I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 47: X

Chapter 47: X

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 62. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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As Nobu and Murakami fell through the portal, Peter made his exit, returning home for the night to get some sleep.

Nobu and Murakami were both sent to the mirror dimension, where they would be trapped, as neither has a sling ring or practices the Mystic Arts.

Peter debated on sending them to some other dimension, like the negative zone, but the risk of running into other cosmic entities or somehow empowering the two prisoners was too large to ignore.

They wouldn't have the slightest clue how to break out anyway, so Peter wasn't worried in the slightest.

As for the countless hand ninja left behind, Peter didn't bother dealing with them anymore. He could trap them in the mirror dimension as well, but dealing with so many people would leak his many powers in the Mystic Arts.

Peter would have to kill them all or wipe their minds in order to keep his secret, and that was all just too much of a hassle.

Leaving them behind will tip off the rest of the Hand, but it's not like Peter can't deal with some ninja. Even Murakami, who is one of the 5 most powerful people in the Hand, was fairly easy to deal with.

Returning home and hopping into bed, Peter leaves his two prisoners in the mirror dimension and would be visiting them in the morning.


Walking through a portal to the Mirror dimension, Peter was instantly attacked by Nobu and Murakami, who both tried to kick him away and sprint through the portal.

Smirking, as he knew this would happen, Peter allowed the two to kick him, but once they got near the portal, Peter controlled the portal and made it move just out of reach, taunting the two prisoners.

"Is that the way you should be greeting your captor?" Peter comments as he flips to his feet.

Neither prisoner gave up though, as both of them kept sprinting at the portal, which closed slowly, taunting them even more.

Sadly for them, as Murakami tried to dive through, the portal closed completely and he ended up crashing onto the ground defeatedly.

"It's nice to officially meet you, I'm Spider-Man. I see that Nobu got you out of the ball." Peter greets Murakami as the man himself stands to his feet, ready to engage Peter in combat. "You should calm down. You'll be stuck here for a while anyway. No need to tire yourselves out."

Murakami didn't listen and dashed at Peter, thrusting his palm forward with the skill of a millennia-old master.

Stepping to the side with his hands behind his back, Peter easily dodged everything Murakami could throw at him. He may not have the same thousands of years of experience, but spider-sense was just too overpowered.

It wasn't just the spider senses though. Peter's experience training with Natasha has made him many times better at dealing with martial artists.

"You should really calm down..." Peter comments as he moves with the grace of a skilled dancer, dodging every attack that Murakami could throw at him. "You may be enhanced and skilled, but I'm just better."

Nobu watched from the sidelines with his mouth hanging open in shock. Usually, during his sparring sessions with Murakami, it would be him that was treated like a novice. Now, the man that he thought untouchable was the one being treated as the newbie.

They were even arrogant enough to believe that Spider-Man only won against them in the beginning because he took Murakami by surprise.

Both of them now learned that this was just prideful thinking.

"How can we get out of this... prison? What do you want?" Murakami sighs in defeat as he steps back, knowing he can't do anything to Spider-Man.

"Tell me about why you planned to capture me?" Peter asks and both prisoners look at each other, not saying a word. "Okay, let's see how long you'll last in here before breaking. I wonder how long it will be before one of you eats the other?"

Peter leaves them with this question as he opens a portal, not allowing either of them to follow him through.

He would leave them there for a few days this time to let them really feel their predicament.


While on his way to meet the President, as they have a meeting with a representative of the United Kingdom, Peter texted the Ancient One about his prisoners in the Mirror dimension.

He didn't want her or any other Master to accidentally let them out and based on her response, she didn't mind his use of the Mirror Dimension.

While sitting through yet another UN meeting alongside the president, Peter thought it would be another boring day, but his expectations were immediately flipped upside down.

Rolling up to the podium in the front of the room was a familiar-looking bald man in a wheelchair.

[Insert picture of Professor X in his wheelchair here]

A/N: I won't be following the X-men movies. I may use them as references but that's it.

'Wow, he looks like Patrick Stewart...' Peter thought as he set eyes on one of the most powerful telepaths in Marvel. 'I should have expected this after seeing Dopinder that one time...'

Peter was slightly worried about his mind being breached, but Charles was usually depicted as a morally sound man. If he did try to read his mind, Peter would know from his training at Kamar Taj. Though blocking the man may be easier said than done...

'I need to speak to the Ancient One about some telepath protections...' Peter thought.

"Greetings everyone. I'm Professor Charles Xavier. I have multiple Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, Psychology, Anthropology, and Psychiatry from Oxford University and Columbia University." Charles introduces himself after parking himself next to the podium and grabbing the mic.

After hearing all of this man's credentials, representatives from all around the world listened up, knowing that this was an expert they were dealing with.

Peter showed some respect to the man and took his feet off the table and even put his phone away, surprising everyone in the room.

"I'm here to speak on mutation in the human genome. Mutation is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species of this planet. This process is slow, and normally takes thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward." Charles starts.

"That leap can come in minor forms." Images appear on a large screen behind Charles, depicting different physical changes humans have gone through in their evolution in modern times.

"If I might speak." A man with a heavy Russian accent speaks. "What's this all about?"

"I'm getting to that..." Charles says as a video plays behind him of a young teenage boy with large white angel wings. "This is Angel. His real name will remain hidden, but he and his parents allowed us to use him as an example. This is what a major leap in human evolution looks like."

The crowd goes quiet as they all watch the video of this unknown boy moving his wings before flapping them and shooting into the air.

"Some of your countries may have already seen these mutations popping up in your borders. Through my research into these mutant individuals, I've found that they possess something I call the X-gene. The X-genes activation leads to the production of an exotic protein. This protein produces chemical signals, inducing mutations on other genes, ending up with mutant organisms of various empowerment." Charles continues.

"Are you saying a Mutant can have any power? What type of powers have you seen so far?" Obama asks, peaking over at Peter as he speaks.

"A mutant can unlock almost any power imaginable. Most mutants seem to activate their powers during puberty, but there are always exceptions. Stress and trauma have been shown to activate the X-gene as well as some children who are simply early bloomers." Charles answers.

"How do we know that this video hasn't been edited?" The representative from France asks.

Without answering his question, Charles holds out his hand and levitates his wheelchair, lifting himself off of the ground with ease.

"I happen to be a mutant as well." He says as his chair floats back and forth around the podium before landing safely where it was parked in the beginning.

"Do you think it's a good idea to classify yourselves as mutants?" Peter breaks the silence, drawing everyone's attention to himself.

"You speak as if you aren't one of us?" Charles asks, confused by Spider-Mans statement.

"To my knowledge, I didn't get my powers from this X-gene, but I could be wrong." Peter answers with an uncaring shrug. "What I'm trying to explain is the stigma that currently surrounds the mutant name. Are you sure that you want to label yourselves with that name?"

"I don't understand..." Charles states in confusion.

"Well, because of the many books, TV shows, movies, games, and other forms of media depicting monsters as mutants, I think it's a horrible classification for your cause. Whatever that may be. If you want these 'mutants' to avoid discrimination, then naming them after horror movie monsters is the worst way to go about it."

A/N: 1560 words

[DINT FORGET MY STONES! The king demands tribute and all peasants must comply or the newly formed army shall act swiftly.]


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