I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 44: Hand

Chapter 44: Hand

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 59. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After looking at Christmas presents for a while, Peter ordered some things and took a short nap as he originally planned.

After who knows how long, Peter was woken by the sound of his phone chiming. Looking over, he saw that it was a text from the president and swiftly switched to his spider suit and portal'd back to the plane.

"Yo!" Peter said as he stepped onto the plane and felt the exact moment it touched down on a runway in Tokyo.

"I still can't get over how convenient those portals of yours are..." Obama comments as the portal closes behind Peter.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorite powers." Peter replies as the plane slows to a stop.

Some secret service agents were already on the runway waiting for their arrival, while the ones on board the plane did a quick sweep before opening the exit hatch.

Before the president could even exit the room they were in, the secret service had to perform multiple sweeps of the area, which took about 30 minutes.

Once they were finally able to leave, the President and Spider-Man descended the stairs to the agents outside, shocking the Japanese dignitaries that came to welcome the President.

None of them knew of Spider-Mans arrival, as the President kept it a secret, not wanting to tip off the World Security council too soon.

Obviously, they would find out sooner or later, but everyone currently involved would much prefer the latter outcome.

Although the Japanese welcome party didn't expect to see Spider-Man, they certainly welcomed him warmly. Spider-Mans influence expands all over the world after all. A superhero is something to be admired in any culture all across the world.

In fact, they welcomed Peter far more warmly and excitedly than they did Obama, who found the whole situation quite amusing.

Of course, cameramen filmed and took pictures of their arrival, meaning the world would soon know of Spider-Man and the President's involvement with one another.

Once the welcome ceremony was finished, Peter hopped in a heavily armored car with the President, who was escorted out by multiple cars filled with secret servicemen alongside Japanese police cars.

The President would be staying in a hotel nearby the Prime Minister of Japan's Official residence. The entire place was rented out with the President and his secret service agents taking all of the rooms for themselves.

Peter wouldn't be staying with them as he can just portal home to sleep at any time. Once the President was safely in the hotel with his agents guarding him closely, Peter went out to sightsee as Spider-Man.

Swinging through the city as if he were back at home, Peter webbed his ghost phone to his chest and began recording. A Spider-Man Vlog in Tokyo Japan would definitely interest his viewers.

Swinging through the city, Peter found some small-time crime and put a stop to it easily, surprising the perpetrators and victims as neither expected Spider-Man to appear halfway across the world.

Before heading back to the President, Peter climbed Tokyo tower and took a bunch of selfies, posting the best ones on Instagram.


Not long after the long presidential convoy left the airport, one of the dignitaries that were in the welcome party got into a nearby car and made a phone call. As he left, the other dignitaries saw him off with the utmost respect, showing his position amongst the bunch.

*Ring Ring...*

"Speak?" A man staring down from the top of a tall skyscraper in Tokyo answers the phone in Japanese.

[Insert picture of Murakami(A Finger of The Hand) here]

"The American President arrived on time as expected, but he brought along an unexpected guest." The man from the welcome party says over the phone.

"Who?" Murakami asks with interest clear in his voice.



The day after their arrival, Peter tagged along with the President to the first day of the UN assembly. It was about as boring as Peter expected the whole thing to be, with briefings by Secretariat officials or technical experts, interactions with civil society, consultations, and negotiations.

Peter just scrolled through his ghost phone, reading the comments on his new Japan Vlog which was posted this morning. There are also a plethora of articles and news clips talking about Spider-Man visiting Tokyo with the President of the United States of America.

J. Jonah Jameson was having a field day with the whole situation. The man was crafting government conspiracies and throwing Spider-Mans name in here and there. Sadly for him, only crazy people and those that have gone too far down the daily bugles rabbit hole still believe him.

The rest of the world has begun to see the man for who he really is. A scam artist that sells fake news to outrage the public, which in turn builds his fortune.

It was a fairly comedic scene in the UN building, as Spider-Man sat next to Barrack Obama with his feet up on the table and his phone in hand, scrolling through his different social media accounts.

The men and women of the UN were all curious as to why he was here, though none spoke a word or complained. Spider-Man was a monumentally popular figure and at the end of the day, each of them was a politician.

They would treat Peter like a king just to stay in his good graces, as a negative impression could ruin their careers. All it would take is a single tweet and Spider-Mans almost half a billion followers would come crashing down onto their political careers.

Once the long meeting was finished, the President turned to Peter.

"Come on, we have a meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister." Obama says as Peter follows him to a meeting room in the UN building.

There waiting for them was Naoto Kan, the current Prime Minister of Japan, alongside some of his security agents standing nearby.

After some quick introductions, Peter switched on the anti-surveillance switch on his phone and spoke up.

"Would you mind asking your security to step out?" Peter said in slightly broken Japanese, shocking the native speakers in the room. "What we will be speaking of is sensitive in nature."

After learning all of those languages in Kamar Taj, Peter spent his spare time learning to speak some of them as well. Though he doesn't do so very well yet.

Japanese is the best language he can currently speak besides English. It helps that he watches anime with MJ and uses that time to really get a feel for the language.

After a moment of thought, the Prime Minister ordered his security to leave. They did so reluctantly but made a point to emphasize that they would be right outside the door.

"What's this all about?" The Prime Minister asks in perfect English, knowing that Barrack doesn't speak Japanese.

"Did you block the surveillance like last time?" The President turns to Peter, who nods.

The Prime Minister was truly curious and a little nervous by this point, but Peter swiftly explained that he just didn't want their conversation getting out.

"I understand, now please explain." He says, dying to know by this point.

This time, instead of Peter, the President was the one to explain the Avenger's plan. Everything was perfectly explained, surprising the Prime Minister.

"You speak as if you expect more enhanced individuals to appear in the future..." He speculates, looking at Peter for an answer.

"If I can get superpowers and Tony Stark can build a super suit, it's not illogical to assume that there's more to come. Shield apparently has information on some of these people, who have yet to reveal themselves." Peter says, getting an annoyed look from the Prime Minister.

"Speaking of Shield, why aren't you just working with them? I may disagree with their secretive ways and the lack of a Japanese representative in the World Security Council, but they are the type of organization you're looking to build." The Prime Minister says.

"I would rather build my own organization. I don't trust Shield as a whole. We would also be far less secretive than Shield." Peter says as the Prime minister' bad mood melts away.

He didn't trust Shield either and this was something that he and Barrack formed a sort of friendship over.

"Okay, I need to think about this. Let's schedule another meeting for tomorrow after the UN Assembly." He says and they say their goodbyes, leaving the Prime Minister alone in the room.

Moments after Peter and the President leave, Murakami comes strolling into the room as if he owned the place.

Instantly, the Prime Minister bows deeply toward Murakami, treating him with the utmost respect.

"Ancestor." The Prime Minister greets.

"I couldn't listen in on the meeting, what happened?" Murakami asks, treating the leader of Japan as a mere subordinate.

"They used some sort of device to stop the cameras and microphones from working. I apologize for the inconvenience." The Prime Minister says, bowing deeply once again.

"I see, explain what happened..."

A/N: 1527 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! 👑 As a king, I must make the hard choices. Choices such as whether to tax you disgusting... ahem, humble peasants. I officially up the tax to 3 power stones a day. Those who do not pay the exact amount shall be crucified and left on the tallest mountain to die a slow and agonizing death.]


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