I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 131: Awakening

Chapter 131: Awakening

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 134. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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"We'll send out rescue ships. We'll find you." Peggy Carter's voice plays out over the radio.

"I don't think there's going to be much left to find." Steve tells her in a resigned tone as the Hydra bomber he was currently in nosedives toward the icy ground.

The love of his life, Peggy Carter, didn't reply. He knew she was using every bit of her brilliant mind to think of ways to save him.

[Insert picture of Peggy Carter here]

"Peggy?" Steve calls her over the radio.

"...I'm here." Peggy answers with a shaky voice as if she were crying.

Steve stares at a photo of Peggy as the nose of the plane grew closer and closer to the ground.

"I'm going to need a raincheck on that dance." He says with a fond smile.

"A-All right. Next Saturday. The Stork Club." She stutters, hiding her crying as best as she could.

"Okay. You got it." Steve agrees, ignoring his impending doom while enjoying his time with the woman he loves.

"8:00 on the dot. If you're three minutes late I'm leaving, do you understand?" Peggy warns him jokingly.

"I still don't know how to dance." He laughs in self-deprecation

"I'll show you. I'll show you everything. Just be there." She tells him pleadingly.

Clouds whip past the windows as the plane plummets. Steve pockets the picture and slides his mask over his face, as Arctic ice rushes up at the cockpit window.

"Maybe the band could play something slow, I'd hate to step on your-"



In a futuristic-looking hospital room, Steve Rogers could be seen shaking in his sleep. He tossed and turned for a few moments, before shooting up out of the bed with a loud gasp for air.

*heavy breathing*

'Peggy?' Steve's first thought was for the woman he loves.

While he was getting his breathing under control, Steve looked around the room for any sort of information.

"Where am I?" He mutters as he sees the futuristic medical equipment and a flatscreen TV on the wall.

"New York."

Jumping out of bed and to his feet, Captain America turns to see a masked red and blue man sitting in corner of the room with a glowing device in hand(smartphone).

"Who are you?" Steve asks, ready to fight at any moment.

"Spider-Man." Peter answers as he points toward the window behind Steve. "You may want to be careful. Even in today's age, hospital gowns are rather revealing..."

Freezing in place, Steve feels a cool breeze on his backside. The Captain acts quickly and does his best to cover up, not taking his eyes off the strange masked man.

"There are clothes on the nightstand by the bed." Peter says as he stands, which causes Steve to fidget in anticipation of a fight. "I'll be waiting outside. I've seen enough of America's a*s for the day."

Without waiting for a reply, Peter walks out of the room, leaving a very bewildered Captain America behind.

As soon as the masked stranger left the room, Steve rushed to get dressed in an Avengers-branded sweatsuit and sneakers.

With clothes to cover himself, the Captain took a moment to search the room for clues of his whereabouts. Once again the futuristic appliances and design of the room surprised him.

Though what surprised him the most was the view from the floor-to-ceiling windows. Instantly, he knew the man from earlier wasn't lying.

This was New York City, for sure.

He was too high up to see the people and cars below clearly, but the architecture of some of the buildings was somewhat recognizable. Some even had these neon lights, which caused them to light up the night sky.

"What's happening?" Steve muttered as he worked up the courage to walk out the door.

As he stepped out into the hallway, Steve found the same stranger from earlier leaning against the wall across from him.

"Welcome to Avengers Tower, Cap." Peter says as he kicks off the wall and strolls down the hall. "Follow me."

"Look, I don't have time for whatever this is." Steve says as he chases after Peter. "I have to get in touch with the military and debrief..."

"No, you don't." Peter says as he stops to look Steve in the eye. "Just follow me. It'll be easier if you see for yourself."

"..." Steve reluctantly followed along into an elevator that went all the way to the ground floor.

Due to Captain America's late awakening, the lower portion of the tower was empty, as the large majority of Stark Industries employees clocked out of work hours ago.

Seeing that he was being taken to the ground floor, Steve was more at ease, as it would be easier for him to escape this way.

As the elevators opened, Peter took Steve to the main entrance, where the security greeted Peter with the utmost respect, surprising Steve. After all, Peter looked like some sort of masked criminal to him.

"Stark Industries?" Steve muttered as he saw the sign in the lobby.

"Yep, the lower half of the tower is the headquarters for Stark Industries, while the upper half is the Avengers Headquarters." Peter explains as they step out of the building and into the sidewalk.

'Avengers?' Steve thought in confusion.

Although it was late, New York was known as the city that never sleeps, so the passing pedestrians instantly recognized Spider-Man, and whipped out their phones to capture this rare moment.

"What are they doing?" Steve asks in confusion.

"I'm a bit famous. Don't mind them." Peter says as he motions to the waiting black car. "Hop in."

"What model is this?" Steve asks as he admires the modern car. "Did Howard start making cars?"

Only a Stark could make something so futuristic after all.

"No. Now hurry up. If we stay for too long a crowd will form and I'll be stuck here for days signing autographs and taking pictures." Peter says as he pushes the Captain into the back of the car and hops in behind him. "Get us out of here, Happy."

"You got it, Spider-Boss." Happy replies as he drives off.

"Take us to Time Square." Peter tells him as he sits back and watches Steve, who had his eyes glued to the window.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on now, Spider-Guy?" Steve turns to Peter and asks.

"Spider-Man, and the fact that you haven't figured it out yet is worrying..." Peter says as he takes out his phone and pulls up the Captain's medical report. "Maybe you do have brain damage?"

"Hey!" Steve exclaims with a disgruntled look on his face. "I've been extremely patient with whatever this is. I will not-"

"We're here!" Happy calls out from the front seat.

"Look out of the window again." Peter instructs.

Modern cars honk and roar in the street. Towering plasma screen billboards play advertisements. New-age people rush here and there with cell phones in hand. Futuristic architecture and art fill Steve's eyes, causing him to stagger in his seat.

"Who are you, really?" Steve turns to Peter once again.

"Spider-Man." Peter answers simply, smiling under his mask. "The others wanted to put up a show and break it to you slowly, but I thought it best not to beat around the bush."

"Break what?" Steve asks pointedly.

"You've been asleep for almost seventy years, Cap." Peter reveals the truth.

Steve turns back to the window, stunned by this realization.

"Seventy years..." Steve mutters in dread.

"What about the war?" Steve turns back to Peter. "Did we win?"

"Yup. Unconditional surrender." Peter nods as he motions back out the window. "If we didn't then you would be seeing a very different world right now. You played a very big part in securing that victory."

Steve didn't know how to react to all of this.

"How am I alive?" He asks in confusion.

"Dr. Erskine's formula combined with the extreme cold of the Arctic somehow preserved you. The second we thawed you out, your heart started beating again." Peter explains.

"I know it's a lot to swallow, but the world's not as different as it looks. There's still work to be done..." Peter says as he reaches into the front seat pulling over Steve's battered shield. "The world could still use a man like you. If you're up for it, that is."

'He would make a good director of the Avengers...' Peter thought as he handed the shield back to its rightful owner.

"I-I..." Steve didn't know what to say as he barely knew what was happening.

"Take your time. You've earned it." Peter says with a shrug. "Just know that there's a place for you in the Avengers if you're interested."

Of course, Steve had no idea what the Avengers were, but he would learn soon enough.


The car goes silent as Happy starts driving them back to Avengers tower.

"Are you alright?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, it's just..." Steve looked out of the window sadly. "I had a date."

A/N: 1521 words :)



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