I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 147: Dropping Major Hints

Chapter 147: Dropping Major Hints

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 150. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After closing the deal with Mystique, Peter was finally given the coordinates, which he swiftly put into his ghost phones GPS.

"Hmm, the map shows nothing but empty desert, but I'm sure that's Shield doing." Peter comments as he studies the terrain through his phone.

"Their secret base wouldn't be very secret if anyone can just pull it up on google maps..." Raven comments with a roll of her eyes.

"True..." Peter said absentmindedly as he looked over what little the GPS showed. 'I wouldn't put it passed Fury to change the terrain on the GPS as well, so this is likely a waste of time.'

Stuffing his phone away, Peter looked toward Mystique with an undecided expression under his mask.

'Should I do the rest myself?' Peter wondered.

On one hand, Raven's powers would be useful, as she can easily impersonate a Shield Agent.

Though, on the other hand, that plan was scrapped the second Shield was alerted to Mystiques snooping. Now the plan is to basically storm the base and take the Tesseract.

"So, how are we stealing the cube?" She asks, ready to fulfill her end of the bargain.

"Hmm, you can head back home." Peter says after a second of thought. "I'll take it from here."

"Huh? What about our deal?" Raven asks worriedly, thinking Peter was backing out of their agreement.

"You did enough already, so don't worry." Peter says with a shrug. "It's just that the new plan is a bit more forceful, which isn't really your strong suit."

"I see..." Mystique sighed in relief.

She was more than happy to ditch the dangerous base raiding and still get her agreed-upon payment after all.

"Are you sure?" Walking to her car door, Mystique turns back to ask. "You could cause a distraction and I can slip in and out?"

Mystique didn't know why she was asking this, as it would give her more work, but for some reason, she felt obligated to earn her payment.

"...Nah." Peter says with a shake of his head. "You may get caught on camera or something. It'll be easier if I just do it. Thanks though."

"Alright..." Mystique shrugs and gets into the car. As she drives away, her body morphed into a random woman.

'Now, who should I impersonate for this heist?' Peter thought as a lightbulb goes off in his head. 'Hm, that's a good of idea...'


Ronan the accuser stood in the observation deck of his flagship, all of space spread out before him as he stared off into the distance.

"Are you sure your father said planet C-53?" Ronan looks over his shoulder and asks specifically.

"Yes, why do you keep asking that?" A gruff female voice answers.

Standing across the room, a beautiful bald blue-skinned woman crossed her arms in utter annoyance. She wore a tight black and purple combat suit with many weapons strapped to her. From the tiniest of knives to the large blaster rifle across her back.

[Insert picture of Nebula here]

Nebula's many cybernetic enhancements were hard to miss, and so was her prickly personality, which Ronan has had to deal with ever since their armies departed.

Before their journey started, Ronan had his men look into Nebula's background. She was a former Luphomoid assassin, an adopted daughter of Thanos as well as the adopted sister of Gamora, The mad Titans favored daughter.

She would serve as the right-hand woman of Ronan the Accuser during his quest to retrieve the Tesseract, which angered her to no end.

'Why must he be in charge? I'm supposed to be your daughter...' Nebula lamented the lack of trust her father had in her.

Always the failure, which is shown by the countless cybernetic changes Thanos has forced on her body.

"..." Upon hearing her answer, Ronan got quiet and stared off into space once again. 'Vers shouldn't be on planet...'

Ronan has visited planet C-53 before, and he barely made it out alive. A very pesky woman destroyed many of his warships. He watched her glowing form do so from the very spot he stood now.

Of course, he swore vengeance for such actions, but achieving such a feat at his current strength would be almost impossible.

"How much longer until we arrive?" Ronan asks without looking back this time.

"37 hours. Though we can half that if we increase speed and leave behind some of the slower Chitauri ships." Nebula answers as she tightens her fists. 'I hate this man...'

Nebula hated being treated as a subordinate but would act her part. Otherwise, her father may schedule another surgery when she returns.

"Hmm, do it." Ronan commands after a moment of thought.

"What?" Nebula didn't expect him to agree.

"Increase every ship's speed to maximum." Ronan turns and walks to the door, passing Nebula along the way. "Half of our army will arrive late, but that won't change the outcome."

"Okay..." Nebula agrees in confusion.

"Fetch me when we arrive." Ronan commands as he walks out of the room. 'We have to strike quickly before Vers is notified.'


In the Middle of the Mojave Desert, a purple-skinned giant of a man walked along the hard rocky floor toward a mountain in the distance.

[Insert picture of Thanos here]

At the bottom of this mountain was a huge compound, surrounded by gates and tall towers. On top of these towers were Shield personnel, who held rifles in hand as they guarded the surroundings.

Inside the compound, multiple buildings were erected. One for the research facility that held the Tesseract, another for the soldiers, and a few others for other employees.

"Director, I'll guard this place with my life." An aged military man in an office of the barracks swears resolutely over the phone.

"Good, reinforcements will arrive soon. Just keep a close eye on the cube." Fury's voice could be heard over the phone.

"Yes, sir!" The man steels his resolve.

As the call ended, the military man had only a moment of silence before the compound's alarms started blaring.

'It's happening already?' He thought as he looked out of the window beside him, only to see a huge purple human crash land passed the walls and guard towers. "What the hell is that..."

As soon as the dust cleared, revealing a tall muscular purple alien, the sounds of gunfire filled the desert air. Usually, the soldiers were trained to try and peacefully detain any trespassers, but that didn't happen today.

A few jumpy operatives opened fire out of fear, which triggered everyone else to join in as well. Though something odd happened.

As the guns started to go off, the giant purple man started to move at a speed far faster than his size would suggest was possible. With the grace and skills of an Olympian Acrobat, the alien, metahuman, or whatever he was expertly dodged everything thrown his way.

"Lock down the research facility!" Breaking from his shock, the aged military man grabbed his radio and started barking orders. "I want every door leading to the Containment room sealed and barricaded!"

While the orders were given out, Thanos rushed toward the research facility and barreled through the front door, knocking it off its hinges with ease.

As soon as he appeared, more soldiers were waiting on the other side and opened fire in his direction.

As the bullets flew by, men and women in lab coats huddled in the corner like frightened rats. They were just getting ready to clock out and head home before this happened.

Standing still this time, each bullet hit the giant monster but sadly they couldn't break through his skin. As the bullets impacted Thanos and dropped to the floor with light clinking noises, the soldiers ran out of ammo.

"Weak..." Thanos muttered in disgust as he marched forward and threw the guards across the room with a swipe of his hand.

Similar situations unfolded as the purple giant invaded deeper and deeper into the research building. Blocked door? Break them down, deal with those inside, and move on to the next.

Though this routine changed as he broke yet another door and the sound of something rolling across the concrete floor was heard.

Looking downward, five grenades slid along the floor and stopped perfectly around his feet.

Resisting the urge to kick them back at the soldiers ahead, Thanos did nothing as they exploded in a big fiery blast.

"Did we get him?" One man asks as he looks into the smoke with his assault rifle lowered.

"Finally changing tactics..." A voice says from the smoke as the sound of footsteps head their way. "I commend you for your effort."

Walking out of the smoke, the purple giant was completely intact. Not even his armored clothes were damaged.

"Now step aside." He towers over the humans and orders menacingly.

"...Y-Yes, sir." One of them squeaks out as the shuffle out of his way.

Behind them was a big vault door with a keypad on the wall to the side. Turning back to the frightened soldiers, Thanos gives them an offer.

"Open this door and I'll spare your lives when my army arrives to cull this planet." Thanos says, but no one steps forward to do so.

Either they didn't have the access codes or they're very loyal soldiers.

"I'll do it myself." Thanos tsk'd in disdain as he reached back and slams his monstrous fist into the metal door.

"Bang! Crunch..."

The metal door was instantly dented as his fist opened a head-sized hole. Grabbing the door by the hole, he ripped it backward and tore the whole thing off of the wall.

Inside, a few scientists were working around a glowing blue cube, which was wired up to countless machines.

[Insert picture of Tesseract here]

"W-Who are you?" Erik Selvig, a scientist that Shield found during the whole Thor debacle asked in shock.

"I'm inevitable!" He replies but goes quiet and marches toward the cube at the center of the room. 'Maybe I laid that one on a bit too thick...'

Plucking the cube from the metal table with his giant hand, Thanos admired it for a moment before turning to the people and cameras inside the room.

'Two down, four more to go...' Peter thought as he spoke in his Thanos voice. "I'll be back."

Leaving those words behind, he kicked off the floor and crashed into the ceiling, breaking through and disappearing.


Only seconds after he left, a heavily armed team of soldiers breached the room, followed by a very angry looking Nick Fury.

"The f*ck just happened!?"

A/N: 1776 words :)



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