I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 149: Visitors

Chapter 149: Visitors

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 152. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"Are you sure you're Peter's Aunt?" Tony starts flirting with May right in front of Peter. "Because you don't look a day over 25."

"Oh... You don't have to lie like that." May says abashedly as she looks away for a moment. "I've come to terms with being an old lady."

"Ugh..." Peter groans quietly as he forces himself out of his warm and enticing bed. "May, you're 36. That's hardly an old lady."


"Peter! You should never reveal a woman's age like that!" Tony fake gasps as he admonishes Peter.

"You shut up and stop trying to seduce my Aunt!" Peter says crankily as he pointed an accusing finger at Tony.

"What?" May questions as Peter starts getting dressed.

"I would never!" Tony denies swiftly, but Peter just scoffed at him.

"I wouldn't mind..." May squeaks out as the plot of her favorite Korean Drama show plays in her mind. 'I could date a handsome and cold CEO too...'

While May was off in her own imagination, the room froze as Peter and Tony stared at her in shock. Neither of them expected to hear that.


Suddenly, Peter's computer screen lights up with a red message as a beeping sound starts playing through the speakers. Not only that, but a similar sound starts coming from Tony's phone as well.

Turning to the computer screen, Peter and Tony instantly forgot all about what May just admitted.


"Visitors? What does that mean?" May was pulled from her daydreams.

'This is earlier than expected...' Peter thought as he and Tony turned to look seriously at one another.

During the summer, Peter and Tony both modified the Stark Industries satellites. They made it so the satellites would scan outward and notify them of any possible alien invasions.

Peter was able to convince him to do this by mentioning the former Kree invasion that Fury told them about, which worked perfectly.

Obviously, he did this to combat the New York invasion, as well as any other attacks on earth that would follow.

"It could be an asteroid..." Tony ignores May and offers up a viable excuse.

"No, we already fixed that bug." Peter replies negatively. "Besides, I doubt it's a coincidence that Fury is raving about a purple alien and now our satellites pick up something headed towards the planet."

'Talk about perfect timing...' Peter thought.

"Aliens are coming to earth?" May says as she starts to freak out a little.

"Maybe." Peter says as he whips out his phone and dials a number.

"Hey, Peter. I'm on the subway right now. I'll be there in a few minutes. I picked up some Chinese food from that place you like as well." MJ answers the call.

"Good, come directly here and be quick about it." Peter doesn't clarify any further and hangs up the phone.

With a wave of his hand, Peter opens a portal on the ceiling and out falls MJ's mother, Grace, who screamed in fright as she fell safely into Peter's computer chair.

"Huh, W-What?!" Grace stutters in shock as she looks around and realizes where she was. "Why am I... Is that Tony Stark?"

"Yes, hello beautiful." Tony takes the shocked woman's hand and lays a quick kiss on her knuckles like a true gentleman. "You can call me Tony."

"That's Fury's wife." Peter states with a knowing smile.

Instantly, Tony drops her hand as if it were a big hairy spider and backs away, wiping his mouth with his sleeve for good measure.

"What's going on? Who's Fury?" Grace asks in utter confusion.

'I'm really starting to regret keeping her in the dark...' Peter thought with an internal sigh.

"That doesn't matter right now." Peter says as he waves his hand and a portal opens above his bed.

"Ahh!" Ned falls through the portal with his phone in hand, which was playing a familiar hentai video.

He lands in the bed and instantly figures out what happened as he locks his phone, hiding the porn and silencing the sweet moans that played through the speakers.

"D-Dude!" Ned stutters in embarrassment, though he was thankful that his pants were still on as he was only browsing. "A little warning next time would be appreciated."

"Can't, Aliens are invading the planet." Peter reveals as another portal opens underneath him. "Be right back."

Peter disappears and the portal closes, leaving the shocked group alone in his bedroom.

"Did he say aliens?" Grace asks fearfully.

"Is that Tony Stark?!" Ned starts fanboying out of nowhere.

Before he could pester Tony too much, another portal opened and Peter walked through with multiple people over his shoulders.

"Is that my mom?!" Ned forgot about Tony and rushed over to what appeared to be his entire family. "What happened to them?"

"They're unconscious." Peter says as he lays them all on his bed carefully.

"Why?" Ned asks in confusion.

"Was I not clear when I said alien invasion?" Peter asks as he looks around the room.

"We get that but why are you gathering everyone here?" May asks.

"Because I don't need to worry about any of your safety while I'm out there repelling an alien armada." Peter explains as his Spider suit appears on his body.

"Y-You're Spider-Man?!" Grace exclaims in shock.

Before Peter could answer her, he could hear the door downstairs slam shut and some angry footsteps walking up the stairs.

"Peter Parker! You better have a good explanation for..." MJ stomped into the room expecting to give her boyfriend a piece of her mind after the way he spoke to her on the phone.

Instantly, the wind was knocked out of her sails as she saw everyone in Peter's room. Especially her mother who was currently looking at Peter in his Spider-Man suit.

"Good, you're here. That should be everyone" Peter says as he walks over to the wall by the door and touches it.

As soon as his whole hand was on the wall, golden spell lines and runes lit up and spread throughout the entire house.

"What was that?" Grace asks as she admires the golden nonsense on the walls.

"This house is now in lockdown." Peter explains as he walks over to Tony and opens a portal beside them. "No one is allowed in or out until I return. Just keep the doors and windows shut and the enchantment will keep you safe. There's enough food in the fridge and pantry to last a few months but I shouldn't be gone anywhere near that long."

"Wait!" MJ stopped Peter just as he was about to leave through the portal. "What's going on? Why are you locking down the house?"

Smiling under his mask, Peter walked over and took MJ into his arms.

"There's a possible alien invasion." Peter says as he pulls up his mask and surprises her with a quick kiss. "This house is the safest place to be so I brought everyone over."

"That's why you were such a d*ck on the phone earlier..." MJ mutters in realization.

"I wasn't a d*ck. I was rushed and I'm still rushed." Peter says as he pulls his mask back down and separates from MJ.

"Be safe..." MJ wanted to follow after him, but knew that she would only get in his way.

"I always am." Peter smirks as he follows Tony through the portal and it begins to close.

"May, If we all survive the aliens, I'll take you out to dinner." Tony calls out through the portal before it is fully closed.

"...Peter was Spider-Man all along?" Grace turns to her daughter and asks.

"Umm, yeah..."


At the top of Avengers Tower.

"... I'll take you out to dinner." Tony says as a slap connects to the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Stop hitting on my Aunt!" Peter says as Tony rubs his head in pain. "She's like my mother, you sick f*ck."

"What? She's a beautiful woman." Tony defends his actions.

"Don't you have Pepper?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, but she hasn't really been reciprocating my advances lately." Tony says embarrassingly.

"Oh? The great Tony Stark can't pick up a woman so he has to try and seduce my Aunt?" Peter's words seemed to hit a nerve.

"I'll have you know that I can seduce any woman!" Tony says as a teasing smile adorns his face. "And I'll prove it with your Aunt."

"I hate you so much." Peter groans as he somehow lit a fire under Tony's desire for his Aunt.

"I love you too. Just remember to call me Uncle Tony from now on." Tony says as he opens up the roof access door. "Now come along. I'm sure Fury will be happy to see you."

'I may have to kill him...' Peter thought darkly as he followed Tony onto the building.


Outside Earth's orbit, twenty giant ships rushed toward the planet. At the head of these ships was an even larger and more majestic flagship.

In the observation deck of this flagship, Ronan the Accuser watched as the green and blue planet grew larger as his army grew closer.

"Sir, we're in range for scans." A Kree subordinate says from across the room.

"Good, scan for the Tesseract's exact location." Ronan orders and his subordinates get to work at their stations.


"Sir... the energy signature disappeared." One of the more brave Kree broke the news of their failure.

"Do it again." Ronan turns to glare at his subordinate and orders.

"W-We've scanned for the Tesseract ten times, Sir." Another reveals.

"..." Ronan goes quiet as he looks at Earth questioningly.

"Did someone else take it already?" Nebula asks, hoping that wasn't the case as her father would probably blame her somehow.

"They must have found a way to contain the cube's energy." Ronan thought of the only other conclusion.

"How will we find it then?" Nebula asks in annoyance. "Don't tell me we have to scour the entire planet?"

"No, that would take too much time." Ronan refused as he wanted to be off of C-53 as soon as possible.

"Then what?" Nebula asks.

"I have an idea."

A/N: 1694 words



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