I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 133: Convinced

Chapter 133: Convinced

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 136. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"What if I said that I could make you young again?" Peter says as he strolls in and takes a seat at her bedside.

"I would say prove it." She eyes Peter with a skeptical, yet curious glare as the old Agent Carter comes out.

"Well, you would be the first human test subject." Peter admits as he leans back into the chair Steve was in only moments ago. "In a way, you would be the proof that it works."

"How reassuring..." Peggy says with a heaping helping of sarcasm.

"You're already dying." Peter shrugs uncaringly. "Either you die during the process or die naturally a week or two from now. At least my option has a chance of survival, not to mention the perk of regaining your youth."

"Why?" She asks.

"Why what?" Peter asks back.

"Why are you offering me this?" Peggy clarifies.

"Well, if things go as I plan, Steve will become the director of the Avengers, running the day to day operations, but he isn't exactly the administrative type, is he?" Peter says, causing Peggy to unconsciously smile for a moment.

"No, he isn't." She admits fondly.

"Though that doesn't mean he'll make a bad director. In fact, I think he would be the best person for the job." Peter admits with a shrug.

"What does this have to do with me?" Peggy asks with a raised eyebrow. "You want to make me young so that Steve can have a secretary?"

Although she said that jokingly, Peter nodded in agreement.

"Yup, though you would be the Vice Director, not a secretary." He says, shocking her into a silent stupor.

"..." Peggy just stared at him for a moment before speaking. "You want to use me as a test subject so you can hire me?"

"Pretty much. You helped build Shield and even became its Director, a similar position to what I plan for Steve. I also happen to need a test subject as well, so it's a win-win situation."

"..." Peggy goes silent for a moment as she weighs her options.

On one hand, she has a chance to be with the man she loves. Peggy is already dying and truthfully doesn't have more than a few weeks left, so dying from a failed experiment a couple of weeks earlier isn't that big of a deal to her.

On the other hand, she didn't fully believe Peter's words. He says that he's doing this to hire a younger Peggy Carter and use her as a test subject, but she can't shake the feeling that theirs more to why he's doing this.

Peggy would be correct in that assumption, though it's not as sinister as she presumed.

The main reason behind all of this, other than what's already been mentioned, is two things.

One, dragon bones are extremely rare and Peter refuses to test them on someone that isn't worth the loss of such a rare material. Not to mention the fact that that test subject would gain countless new years of life and some minor superpowers.

Two, Peter planned to change what happened in Infinity War and End Game. Meaning, if things go the way Peter is planning, then Thanos won't win and there would be no reason for any time traveler shenanigans.

Without time travel, Steve would never get to spend a long and happy life with the woman he loves, Peggy Carter.

Seeing as his interference would ruin Steve and Peggy's happy ending, Peter thought it best to do the couple a favor.

"Fine, how do we do this?" Peggy finally gives her answer.

"I'm happy you agreed." Peter smiles under his mask as he stands up and walks to the door. "I'll be here tomorrow night to pick you up. Make sure you're alone by 7:00."

"..." Peggy didn't expect it to happen so fast, so she was stunned into silence as Peter left. "What did I just get myself into?"


As Peter portal'd home, he grabbed all of his research for the Resurrection Elixer alongside the needed amount of crushed dragon bones and portal'd to his old secret lair.

"I haven't used this place since the Avengers Tower was finished." Peter muttered as he admires his old makeshift extreme gym.

The Tower had better gym equipment, so Peter didn't need this old place anymore. Though seeing it all dusty and abandoned gives him a sad nostalgic feeling.

'Maybe I should buy this place and turn it into my own base away from the Avengers...' Peter thought as this abandoned warehouse held a lot of fond memories from when he first started his hero work.

Saving that thought for another time, Peter got to work. He only had until tomorrow night to put everything together after all.

First, Peter needed a sealed coffin that wouldn't leak if it were filled to the brim with liquid.

He already had plans for this, so at the corner of the room were materials and tools to build it himself. Peter ordered them a few weeks ago, when he figured out how to fix the blood problem for the Elixir.

The problem was simple, Peter needed fresh blood in large quantities and didn't want to hurt others to get it, so he went to Kamar-Taj to, hopefully, find a magical solution to his problem.

Sadly, blood-related Mystic Arts seemed to be looked down upon by most of the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj, so he couldn't find anything in their library.

Maybe some Masters had helpful books in their private collections, but Peter didn't have access to those.

Since that was the case, Peter scavenged the library for anything that could be useful, and eventually, he found something interesting. It was a simple spell that was built to infinity multiply the amount of water you had on hand.

The spell would be placed on a jug or canteen, and the water inside would never run out. Masters use this spell when traveling to dimensions that don't have water, as they need water to survive like any other human being.

Peter took this spell and spent a good amount of time studying and tweaking it. It only worked with water at the beginning, but after some fine-tuning, Peter was able to make separate spells that worked for different liquids.

Not only did he make one that works on blood, but Peter has other spells like this that work for all of his favorite beverages.

It's safe to say that the Parker residents don't pay for their drinks anymore. The fridge is filled with enchanted bottles filled with infinite soda, milk, juice, water, etc.

Not only that, but the magic also keeps everything from spoiling, so it's always as fresh as the day it was bottled. This was something that was needed for the blood, as the Resurrection Elixir only worked with fresh blood.

With his infinite source of fresh blood, Peter solved the only problem blocking him from utilizing the Elixir.

When he told Peggy that there was a chance of her dying in his little experiment, Peter was exaggerating by a lot. Based on his tests and the proof of success from the Hand, Peter was about 99% sure of Peggy's survival.

The remaining 1% was just there for the off chance that something went wrong, which wasn't likely.

The only reason he said that to her was that he didn't want to reveal anything about the Hand to Peggy. Without using the Hand as a reference, then his little experiment seems extremely risky.

As Peter built the metal coffin that would hold Peggy in her bath of Resurrection Elixir, he was undecided as to which blood to use for her.

Peter has three sets of blood, which he could mix with the dragon bone powder for Peggy.

First, is normal human blood that Peter stole from a blood drive. With it, the Elixir would have the same effect that it's always had. Superhuman strength and endurance alongside a longer lifespan. Possibly some chi-related powers as well, but Peter would have to see about that.

Second, Peter's own blood. Due to his enhancements, the effects of the elixir would most likely change dramatically. The possibility of minor spider-related powers emerging would be highly likely.

Third, Steve's blood. Before taking the Captain off of his sedatives, Peter took a sample of his fresh blood, which he immediately placed in a spelled jug. Once again, the effects of the elixir would most likely change. Minor Super Soldier-related powers would be likely to develop.


'If she's going to be with Captain America, then why not use his blood?' Peter thought as he finished the coffin alongside a tube, where the Elixir would pour in from a connected container.

Once he was finished with that, Peter didn't have anything else to do for now. He couldn't make the elixir just yet, as it had to be fresh. That would have to wait until tomorrow.

"If this works, I can finally give MJ and Ned their superpowers, though maybe I should wait and give them the Super Soldier Serum first?" Peter muttered in thought.

After all, the Elixir might freeze them at their current age, which wouldn't be good.

'I'll have to run some tests on Peggy after tomorrow.'

A/N: 1551 words :)



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