I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 130: Capcicle

Chapter 130: Capcicle

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 133. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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In an icy tundra, two warmly dressed US government agents step out of their truck to meet a lone man.

They were called in to investigate a large unidentified object that was found by a research team in the Arctic, which was a job no one wanted to do.

After all, it was a frozen wasteland out there.

Though they couldn't just leave it, as it could be something important, like a Russian spy satellite or something.

It could even be aliens...

Of course, no one actually believed that.

"Was it you who called it in?!" One of the agents yells over the loud icy winds.

"Yeah, I think it's a weather balloon or something!" The lone man answers.

"Alright, lead the way!" The other agent called out as they trudged through the wind and snow.

"Whatever it is, it's buried halfway into the ice. We only found it a few days ago." The man that was leading them explained as they walked.

"How long before we can start craning it out?" One of the agents asks.

"I don't think you quite understand..." What appears to be a very large airplane wing comes into view, peeking out of the icy floor. "You guys are going to need one hell of a crane."

"What the..."


After getting over their shock, the agents worked with the research team to find a way into the airship, or whatever it was.

Almost an hour later while working in the freezing winds, they managed to thaw out a hatch that one of the researchers found. With it thawed, the agents cracked it open and repelled down, entering the unknown object.

The inside was dark and covered in thick layers of frosty ice. The agents had to use flashlights to see as they maneuvered around, exploring what they now could say for sure was an old-school bomber airplane.

After only about 10 minutes of exploring, the two agents found the cockpit of the ship, which was huge with a giant glass window that was somehow still intact. Through the glass window, the agents could see the dark ocean under the ice they walked on moments earlier.

While one agent was enraptured by the dark ocean view, the other turned his flashlight to investigate further. Sticking out of the ice by the control panel of the ship, the agent's light reflected off of a frosty red, white, and blue circular object.

"Holy sh*t..."



"We're finally finished!" Tony says as he admires the metal base.

"What do you mean 'we'?" Peter says with a bit of sass in his voice. "I did all of the work. You just sat around and did nothing the whole time."

"Hey! I helped with the door." Tony tries to defend his laziness.

"You handed me a screwdriver..." Peter gives Tony a deadpan look under his mask.

"Whatever, let's explore now." Tony changes the subject in an instant, ready to venture into an unknown planet. "I want to take some samples and see if there's any life on this rock."

"No, we're headed back for now." Peter says as he just wants to rest after a long day's work.

"Oh, come on, Web-Head!" Tony starts acting like a spoiled child. "There's a whole alien planet for us to explore!"

"Not all of us woke up an hour ago." Peter says as he creates a portal next to Tony. "We can do everything you want tomorrow, but until then, I want to do nothing but stuff my face with food."

"Fine..." Tony gave in as he wasn't brave enough to go off on his own, not that Peter would allow him to do so in the first place.


As the two returned to Earth through the portal, Peter and Tony's phones instantly started going off like crazy. There was no service on Morag, so as soon as they arrived, every missed call and text message came in at the same exact time.

"I can't go away for a single day, can I?" Peter complained as he checked his phone, expecting the usual problems. "Huh?"

Every text and call he received was from Fury and Natasha, who were people that would never spam his phone like this. Usually, it's complaints from staff about the more problematic Avengers, like Magnetos bunch.

-9 missed calls

-17 text messages

Bald Pirate: Call me

Bald Pirate: Answer your phone

Bald Pirate: Call me. Important.


Natasha's texts were about the same, but hers made up the majority of them.

"Same for you, huh?" Tony says as he snuck a look at Peter's phone.

Moving his phone from Tony's sight, Peter ignores him and calls Fury.

*Ring Ring Ring...*

"Where have you been?!" Fury asks angrily as he answers the call.

"Off planet." Peter says, knowing Fury wouldn't believe him. "Why have you been blowing up my phone like an angry girlfriend?"

Fury could hear Tony laughing in the background, which annoyed him to no end.

"...Get to the council room." Fury ignores Peter's words and hangs up the phone.

"He seems cranky today..."

"Isn't he always?"


Arriving at the council room, Peter was surprised to find every council member in attendance.

"What's going on?" Peter asked as he and Tony took their seats, waiting to hear what this was all about.

Tapping a few buttons on the table, a holographic image of a giant airplane appeared above the table.

"A team of Shield agents was deployed to the Arctic to investigate an unknown object in the ice. They found this." Fury explains as he gestures to the hologram. "A Nazi Hydra bomber plane from World War 2."

'Is it that time already?' Peter wondered as he instantly thought of the first superhero in this worlds history.

"Though it's what they found inside the plane that caused the need for this meeting..." Fury says as he hits another button, causing the floating image to change to a frozen figure in red, white, and blue clothing.

[Insert picture of Captain America here]

'Yup, that's the capcicle alright...' Peter confirmed instantly.

"Is that who I think it is?" Professor Xavier asks in surprise.

"Yes, we found Captain America." Fury confirms as he switches to a close-up of Steve Roger's frosty face.

"I see the importance of this, but why are we here?" Magneto asks in annoyance, as he was in the middle of something before this meeting was called. "Give the guy a proper burial and call it a day."

"That's the thing..." Fury says as he hits another button and a video plays of a sleeping Steve Rogers in a hospital bed. "He's still alive."


The room goes silent as everyone watches the video, spotting the active heartbeat monitor connected to Steve's hand. Not only that, but his chest would rise and fall ever so slightly as he breathed in and out.

"That's impossible." Charles mutters in disbelief.

"No, the ice must have preserved him." Tony says as he starts thinking of an explanation for this. "The Super Soldier Experiment must have made it possible for him to survive for all this time..."

"Do we know if he'll wake up?" Peter asks, knowing the answer to his own question already.

"No idea. The doctors are still running tests." Fury says with an unknowing shrug. "Once the tests are finished, I'll have him moved here."

"How should we handle him if he wakes up?" Charles raises the question everyone was thinking. "He's practically a time traveler. The world has changed significantly and everyone he knew is most likely dead by now."

"Let's worry about that later." Peter says as he turns to Fury. "Have the doctors keep him sedated for the time being. We can't have him freaking out when he wakes up. He might accidentally kill a nurse or something."

It's always best to air on the side of caution when dealing with super-powered individuals.

"Already done." Fury says as his phone suddenly goes off.

Checking his phone, Fury reads a quick text and stashes it away again.

"The tests are finished. All vitals are normal, including brain activity, and transport is on the way to bring Rogers here as we speak." Fury recounts the message he just received.

"Well, then we should get ready to welcome our time traveler..."

A/N: 1400 words



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