I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 45: Ninja

Chapter 45: Ninja

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 60. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After being briefed on what the meeting was about by the Prime Minister, Murakami returned home to think about what to do. If they were to allow such a force, like the 'Avengers' to be created, then how long would it be before that new blade is pointed at The Hand?

The hand doesn't care for what atrocities it commits. As long as they get closer to their goal of immortality, all of the Fingers of The Hand would gladly commit genocide.

A peacekeeping force like the Avengers is just a poison that will sooner at later strike out against them.

Though, the problem with not getting involved is even worse. Spider-Man would simply move on to another country, and many would gladly work with him and Tony Stark.

This is the predicament that The Hand has been put in. Either get involved and find a way to mitigate the Avengers somehow, or don't get involved and stop this whole thing before it comes together.

As Murakami was contemplating this, the door opened, and in came a Hand Ninja. At first, Murakami was annoyed as he didn't call for this subordinate, but then he noticed something odd.

The man's eyes were pitch black, devoid of any light or spark of life which any living human would possess.



The next day, Peter had a meeting with the Prime Minister once again, where the man instantly declined to participate in the Avengers plan, which was odd since Peter felt that the man was interested on the day before.

'Something changed...' Peter frowned in thought as he watched the Prime Minister leave the room with his security.

"Don't be so down." Barack says as he sees Peter watching the door where the Prime Minister just left. "We still have other countries to meet with. One refusal doesn't mean anything."

Peter nods toward Obama, not voicing his thoughts about the odd change in the Prime Minister.


Later that night, Peter decided to continue patrolling Tokyo. They would be meeting with a representative from the United Kingdom tomorrow about the Avengers Initiative, so he didn't plan to stay out for too long.

As Peter was stopping a store robbery and had the perpetrators webbed up for the police, a group of ninjas shrouded in dark red garb walked from the shadows. Their faces and bodies were completely covered with only the eyes showing.

[Insert picture of Hand Ninja here]

"Wow... are you guys ninjas?" Peter asks excitedly, remembering this look from the Daredevil TV show. 'What's the Hand doing here?'

Well, this is Japan. The Hand originated in this country. The real question is why are they coming to me? The Yami no te also referred to as the Hand, was an ancient and powerful ninja clan with the ultimate goal to gain immortality.

Without a word, one of the Ninjas takes out a piece of paper and brings it up to Peter, handing it over. Taking the paper with a shrug, Peter opens it and finds an address written inside.

"Should I go here now?" Peter was curious what The Hand could possibly want from him.

He knew that The Hand probably had the worst intentions possible, but Peter was far too curious about what was going on.

Hearing Peter's question, the ninja nodded before turning and dashing into the shadows alongside the rest of the ninjas.

"That's so cool." Peter couldn't help but mutter.

He knew that the ninja didn't actually meld into the shadows and could sense them sneaking away behind buildings and walls, but that didn't stop him from respecting the skill to move the way they do without any enhancements like himself.

Typing in the address on the GPS of his ghost phone, Peter followed it to a tea house, which was empty except for the workers and a single table.

It wasn't very noticeable, but there was a small handprint symbol on this building and a few others in the area. The people that would walk by seemed to notice this and give these buildings a wide birth as they passed by.

At the table inside was a man, who was casually drinking tea without a care in the world. Peter instantly recognized him from the Daredevil TV show.

[Insert picture of Nobu Yoshioka here]

'Nobu?' Peter thought, remembering that he's a high-ranking member of The Hand, as well as the subordinate of one of the Five Fingers of The Hand, Murakami.

Walking over to the table, Peter looked at the man who was obviously waiting for his arrival.

"Hey, are you with those ninjas?" Peter plays dumb as he takes a seat.

"Spider-Man, it's an honor to meet you." Nobu bows slightly, ignoring Peter's question. "You may refer to me as Nobu."

"Sure?" Peter didn't know how to respond. "What's this all about?"

Peter didn't trust The Hand whatsoever and was starting to believe that they may have had something to do with the Prime Ministers' Decision earlier in the day.

'Why are they getting involved?' Peter thought.

"We, The Hand-" Nobu motions toward the hand symbol on the wall inside of the building. "-are an old and influential Ninja Clan here in Japan. If you would allow it, we could help you with your Avengers plan."

'I knew it...' Peter thought, as the man all but outright confirms that they are involved with the Ministers decision somehow.

Seeing as Peter didn't sense anyone listening in on his conversation with the Minister, and the anti-surveillance function on his phone was on, that means that the Hand has some form of control over the Prime Minister.

Meaning that The Hand has control over Japan as well...

"Are you saying that you can get the Prime Minister to agree? What do you get out of this?" Peter asks, trying to get some information before he acts.

"Yes, but we would like to be more involved. The Hand has connections and people all around the world. We can assist in information gathering or fighting should it be required." Nobu makes his offer.

If Peter didn't already know about the Hand, he may have been swayed to work with them, but he knew that these people didn't have good intentions. The only question remaining was what do they want?

Are they trying to get involved with The Avengers so they aren't attacked later on, or are they trying to get something from him or Tony maybe?

"Okay, give me some time to think on this and I'll get back to you." Peter says as he shoots a web to a nearby table, pulling over a pen and paper. "Write down your phone number and I'll contact you soon with an answer."

After getting a number, which Peter knew would most likely lead to nothing, Peter left the tea shop and made sure he wasn't followed before casting a light refractory spell(minor invisibility) and a silencing spell on himself.

Rushing back to the shop, Peter caught sight of Nobu getting into an SUV.

'Where are you going?' Peter thought as he stealthily followed behind the car.


"Kaiju-sama, I wasn't expecting you." Murakami bows toward the black-eyed ninja, who on any other day would be doing the same toward him.

"I decided to stretch my legs, so to speak." A deep rumbling voice, which didn't feel real, left the Ninja's mouth. "I need new servants at the Temple. The last group has become too compliant for my tastes."

"Of course, I'll have my men get rid of them. You'll have new toys by tomorrow morning." Murakami responds dutifully.

Although he is very respectful to this man, Murakami isn't doing so out of respect. He fears this being as every other Finger of The Hand does.

"No, need." The Ninja pats his stomach. "I've already taken care of them. Just be sure that the new servants are ready to clean up after their predecessors."

"They will be there by morning." Murakami says with a bow.

"Now, what's this I hear about a spider man visiting my country?" The Ninja asks.

Murakami explained the whole situation without missing a single bit of information. It's as if he's had hundreds of years to understand how to handle and please the person in front of him.

He especially explains everything he knows about Spider-Man. From his actions as a hero to the powers he possesses.

"Interesting..." The Ninja says in its deep rumble voice. "This world is becoming more interesting. Find a way to lore this man to my temple. He sounds like the perfect vessel..."

As Kaiju-sama says this, black smoke shoots from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. As the smoke dissipates into the air, the Ninjas body falls to the ground like a puppet without strings.

Blood streams down from every hole in the ninja's head and pools onto the wooden floor. Murakami looked at the lifeless body with disgust. The respect that he showed earlier was completely gone.

A/N: 1506 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As king, I command you peasants to dance for me. You are all mere jesters in my court and must entertain me or die... hehehahaHAHA!]


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