I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 43: AI and Fame

Chapter 43: AI and Fame

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 14 chapters ahead at chapter 57. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.

A/N: I'm writing 2 chapters now. I woke up late so I'm behind a bit. The patreòn will be 16 chapters ahead in a couple hours. /AlienWarlord

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After having a long conversation with the President, Peter returned home to finally spend some time with his friends and family.

He has been spending all of his spare time with Tony lately, which was fine, but Peter missed his Aunt, girlfriend, and best friend.

Involving the President in their plan was a good idea. He listed the countries in the UN that need to be on board for this to happen.

United States




United Kingdom



South Korea

Saudi Arabia

United Arab Emirates

These countries are the most powerful in the United Nations. With at least five of them joining together, not including the United States, the Avengers Organization would be a real thing.

Luckily, the UN was holding a summit in Japan a week from now, so their opportunity would come soon.

This is a much more complicated way to bring the Avengers into existence, but it would all be worth it.

In order to prosper long-term and avoid the problems that occurred in the movies, the Avengers need to be more than what they were originally supposed to be. It especially needed to be separated from the time bomb that is Shield.

Speaking of Shield, maybe the Avengers can take in its remnants once Hydra has been expunged? Now that Peter thought of it, absorbing Shield is a good long-term goal... Though this depends on how everything pans out.


Upon returning to his life in Queens New York, Peter found that Parker games was starting to roll in money and even the news was pick up on the company's success.

The game has a player base of 26 million and was making around 70 million dollars a month, which was crazy to him. With all of this money coming in, Peter had May contact her business lawyer friend again and ask for a recommendation on a good Accountant to handle it for them.

Peter was far too busy and May is never going to quit her job as a nurse, so they needed someone capable to manage the company's money and file the taxes on time.

As for the news, they started covering the new and popular game, Candy Crush. It didn't take long for them to find the people behind Parker Games, as it's public information.

It started with the local news putting an article in the newspaper and online about Peter Parker, the majority owner, and creator of Parker games. The company behind the popular game, Candy Crush.

After that, the flood gates opened and every news station, paper, and magazine was running stories about Candy Crush and its prodigious creator.

While Peter was finding this out from Ned, who was excitedly texting him articles and news clips, a news van pulled up outside and a reporter buzzed into his Apartment.

*bzzz bzzz*

Walking over to the intercom, Peter held down the button and spoke.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Hi, this is Kate Summers from Channel 4 news. Is this Peter Parker?" She asks and after a short conversation other the intercom, Peter goes downstairs to be interviewed by the woman.

Peter didn't want to bring the news people upstairs as May had already proven that she can't keep her mouth shut in the apartment.

The interview consisted of random questions about his game development, studies in school, and Parker Games.

It wasn't mainstream news, so the interview didn't last longer than about 15 minutes. After they got what they came for, the news crew swiftly packed up and left for the next story.

Peter didn't really care about being famous as Peter Parker, so he didn't want to do the interview, but the publicity for the game was worth it.

Candy Crush has risen to a player base of 25 million without any advertising whatsoever. With the current coverage of the game, Peter wouldn't be surprised if that player base doubled with just the news' help.

The interview was played on the news the very next day, but Peter didn't really care anymore. By this point, he was working on creating his own Jarvis.

It was the weekend, so thankfully, Peter didn't have school to worry about. Though he knew that when Monday came along, he would be swarmed by teenagers asking about Candy Crush.

'Maybe, I should have hidden my involvement in Parker Games?' Peter thought, regretting his decision already.

While Peter was thinking this, he was on his Ghost Laptop, hacking into universities and other institutions, looking for their research data on Artificial Intelligence.

Peter could start from scratch using his skills and everything he knows about Jarvis to build his AI, but that would be the long route. He would rather have some information to help kickstart the project before beginning.

'F*ck that...' Peter thought as his fingers type like a madman, stealing as much data and research as he could.

The reason Peter wants an AI so badly is because he saw how useful Jarvis was while helping Tony with his suit. With enough resources at an AI's disposal, they could do almost anything.

A smart enough AI could probably manage Parker Games and make games to release at the same time. All that Peter would have to do is give an idea for the game alongside some concept art and the AI could work its magic.

Not to mention the use an AI would have in the field. Ned is already his dispatch while out on patrol, but he's still only human. An AI would be able to hack into security cameras all around New York City and keep Peter updated on all crimes.

Though, it would have to be far more powerful than Jarvis to do that, as even Tony's AI would have some trouble managing so many perspectives.

Just thinking of all the responsibilities and work that Peter could offload onto Artificial Intelligence brings a smile to his face.

-One Week Later-

After a week of working on his AI and getting hounded in school about Candy Crush, where most of his classmates asked for free gold, Peter was riding first class on the President's plane, Air Force One.

As always, Peter was disguised in his spider suit.

Fury leads an entire world-encompassing organization, so he wasn't able to make it. That and he would tip off the World security council to their plans should he tag along.

As for Tony, the guy is in the middle of a move. With everything that happened in LA, he wants to move out and relocate his Company Headquarters as well.

It just so happened that he chose New York City as his new home. This decision definitely had nothing to do with his new best friend Spider-Man living there...

Stark Industries already has a branch in New York and Tony has multiple Penthouses and mansions across the world, so he didn't have to build any Skyscrapers or buy a new home.

In less than a month, Tony and Stark Industries would call New York home.

"You know that I could have just portal'd us to Japan, right?" Peter reminds the President, who was sitting across from him, drinking a cup of coffee.

"True, but when you're the president, there are certain regulations to be followed when entering another country." Obama says as he places his coffee on the table. "Also, I don't want to scare our allies by appearing through a portal. Do you have any idea how easily we could conquer the world with that ability?"

Hearing his reasons, Peter couldn't help but nod. Sending the US army, which is one of, if not the most powerful arm on earth, through portals to every country's Capital City would be a truly easy way to take over the world.

If Kamar-Taj wasn't keeping the peace, Peter was sure that would have happened by now.

"Yeah, but keeping the peace afterward would be hell." Peter says, getting a nod from the President.

Just the thought of dealing with the People's unrest afterward gave him a headache.


After spending some time on the plane and taking in the experience, Peter got bored and portal'd home for a bit. He would return when the President texted him, letting Peter know that they landed.

That's right, first was the Ancient One and now Peter has the contact information of the President of the United States of America.

'It's good being Spider-Man...' Peter thought as he dived into his bed.

As Peter was about to take a nap, his phone buzzed and lit up. Looking over, he saw that it was a text from MJ.

MJ- Are you going to be busy or can you make it to Christmas dinner next week?

'It's already Christmas time?' Peter froze, forgetting as his life has been so busy lately. 'Wow, I missed Thanksgiving and Halloween...'

Peter- I didn't even know it was December...

MJ- How? It's literally snowing right now.

Looking out the window, Peter saw snow falling from the sky and blanketing the ground below.

"Sh*t, she's right..." Peter muttered.

Peter- Sure, I'll be there. Are we doing it the day before Christmas or the day of?

MJ- On the day of. May is already invited too.

Peter- What about Ned?

MJ- He has family visiting and can't make it.

After finalizing some things and talking for a while, Peter brought out his ghost laptop and began searching for the best Christmas present for MJ and everyone else.

What's the point of being rich if he can't buy some good gifts on special occasions?

His busy life has caused him to miss some holidays, but Christmas wouldn't be one of them.

A/N: 1617 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! And I'll do nothing because I'm lazy. Still king tho BTW.]


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