I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 148: Tony & May?

Chapter 148: Tony & May?

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 151. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Retreating to the desert mountain beside the Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, Peter kept up the illusion that covered himself as he looks for a cave.


After a minute of leaping around the mountain, Peter found a cave and slipped inside, away from the onlookers as well as any spying satellites.

As soon as he was alone in the cave, Peter dropped the illusion. Instantly, the figure of the towering Mad Titan faded away, leaving Peter in his blacked-out spider suit.

Smiling down at the cube in his hand, Peter now had two of the three Infinity Stones that were currently on earth.

'I wonder how I'll convince The Ancient One to hand over the time stone?' Peter thought as that was the only one left on the planet.

While admiring the glowing cube, Peter's super hearing picked up the sounds of armed search parties making their way up the mountain.

'They're acting quick, huh?' Peter thought as he opened a portal to his bedroom and stepped inside.

By the time the armed soldiers made it to his cave, they would find nothing but the oversized footprints left behind by Peter's illusion.


The second Peter got home, he went down to the basement and disarmed the safe, so that he could admire the two Infinity Stones together.

Also, for the safety of his loved ones and anyone that enters his house. Though Peter wasn't thinking about that at the moment.

"This is so cool..." Peter muttered as he sat on the basement floor with the shining Tesseract and the metal Orb in his lap. "My precious..."

Peter felt his inner Sméagol coming out.

"You've changed a lot today... again." A familiar voice appears in the dark basement.

Jumping in fright, as he didn't expect the Ancient One's arrival, Peter holds both of the Infinity Stones behind his back.

"I won't let you lay your dirty hands on my precious collectibles..." Peter blurts out without thought. "Ahem, dangerous objects. That's right, I won't let these dangerous objects fall into the wrong hands."

"..." His teacher just stared at him as if he were an idiot. "If I wanted your 'precious collectibles', I would have taken the Orb while you were out. Impressive enchantments by the way. I could have broken them in seconds, but other Masters would have risked their lives disarming that safe."

"Thanks, I plan to create a better hiding spot for them." Peter said, happy to hear her praise, which isn't given lightly.

"You can give them to me?" She offers a helping hand. "I'll take good care of them for you."

"No, you'd most likely just return them." Peter says as he guards his collectibles closely.

"Well, would you blame me?" The Ancient One says with a sigh. "The Tesseract isn't that big of a deal, since you already screwed up the invasion timeline, but Peter Quill and his team can still be formed if the Orb is returned."

She gives her student a pleading look, hoping that he would see things her way.

"That's what you're worried about?" Peter mutters incredulously. "Just create a replica of the Orbs casing and put it in the temple. The Power Stone isn't needed for them to come together. All interested parties only have to think that the stone is inside."

"..." The Ancient One goes silent as she reluctantly agrees with her student's assessment. "Fine, I'll have a copy put in its place."

"I have no problem with that." Peter smiles in her direction. "See, we can work together."

"No, you messed up a good part of the future and I'm cleaning up your mess." She rebuts with a roll of her eyes.

"I like to think about it a bit differently. I took a very powerful weapon away from our enemy before he could take it, and you agree with my decision and wanted to help." Peter twists her words into a better light.

"Yeah... no." She says flatly.

"They say denial is the first step." Peter says in a know-it-all tone.

"I'm not in grief." The Ancient was starting to get annoyed with her student.

"Oh, is that anger?" Peter continues messing with her. "That's the second step, I think."

"..." Not wanting to entertain Peter's idiocy any further, The Ancient One left without another word, disappearing into thin air.

"Okay, enough messing around." Peter turns much more serious when he was left alone. 'Time to make a portable container for these...'

First, Peter didn't want to leave the Infinity stones in a single location. He would much preferred to always have them on his person, which would add an extra level of security.

Though, this would also add a level of risk as well. If Peter were to lose a fight, then the stones could be stolen from his body.

Or he could misplace the container, but that's unlikely and can be solved with a tracking enchantment.

Either way, Peter would stick to this idea, as the alternative is something like the safe, which he didn't like very much.

Spending the rest of the day working on this, It didn't take Peter long to make the perfect container for his valuables.


Standing over his desk tiredly, Peter admired a silver necklace with a small leather pouch that hung from it like a pendant.

The pouch itself is something that Peter found in Kamar-Taj and tweaked to fit his needs. It's pretty much a tiny bag of holding.

The inside was expanded to about 4 cubic meters, which is more than Peter needed so he didn't change that at all.

What he did change, however, was the runes that covered the spacious inside. These runes are multiple energy containment spells that are there to keep the tesseract from being tracked.

Peter knew that the Tesseract could be tracked by its energy signature, as Tony and Banner did so in the Avengers movie.

Knowing this, Peter has already placed similar runes around his house, as Fury is no doubt doing everything he can to find his stolen property.

Other than the energy containment spells, Peter did his best to make the bag as sturdy and resilient as possible.

As for the security, that comes from the silver chain, which has so many security and defensive spells that it isn't even funny. Using a magnifying glass, Peter could see the tiny etched enchantments he placed along the individual chains of the necklace.

Each small chain is one singular enchantment that is all connected to protect the pouch.

'I went a bit overboard with this, didn't I?' Peter thought as he cut his finger and placed a drop of blood on the chain.

A dim light pulses through the chain as the blood is absorbed and disappears.

'Now that I'm registered as the owner...' Peter reaches out and grasps the chain, hoping that he did everything right and it doesn't explode or something.


Sighing in relief, Peter grabs the pouch and pulls it open like a bag of chips. Instantly, the pouch stretches open wider than what seemed possible.

Looking over at the two contained Infinity stones, which were currently being used as paperweights on his desk, Peter placed them inside the pouch and closed it up.

"Done..." Peter smiles as he puts the necklace on. 'I'll need to change this when I get the other stones though...'

The Power and Space Stones could be stored in the pouch thanks to the fact that their power is already contained by their respective vessels.

The Orb and Tesseract.

The pouch would likely disintegrate over time if he placed any loose Infinity Stone inside.

'I'll worry about that later.' He thought with a shrug.

Admiring the look of his new jewelry in the mirror, Peter noticed how tired he looked and started getting ready for bed.


As he laid his head on to his pillow after a warm shower, Peter checked his phone and found a bunch of calls from Fury, alongside texts that pretty much spelled out one thing.

Avengers Assemble!

Of course, Peter wouldn't be answering that call right now. He knew what the calls were about.

After all, he was the cause.

His little stunt as Thanos probably sent the bald pirate into overdrive, but that was a problem for the morning.

'At least the Avengers will be wary of Thanos...' Peter thought as his eyes began to droop sleepily.


Just as he was about to fall asleep, someone slammed Peter's bedroom door open.

"What the..." Peter sat up and found a smirking Tony Stark standing at his door. "Why are you here?"

"Fury's freaking out about some sort of Barney the Dinosaur alien, and you weren't picking up your phone." He says as he strolls in and sits in Peter's computer chair. "So, I thought that since I know your super duper secret identity, I could stop by and see what's up."

"Who let you in?" Peter asks as the house has protections for unwanted visitors.

Only someone keyed in can grant other people access.

"Mr, Stark!" May's voice yells up the stairs. "Do you take milk and sugar in your coffee?"

"That would be your sexy Aunt." Tony says teasingly. "Yes, please!"

"Oh, god..." Peter mutters as he puts a pillow over his face and groans. "This has to be a bad dream."

"Hehe, I love knowing who you are." Tony enjoys the moment. "Maybe I'll ask your Aunt on a date?"

"..." tossing the pillow aside, Peter looks at Tony seriously. "You stay away from-"

"Mr, Stark!" May enters the room with a big mug and handed it to their guest. "I hope it's good. I recently started using a French press."

"As I said downstairs, just call me Tony." Taking a sip, Tony smiles up at her from his seat. "It's wonderful."

Tony sends her a flirtatious smile as Peter glares into the side of his head, annoyed with this entire situation.


*Knock Knock...*

Metallic knocking could be heard as Nebula stood outside of Ronan the Accusers sleeping quarters, tapping the locked door with her knuckles.

Though there was no response.

Soon, the knocking turned to banging as Nebula lost her patience.

*Bang bang...*

This seemed to get Ronan's attention as the doors swished open, and a fist flew at Nebula's face, knocking her backward and into the ship's metal hallway wall.

"Quit that incessant banging..." Ronan commands.

"You..." Nebula wipes some blood from the corner of her mouth and draws her blaster rifle on him. "You were the one who ordered me to get you when we arrived!"

Not only was she acting as a servant, but she was struck for her efforts as well. Nebula was really starting to hate her father's newest subordinate.

"We're here?" Ronan asks as he ignores the gun pointed at his chest and walks down the hall, turning his back to Nebula.

He knew she wouldn't fire.

"Aaagghh!" Nebula screams in anger as she forces herself to lower her rifle.

Her father wouldn't be happy if she killed his latest lackey...

A/N: 1847 words :)



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