One, as she is more than strong enough to handle any situation.

Charles on the other hand was probably still thinking about whether to take Peter's offer or not. Hopefully, he would come to a decision today.

While enjoying the ride, Peter looked up any information on the UN meeting from yesterday, yet he couldn't find a single article on mutants or meta-humans.

'No one leaked it yet?' Peter thought in surprise.

Although the information hasn't been leaked, it's just a matter of time until someone wants to make some quick money.

'Maybe I should speak to Charles about starting a Public Relations campaign on meta-humans before the media finds out...' Peter thought.

When they arrived at the UN building, Peter sent a good morning text with a heart to MJ, explaining that he was in Japan still.

Peter made Ned, MJ, and May their own Ghost phones, so they could talk and text about sensitive information without Shield or Hydra snooping.

Put his phone away, Peter followed the President and his many secret servicemen inside.


After sitting through some boring nonsense, Charles rolled his way up to the podium on the stage yet again, ready to finish his presentation from yesterday.

Peter could see Storm at the side of the stage, accompanying the Professor once again.

As he parked next to the podium and grabbed the microphone, Charles tried to speak but suddenly the building began to shake and creak.

"What's happening?"

"Is this an..."


The worldwide representatives were surprised and scared as some ducked under their desks.

Peter looked toward a certain wall, where he could sense someone floating in the air outside of the building.

'Is it?' Peter had a good idea of who was behind the wall.

Professor X is here after all. His nemesis wouldn't be too far behind, would he?

Instantly, Peter took his phone out of his pocket and opened a mini-portal under the desk, throwing it inside stealthily. Every portion of Peter's suit is metal-free, so the only object on his person that could be used against him is his cellphone.

Once his ghost phone was sent to his bedroom, Peter closed the portal and sat back, casually watching the show that would unfold. He would act if people started fighting and endangering the innocent individuals in the room, but it looks more like Magneto wants to make a grand entrance.

Looking over at Peter, the President sees his spider friend's calm demeanor while looking at a portion of the wall. As Obama looked over at the wall as well, suddenly a huge chunk of it breaks off and floats away from the building.

As the huge chunk of the UN building floats away, they could all hear the sound of the metal pipes underneath creaking and rattling.

When the broken piece of the building crashes to the ground outside, the sun's rays stream into the meeting hall, but something floated in the air, blocking a portion of the light.

"Charles!" A voice fills the area as a human-shaped outline floats into the building. "It's good to see you again, old friend."

"Erik..." Professor X replies curtly as Magneto enters the building, metal helmet and all.

Almost instantly, Storm rushes to the Professor's side, ready to fight at any moment as she glares in Magneto's direction. Clouds begin to form outside as the low rumbling of thunder can be heard in the distance.

"...Put your hands up..." A particularly brave security officer pulls his pistol and aims it at Magneto shakily.

Sighing to himself, Peter acts before Erik could and shoots a web at the weapon, pulling it out of the man's grasp.

Everyone in the room saw this and looked at Peter in shock, not expecting Spider-Man to help this intruder. Even President Obama looked at Peter with surprise and a small amount of suspicion.

"Don't look at me like that. He used the metal pipes in the wall to make his entrance. It's obvious that he has some sort of metal manipulation powers. Do you think some bullets will do anything but make him angry?" Peter comments with a shrug, causing every security officer to unsurely and reluctantly lower their weapons.

A look of realization instantly filled everyone's faces, as they looked at Spider-Man apologetically for their earlier thoughts. Especially the President.

"Are you sure you aren't one of us, Spider-Man? That kind of quick thinking can only come from a mutant..." Erik says as a small smile graces his lips. "...Or is it meta-human now?"

Magneto seemed to forget about the man that drew his gun on him, which was good as Peter would have to act if the man started attacking innocent people.

"I don't know if I'm a meta-human, but I wouldn't mind either way." Peter answers with a shrug. "Though shouldn't you be introducing yourself. Maybe land while you're at it? I don't feel like looking up while I'm talking to someone. It feels disrespectful."

While Peter is talking with Erik, Charles and Storm have been talking over some sort of earpieces. They seemed to be communicating with other members of the X-men.

"I would love to introduce myself and speak with you, but it seems my presence has attracted a few flies..." Magneto replies as he can hear Charles and Storm's conversation.

Their earpieces have some metal in them, so Erik could easily listen in. Charles could probably use telepathy instead of earpieces, but the X-men are most likely uncomfortable with having him in their heads.

Suddenly, a thin blue mist fills a small portion of the area near Charles and Storm and two very recognizable individuals appear.

The first person was hard not to look at, as his indigo-colored velvety fur, blue skin, two-toed feet, three-fingered hands, yellow eyes, pointed ears, and prehensile tail was truly shocking at first glance.

[Insert picture of Nightcrawler here]

Nightcrawler possesses superhuman agility, the ability to teleport, and adhesive hands and feet.

The other person looked exactly like a scruffy-haired and bearded Hugh Jackman. As soon as he appeared alongside the blue beast man, the Hugh Jackman look-a-like appeared to be disoriented and off balance, as three metal claws extended out from between his knuckles.

[Insert picture of Wolverine here]

Wolverine is a mutant who possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, a powerful regenerative ability known as a healing factor, and three retractable claws in each hand.

'Wolverine and...' Peter couldn't recall the blue man's name.

"Kurt, I specifically said not to bring Logan..." Charles admonished with a tired sigh.

"He wouldn't let go..." Nightcrawler answers, giving an annoyed look toward Wolverine.

"There's no way I'm sitting on the sidelines!" Logan says as he sends a death glare toward Magneto while growling. "This f*cker sent me flying for miles last time! I need some good old fashion revenge."

Every normal person in the room watched this play out without a clue as to what was going on. First, an intruder with superpowers breaks in and now two beast-like people somehow appear out of nowhere. This is the most confusing and scary situation all of them have ever been in.

"I would appreciate it if you kept your revenge for another day." Peter speaks up, drawing attention towards himself. "I'm trying to have a conversation with Erik here. That is your name, right?"

"Yes, but some call me Magneto." Erik replies, sending a taunting smirk in the X-men's direction.

"Listen here, bub." Logan looks to Spider-Man as he points an accusing claw toward Magneto. "I don't know who you are, but this doesn't concern you. Stay out of it!"

"How do you not know Spider-Man?" Kurt mutters in shock.

Logan swiftly ignores Spider-Mans words and launches himself toward Magneto, who was still floating mid-air with an infuriating smile plastered all over his face.

"Sigh, you brought this on yourself." Peter muttered as he shot a web at Logan's back.

"Huh?" Wolverine grunts in surprise as Peter yanks the web, pulling Logan back and smashing him into the ground, breaking through to the floor below.


"I will say it again." Peter addresses everyone in the hall. "I'm trying to have a civil conversation. The next person to..."

As Peter was speaking, Wolverine shoots out of the hole in the floor, thrusting his sharp claws in Peter's direction.

A/N: 1572 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Formations! A usurper has taken my throne! Form up and get into position. Stones at the ready! We must take back what is ours!]


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