I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 42: El Presidente

Chapter 42: El Presidente

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As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 57. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"...Let's see if we can get the president to agree before we start arguing about the council positions." Peter says, calming the room down.

Fury is someone trustable, but he doesn't currently know about the cancer that has taken hold of his organization. Peter would have to warn him somehow or just straight out reveal the existence of Hydra.

Though he would need to get evidence to prove his claims first.

Without this, there's no way Peter would ever allow Fury to hold any position in the Avengers Council.

"It's a bit late for that..." Tony replies, looking at his watch. "It's already far past midnight."

"Is the President currently at the Whitehouse?" Peter turned to Fury and asked.

"Yes, he'll be leaving the country in a week though. There's a summit in Japan." Fury says, somehow knowing the Presidents schedule by heart.

"Good, I'll pick you two up tomorrow around lunch and portal us to the Whitehouse." Peter says nonchalantly as he stands from his seat.

"Shouldn't we schedule a meeting?" Tony says with Fury nodding in agreement.

"I'll send a message to his Twitter account. That should be enough." Peter says with a shrug as he turns to Fury. "Seeing as your bosses won't like this, I think you should keep our current plans between us and only us."

"I agree, I'll have the security footage of this room destroyed..." Fury says, knowing that the World Security Council could easily access it.

"Don't worry about that." Peter says as he shows his phone. "I blocked all of that when we came in."

"Good work, Web-Head," Tony says, patting Peter on the shoulder.

"Like I've said multiple times." Peter says, making eye contact with Fury. "I don't trust Shield as a whole. I'm sure many of you are kind-hearted and want nothing but to protect the world, but not everyone has good intentions."

Peter was trying to drop a hint to the guy and Fury seemed to pick it up fairly easily.

"Is there something that I should know?" Fury asks with a raised eyebrow.

"No, but just be careful what you allow anyone to know about. Even the highest level people can always turn on you. The only people I have even the smallest amount of trust for in Shield are Natasha, Coulson, and you. You being the lowest on that list." Peter explains.

"Alright, I'll keep our plans quiet for as long as I can." Fury agrees, finding a sort of kindred spirit in Peter.

"Sounds like we're done here." Tony says as he stands up. "Take me home, Web-Head. Today has been a long day and tomorrow is looking to be the same."

Nodding to him, Peter opens a portal to Tony's house and they both leave a contemplating Nick Fury behind. He could tell Peter knew something about Shield that he wasn't saying.

The question was what does he know?


After bidding Tony farewell, Peter found a good place to portal home and found MJ, Ned, and May waiting for him as if some sort of intervention was about to take place.

"What?" Peter asked as he switched to his normal clothes in a split second.

"You take down a giant robot with your new friend Iron Man and expect us not to show up?" MJ says as news coverage showing the many videos of the fight was playing on the TV.

"Oh, yeah." Peter mutters, forgetting that even happened. "Sorry, I just got out of a meeting with your dad and forgot."

"What? Why?" MJ asks as Ned and May both go quiet and listen curiously.

Peter explains everything that happened, shocking everyone in the room. They learned about everything from the Iron Monger conflict to the Alien bodies he saw.

"So, you're meeting the President tomorrow?" May says in awe and excitement.

She voted for Obama and was a supporter of the man, so the situation turned into something similar to the Oprah incident...

"Yeah, so I have to get to bed." Peter says as he walks over and pulls MJ into his arms. "It's already late. Do you want to spend the night?"

Ned looked away, shielding his innocent virgin eyes. May, on the other hand, was watching intently as if a scene from one of her Korean Dramas was playing out before her.

"I-I-I..." MJ stuttered before noticing a teasing smirk on Peter's face.

She instantly knew he was messing with her. Matching his smirk with one of her own, MJ swiftly lifts her knee toward Peter's nether regions. Peter's grin instantly disappears as his spider senses go off.

"Be careful." Peter says as he easily stops her knee with his hand. "How will we make babies if you damage the family jewels like that?"

"Oh, I want at least two grandchildren!" May gave her two cents.

"We're not having any children!" MJ snapped, her embarrassment clear to everyone in the room.

"Not yet..." May added.


When MJ and Ned left, Peter went to his room and sent a message to the President's official Twitter account, stating that he would arrive with two guests around lunchtime tomorrow.

Thankfully, he had no school tomorrow.

Similar to what happened when May found out about his Twitter account, Peter was woken up the next morning by his excited Aunt.

He slept past his usual time and she wanted him to be on time for his meeting with the president. She even started looking through his closet for some nice clothes, forgetting that Peter would be wearing his spider suit.

After getting away from his far too excited Aunt, Peter portal'd over to Tony's house, where he found Fury waiting patiently in the living room with the two files from yesterday in hand.

"Is Tony ready?" Peter asked.

"Mr. Stark is currently waking up." Jarvis answers through the speakers.

Fury seemed annoyed with Tony, meaning the guy was probably asleep when he got here.


After waiting for a good 20 minutes, Tony finally arrived, dressed in a very expensive-looking suit.

Peter decided to not give Fury and Tony time to argue, as he could feel the tension in the room and opened a portal straight to the Oval Office.

He only hoped Barack wasn't pulling a Clinton and using his office for anything sexual.

Stepping through the portal, Peter found Barack Obama sitting behind his desk, going over some paperwork whilst on the phone with some foreign dignitary.

"Yes, and if they move across your country's border, you will have our assistance, but that hasn't happened yet..." The very recognizable voice of the President fills the office.

Hearing something in the room, the President looks up from his desk and sees Spider-Man, Tony Stark, and the Director of Shield enter his office through some sort of circular hole in space.

"I'm gonna have to call you back..." He says and hangs up the phone as the portal closes behind his guests. "Spider-Man? Stark? Why are you here?"

As soon as Barack asks this, 15 secret service agents rush into the room with pistols drawn. Seeing who the intruders were, they freeze for a moment, not knowing how to handle the situation.

"Did you not see my DM?" Peter asks as he completely ignores the men with guns and takes a seat in one of the chairs across from the President.

Confusingly taking out his phone, Obama opens up Twitter and sees a message from Spider_Man.

"You do understand that you can't just send me a message on Twitter and come here right?" Obama says incredulously.

"Well, we need to speak. Can you ask the goons to leave?" Peter shrugs as he looks over at the confused secret service agents. "No offense."

Thinking it over for a moment, the President motions for them to leave and they reluctantly and confusingly do so.

"Good, one sec." Peter says as he grabs his phone and switches on the anti-surveillance switch. "Okay, now our conversation will remain private."

"What?" The President asks in confusion.

"He made any cameras and listening devices useless." Tony says as he takes a seat beside Peter.

"Director Fury, can you please explain what's going on?" He asks the only one in the room he knows.

"We need your help." Fury says as he walks up and hands over the Avengers Initiative file.

Looking over the file, the President was pleasantly surprised by the foresight of Shield. It seems as if they knew super-powered individuals would exist years before Spider-Man and Iron Man made their debuts.

"This looks like a good plan. Though I don't know how I can help?" He asks, placing down the file.

"Tony and Spider-Man have given their input, which has changed the plan slightly." Fury says, gesturing for Peter to speak as he was the one to come up with all of this.

"We would like to make the Avengers an organization similar to Shield. We worry about liability and..." Peter goes on to explain everything they spoke of on the night before.

"I see..." Obama mutters after hearing everything.

"We like the idea of the Avengers, but the execution needs more thought and planning above just bringing some super-powered individuals together to take care of any big threats." Tony adds his thoughts, throwing in a small jab at Fury's plan.

"Why can't you just join Shield? After all, they're the type of organization you're trying to build." He asks.

"I don't know or trust the people running Shield. If I'm going to do this, it's going to be my way." Peter states, getting a nod from Tony.

Thinking about what he heard, Obama found that he agreed with what Peter said. He always got an odd feeling from Alexander Pierce, who is a member of the World Security Council.

Not to mention the fact that Shield hides a lot from even him, which has irked every President since Shield was made.

"Okay..." The President nods a bit reluctantly. "This will take some work to get off the ground, but it'll be worth it."

"So, you're on board?" Tony asks as a victorious smirk begins to form on his lips.

Tony still didn't trust the government, but he was starting to get excited about everything coming together.

"Yeah, but at least one of you needs to accompany me to Japan next week. We need to explain all of this to some of our allies and get them on board as well. Once we have a few of the more powerful UN countries with us, everything else will fall into place."

A/N: 1773 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As I sit atop my throne once again, the usurper and his army slain, I look down upon the many soldiers that survived this war proudly. My empire grows by the day and my army surpasses all competition. It's good to be king 👑 ]


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