I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 132: Steves Gilf Fetish

Chapter 132: Steves Gilf Fetish

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 135. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After dropping the truth bomb on Captain America, Happy drove them back to the tower, where Peter gave him a key card to get into and around the building.

"You're not a prisoner." Peter says as Steve took the card. "Feel free to come and go as you please."

Though before Steve could run off to explore the new world he has found himself in, Peter showed him to one of the Avenger's apartments.

"This will be yours for the time being." Peter says as he shows him around what is basically a penthouse apartment. "These apartments are for Avengers members, but an exception can be made for you."

"Uhh... Thanks." Steve was blown away by the apartment.

"No problem. Feel free to stay here as long as you want." Peter says with a shrug. "Especially if you decide to join the Avengers."

"What is the Avengers?" Steve finally asks.

"It's a team of superheroes." Peter answers plainly. "It started with me here in New York City, stopping bank robberies and rescuing cats from trees. Now we protect the earth from both foreign and domestic threats."

"Huh..." Steve was speechless for a moment as he looked Peter up and down. "Do you have superpowers?"

Superhero comic books were fairly popular back in his day, so the idea of superheroes was familiar to him at the very least.

"Yup, most people in the Avengers have their own superpowers." Peter nods as Steve looks at him with a skeptical look. "Don't believe me?"

"No... it just..." Steve says but Peter cuts him off.

"You know what?" Peter says as he smiles under his mask. "You've been frozen for a long time, Old Man. Why don't we head to the training room and break in those brittle bones of yours."

A confident smile forms on Steve's lips as he nods in agreement.

"Let's see what you got."


Escorting Steve to one of the many padded training rooms, Peter stood across from the man himself.

"Do you want a shield or something?" Peter asks, knowing the Captain's fighting style.

"No, hand-to-hand is fine." Steve shakes his head.

"Okay, just let me know if you throw out a hip or your arthritis starts acting up." Peter couldn't help but make old man jokes.

"Kids these days..." Steve mutters in annoyance.


"Who do you think will win?" Clint asks as every member of the Avengers watched through the cameras in the training room.

"The Captain." Coulson answers as he holds his Captain America trading cards tenderly.

"Your opinion doesn't count, fanboy." Tony laughs from the side, pouring himself a drink.

"Spidey will win." Natasha says confidently. "I've trained him and can easily say that Rogers doesn't stand a chance."

Coulson ignored her as he continued to root for his hero, Captain America. Everyone else just looked on in curiosity, hoping to see a good fight.


"Ladies and the elderly first, so make the firsts move." Peter says as he stands casually, waiting for his opponent to start things off.

"You asked for it..." Steve mutters as he kicks off the ground and rushes at Peter faster than Usain Bolt could ever dream of moving.

Sadly, this was Spider-Man he was up against.

As soon as Steve appeared in front of Peter, extending a fist toward his face, Peter merely twisted his body slightly. With the ease of handling a toddler, Peter dodged everything move Steve threw at him.

Punches, kicks, elbows. No matter what Steve did, every one of his attacks was expertly and easily avoided.

Steve felt like he was having one of those bad dreams, where no matter how hard he punched his opponent, they were completely unaffected.

(A/N: Anyone else have those dreams?)

"You're pretty quick." Peter comments as he dodges a spartan kick to the chest. "Alright, I'll stop dodging for you."

Thinking that Peter was underestimating him, Steve rushed forward and doubled his efforts.

This time, instead of dodging, Peter met every attack thrown at him and parried them to the side. Punches were slapped away while kicks were punted to the side.

This seemed to really put things into perspective for Steve. Though he didn't bother slowing down, as he had some aggression to work out and this was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Everyone he knew is most likely dead, and he missed the life that he was meant to lead with the woman he loved. The anger and resentment inside of Steve needed to be worked out or else he would go crazy.

"Ahh!" Steve exclaimed as he tried a new combination of attacks.

Of course, they were all knocked away with relative ease.

"I think it's time to end this." Peter says as he drops down to the floor and spins, sweeping the Captain off of his feet and onto his back.

*Heavy Breathing*

"Good fight, Cap." Peter says genuinely, but Steve felt a sting in those words.

"Good fight?" He says, still catching his breath on the ground. "I didn't even put up a fight."

"That's only because I have more training and superpowers than you." Peter says with a shrug. "Now, go get some rest. You have a date tomorrow."

"Huh?" Steve grunted in confusion as he picked himself up off the floor. "What do you..."

"You're about seventy years late, but I'm sure she won't mind too much." Peter says as he walks out of the room, leaving a shocked Captain America behind.

"Peggy's still alive?"


In a bedroom with a hospital bed in place of a normal bed, an aged white haired Peggy Carter lays in bed, smiling at the handsome young man sitting at her bedside.

[Insert picture of old Peggy Carter here]

"You should be proud of yourself, Peggy." Steve says as he eyes the many pictures at his old lover's bedside.

"I have lived a life." Peggy turns her head to the photos before looking at Steve sadly. "My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours."

Steve goes silent for a moment as he looks down at the floor.

"What is it?" Peggy asks, reading him like an open book.

"For as long as I can remember I just wanted to do what was right." Steve says as he stares off into the distance. "I guess I'm just not quite sure what that is anymore."

With the war long over and the world at relative peace, at least for the time being, Steve didn't know what to do with himself. He was engineered in a lab to fight the good fight, yet here he is in a peaceful future without a clue of what to do with himself.

"You're always so dramatic." Peggy laughs at her young lover. "Look, you saved the world."

"Yeah, I've heard." Steve smiled in her direction.

Grabbing Steve's hand and pulling him closer, Peggy looks him straight in the eyes.

"The world has changed and none of us can go back." Peggy says as regret and sadness fill both of their faces. "All we can do is our best and sometimes the best we can do is stay over-"

*Cough Cough...*

Peggy breaks out in a fit of coughs as Steve rushes to get her a glass of water. As he turns back to hand her the glass, Peggy stops coughing and freezes. She looks at Steve with shock and surprise written all over her face.

"Steve?" She asks as her dementia starts showing, completely forgetting the whole conversation they just had. "You're alive?"

"Yeah..." Steve plays along as he was warned about this earlier.

"You came back..." Peggy begins to cry and weep as she gripped his hand. "It's been so long."

"Well, I couldn't leave my best girl, not when she owes me a dance." Steve holds back his own tears as he smiles warmly in her direction.

The conversation continued for a short while as the two reminisced, but soon Peggy's dementia started acting up again, causing her to forget who he was completely.

At that point, Steve's presence seemed to make her uncomfortable, so he said his goodbyes and left, promising to visit again on his way out.

Watching sadly from the window at her bedside, Peggy saw Steve get into the back of a black car, which swiftly drove off.

"That was a cruel thing you just did." A voice appears in the room.

Turning her head to her newest visitor, Peggy found none other than Spider-Man himself standing in her doorway.

"Cruel but effective." Peggy answers without an ounce of regret. "Steve needs to move on with his life, and he can't do that while chasing the skirt of a dying old woman. He deserves a happy life after all that he's done."

Peggy didn't have Alzheimer's or Dementia. No, she just didn't want to be an anchor in the new life of the man she loved, so she did her best to scare him away.

"What if I said that I could make you young again?"

A/N: 1507 words :)



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