I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 129: Tony’s Enlightenment

Chapter 129: Tony’s Enlightenment

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 3 chapters ahead at chapter 132. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today. /AlienWarlord

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After taking the Destroyer apart for Tony, they found that it was just a hollow set of armor. No power source or robotics.


It was completely empty, though they did find something interesting.

What appeared to be Nordic Runes were carved all over the inner portion of the armor. While the outside looked sleek and smooth, the inside was covered with lines and symbols.

Seeing this, Tony couldn't help but stare in awe as he finally had his first run-in with magic.

Peter knew this would happen sooner or later, so he heaved a heavy sigh and opened a portal.

"I'll be right back." He said, confusing Tony as he stepped into the portal.

Only a minute later, Peter returned with a stack of old books in hand. Tony watched in curiosity as his spidery friend placed the books in front of him.

"What's this?" Tony asked as he picked up one of the books. "...Runic Magic for Dummies, seriously?"

"Remember when we first met and you asked how I made the portals and I said magic?" Tony nods so Peter continues. "Well, I didn't lie..."

"Magic is a thing?" Tony asks as realization started to set in. "That bald woman taught you, didn't she?"

"Yeah, she's probably the strongest person on this planet and possibly the universe." Peter brags a bit about his teacher's strength. "She's called the Ancient One. I've been trying to recruit her to join the Avengers for a while now."

"Huh..." Tony grunts as he plops down into his desk chair in shock. "This is..."

"A lot, I know..." Peter tries to finish Tony's words but got them wrong for once.

"...so cool!" Tony practically jumps out of his seat and starts pacing around the room. "I could use the metal from the Destroyer to create a new suit and add these runes to it..."

Tony started monologuing his every thought as he planned to make the ultimate magic-infused Iron Man suit.

"..." Peter thought it would take Tony a bit longer to wrap his head around magic being real, but it seems he underestimated him.

Just as Peter was thinking this, Tony started trying to write the runes that were on the Destroyer. Acting quickly before his friend killed himself or some other accident happened, Peter snatched the pen from Tony's hand.

"Hey!" Tony shouts as he turns to Peter.

"Runes are too dangerous for you to be writing without any knowledge." Peter reprimands Tony as he pushes the books in front of him once again. "Memorize these first and then you can start practicing under my supervision."

"..." Tony stayed quiet for a moment, as he doesn't like being told what to do.

Though after some thought, he understood that magic was new to him and he would have to take Peter's advice. After all, Tony has studied for years to be able to create the things he does in his workshop. Diving head-first into something new and dangerous wouldn't be smart.

Especially when he has someone so willing to help him get started.

"Is your teacher okay with you showing me this?" Tony asks as he holds up one of the books. "Magic is supposed to be a secret, right?"

There's a reason why magic isn't widely known all around the world, after all. Someone has been keeping it under wraps.

That someone being the Ancient One herself.

"She shouldn't mind." Peter says with a shake of his head. "You discovered the runes on your own. I'm only stepping in so you don't accidentally cause some sort of catastrophe."

"If you say so..."


Seeing as Tony had some reading to do, the study of the Destroyer was put aside for the time being.

Before leaving for home, as he hasn't slept yet, Peter snapped some pictures of the runes inside the Destroyer for his own personal studying.

'Asgardian runes are hard to come by...' Peter thought as he carefully took his pictures before heading home to sleep.


By the next day, everything that Peter needed for his expedition to Morag had arrived at the Avengers tower. The only question was, would Tony be coming along still?

As soon as Peter arrived at the tower, Tony was passed out in the same place he left him, surrounded by open books. He spent the whole night studying the rune books that Peter gave him, and fell asleep in his seat.

"Maybe it's best that I set up the base before Tony comes..." Peter mutters as he portals Tony to his bed, leaving him to his sleep.

Arriving at an underground storage area in the tower, Peter found everything he needed.

'Time to head out, I guess...' Peter thought as he wave his hand, using the coordinates to open a portal to Planet Morag.

As the portal appeared, Peter peeked through it cautiously, making sure nothing went wrong.

On the other side of the portal was what Peter could only describe as a rocky wasteland, filled with fog and clouds.

'Definitely a foreign planet...' Peter thought as he ran a few safety tests before stepping through.

Just from looking, Peter could say that it looked to be the same Morag from Guardians of The Galaxy, but that didn't mean he would step through the portal so easily.

He would only enter Morag when he knew it was safe to do so.


Almost an hour later, Peter had used both magic and a few of the devices that Tony procure for him to test things like Morag's air quality, temperature, radiation, etc.

From the movie, Peter knew that Morag's air was at the very least breathable, as Star-Lord was able to walk around without his mask, but this is the real world so he would be careful.

At the very least, Peter would die without air to breathe.

Once everything had been tested, Peter found that the planet was barely habitable, as he suspected.

The only thing wrong with the place was the fact that it was nothing but a rocky wasteland alongside some ocean, which made it clear why the planet is empty now.

'I can see why this planet was abandoned...' Peter thought as he eyed the place. 'I doubt anything could grow here either.'

With that all out of the way, Peter started carrying materials through the portal. Metal sheets, beams, concrete bags, and other materials that he would use to build a small base in a safe and elevated location.

As he made his first step onto a foreign planets soil and breathed in its air, Peter felt a sense of accomplishment. Yeah, he visited Asgard already but that wasn't really a planet.

Morag just had a different feel to it...

'Let's get to work.'


Waking up from his exhaustion induced sleep, Tony saw the time and cursed as he found that he slept for most of the day. Looking out the nearby window, he saw that the sun was already beginning to set.

"Jarvis, did Web-Heads order come in yet?" Tony asks as he gets up and heads for the bathroom.

"Yes..." Jarvis answered as he goes on to explain what Peter has been doing in the tower while he slept.

"That motherf*cker..." Tony cursed as he rushed downstairs, not wanting to be left behind.

He was already left behind when it came to Asgard, so he wouldn't be ditched again.

Entering the underground storage area, Tony rushed to Peter's open portal and froze as he saw the barren otherworldly landscape of an alien planet.

Over on a nearby hilltop, Tony found what appeared to be a metal structure being built by a familiar blue and red figure.

Without thinking of his safety, Tony steps through the portal and walks up the hill, not thinking to run any of the tests that Peter did earlier in the day.


Hearing someone walking his way, Peter dropped a heavy metal beam to the ground and hopped off the partially built base to greet them.

"Yo." Peter said with a wave as Tony made it up the hill, out of breath from the walk. "Have you been slacking on your training?"

"Shut up..." Tony breathes heavily as he glares at Peter. "You left me behind again..."

"No, you stayed up all night reading about runes." Peter says with a shake of his head. "If you wanted to visit an alien planet bright and early in the morning, then you should have gone to sleep and woken up in time. I also left the portal open for you."

"Whatever, so what are we here for?" Tony asks as he recalled all of the different devices Peter asked for. "Obviously, you want to predict this planet's tides for some reason, but why?"

"Because I need something that's under the ocean." Peter says cryptically as he lifts the giant metal beam once again and returns to the partially built base.

"What might that be?" Tony asks curiously.

"I'm not telling you." Peter calls out over his shoulder. "If you knew what it was, you'd want me to share and that's not happening this time around."

"Don't be like that, Web-Head!" Tony yells back. "Didn't your mother teach you that sharing is caring!"

A/N: 1542 words :)



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