I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 134: Experiment Begins

Chapter 134: Experiment Begins

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 137. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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Returning home that night, Peter didn't tell anyone about Peggy or his plan with the Elixir. In fact, he has kept the Elixir a secret from just about everyone for all this time.

Peter didn't want to get his loved one's hopes up, but mainly he wanted to keep the existence of the Elixir as quiet as possible.

Immortality is a dangerous thing to go around advertising after all.

If tomorrow's experiment is a success, then Peter could tell his loved ones and possibly a select few in the Avengers, as Peggy may not be able to keep her mouth shut.

'Hopefully, she's a good secret keeper, though I can expect Steve to know about it sooner or later...' Peter thought.

Of course, Peter won't be telling anyone about the contents of the Elixir, as not even Peggy will know. They'll only know that he has a way to reverse aging, prolong life, and give minor superpowers.

Drifting off to sleep that night, Peter wondered whether he should tell his loved ones about the Elixir or not. After all, he may not use it on them for a while.

'Eh, whatever I'll just go with the flow...' Peter thought as he texted MJ goodnight and fell asleep.


Waking up the next day, Peter attended school as usual, before rushing over to the Avengers Tower to pick up Tony for their Morag exploration.

He still had a few hours before Peggy's experiment, and Peter promised Tony that they would explore today, so he couldn't just ditch.

Before heading to Tony, Peter checked in on Steve and found him working out his inner feelings on a heavy punching bag.

*bang bang bang... Boom!*

He threw a combination of punches that ended in a haymaker, which launched the heavy bag off of its chains and into a nearby wall.

'Maybe he needs more alone time?' Peter thought as he slipped away.

Sometimes people just need to be left alone to work out their feelings, so Peter would leave Steve be for the time being.

Heading toward the elevator, Peter arrived just in time for Tony to step out with his Iron Man suit on and his face mask open.

"Good, you're here!" Tony says excitedly. "Quick open a portal. I want to fly around and explore that planet!"

"How did you know I was here?" Peter asks with a tilt of his head.

"Jarvis told me." Tony answers with a shrug. "Now let's go! I want to discover some alien life forms."

"Once again, Morag is an abandoned planet. There's nothing left on that rock, but your welcome to try, I guess." Peter says as he opens a portal.

Without even acknowledging Peter's words, Tony shoots off into the portal, leaving Peter behind as he flies off into the distance to explore Morag.

"..." Peter watched and sighed in annoyance as his friend used him as a glorified taxi service only to ditch him seconds later. "At least he has his suit..."

Ignoring Tony's behavior, Peter enters the metal base he built and starts running tests with the equipment he brought. He needed a lot of data in order to start understanding and predicting this world's ocean tides.

"Why does it always turn out like this?" Peter muttered as he got to work. 'Tony gets to run off and have all the fun while I do all of the work...'


Sadly for Tony, their time on Morag was cut short, as Peter's alarm went off, letting him know that it was 6:30 pm. Only half an hour before he had to go and pick up Peggy for her procedure.

After spending a good ten minutes to find Tony, Peter had to drag him back to earth kicking and screaming, which was annoying as hell to deal with.

Leaving a disgruntled Tony Stark behind, Peter escaped before he could hear any more of his friends b*tching.

Arriving at his warehouse lair, Peter got straight to work, mixing Captain America's blood and the dragon bone powder. He needed it to be ready for when Peggy arrived.


Once the clock hit 7:00 pm on the dot, Peter portal'd into Peggy's bedroom, though his sudden and magical appearance didn't seem to shock the elderly woman as he expected.

"No fun..." Peter jokingly whined like a child. "You're supposed to be shocked by the portal."

"Oh my god... How did you do that?" Peggy sarcastically pretends to be surprised from her hospital bed.

"Okay, don't rub it in." Peter whines some more. 'If she knows about my portals, then Peggy must still have access to high-level Shield information.'

"Are you here to complain about my reactions or make me younger?" Peggy asks with a raised eyebrow.

"That's right!" Peter says excitedly as he banished his former attitude. "The granny before me has a studly soldier with a well-rounded booty waiting for her arrival. We should hurry, as America's a*s waits for nobody! Who knows how many harpies or succubi are eying him as we speak."

"Succubi?" Peggy asks as her lips quirk upward involuntarily.

"It's plural for a succubus." Peter answers as the portal closes behind him.

"Right..." Peggy says, giving up on this conversation. "Can we get going? I want to get this over with quickly. Either I die tonight or I start my life anew."

"Sure, take this..." Peter says as he walks over and hands her a few pills.

"What is it?" Peggy asks as she eyes them warily.

"A sedative." Peter says as he dumps the pills into her hand. "You'll be asleep for the entire procedure."

"Is this necessary?" She looks up from her pills and asks.

"Yes, you'll have to be asleep for the procedure anyway, but mostly, I'd like to keep the whole thing as secretive as possible." Peter answers as he motions for her to take the pills.

Sighing in defeat, Peggy pops the handful of pills into her mouth and grabs a nearby glass of water to wash them down.

"I don't know why I'm trusting you..." Peggy mutters under her breath, but Peter heard her loud and clear.

"Because I'm your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man," Peter says with an exaggerated thumbs up.

"Sure..." Peggy mutters as she starts to get drowsy and leans back into her soft pillows. "Just don't cut me open and sell my organs on the black market..."

"Yes, Ma'am." Peter says as her eyes slowly droop shut and her breathing becomes even and repetitive.

Seeing that Peggy was fast asleep, Peter opened a portal to his warehouse lair and carefully carried the elderly woman inside.

As the portal closed behind them, Peter walked over to the metal coffin he created yesterday and gently placed her inside.

'She's so old that this feels like a weird funeral..." Peter thought as he looked down at her sleeping figure. 'Though she won't be old for long I suppose.'

Without further a-due, Peter starts cutting off her clothes with a pair of sharp scissors, as he didn't know if clothing would affect the process whatsoever. Throughout the whole process, he did his best to be quick and not look at her old and wrinkled body, though that was easier said than done.

In order to be as respectful as possible, Peter shut the lid on the coffin as soon as he was done stripping her naked.

'I don't know if I can ever get the image of wrinkled, saggy, granny breasts out of my head...' Peter thought as he did his best to erase what he saw from his mind. "Maybe I can ask the Ancient One to erase my memories later..."

Pushing all of these thoughts aside, Peter quickly gets to work.

Connected to the coffin by a small pipe was a big metal oil drum, which was currently filled to the brim with a thick black liquid.

This liquid is the Resurrection Elixir.

Peter carefully mixed the Elixir only moments before leaving to pick up Peggy, so everything was ready to go. All he has to do is turn the lever beside the pipe and the coffin would fill with the Elixir, starting the process.

"Good luck..." Peter muttered as he turned the lever.

Instantly, black liquid from the oil drum flowed through the pipe and into the coffin, slowly covering Peggy's sleeping body.

Within moments, the oil drum was empty and the coffin was full. Peggy's body was completely submerged, drowning in the thick viscous liquid.

"It's nothing but waiting now..." Peter muttered as he found a place to sit and took out his phone. 'Are there any new YouTube videos out today?'

A/N: 1444 words :)



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