I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 7: appointment time

"I'm back—Oni-chan!" Kurokawa Kazumi shouted as he opened the door.

"Oh, just right, lunch is ready, let's eat together." Kurokawa Kazuya said as he looked at his sister who walked in.

"Yes, brother, what did you do?"

"Omurice." Kurokawa and Mi smiled: "Let's have a taste and see if there is any improvement."


"Wash your hands first."

"Yes~~" Kurokawa Kazumi nodded, and sat down on her seat after washing her hands: "I'm starting."

"What is Kazumi going to do tomorrow?"

"Hmm... not yet decided..." Kazumi thought about it and took a bite of omelet rice with a spoon in his mouth, then muttered, "It seems that there is something wrong with Ye's words, Sanae should stay at home."

"Really." Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "If you have nothing to do, let's go to the amusement park tomorrow."

"Oh? Really?" Kazumi said in surprise.

"Ah, of course, I can't let you stay at home." Kurokawa Kazuya stood up and pinched Kazumi's nose and said.

"Don't pinch people's noses." Hemei said with a smile: "Hey, let's play flower cards later?"

"Ah, yes."

"Ring ring ring—"

Just then, the phone rang.

Kurokawa and Mi frowned, who would be calling at this time?

"Hemei, you have dinner first, and I'll answer a phone call."


"By the way." Kurokawa and Mi, who had just walked two steps, turned around and said, "How does this time compare with the previous one?"

"Hmm..." Hemei thought for a while, then sighed: "I can't eat it..."

"Really, well, that's right. I'm always eating my cooking. As long as I don't suddenly improve a lot, I won't be able to eat it..." Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "Then I'll answer the phone first."

"Yeah, let's go."

Kurokawa and Mi smiled. It seems that in the future, we will draw a world of gourmet food to see if we can learn something...Thê sourc𝗲 of this content n/o/v/(𝒆l)bi((n))


"Is there no one..." Yuu Iwamoto looked at the phone and frowned... There is still no movement at this position.

"Hello, is this the editorial department?" When Kurokawa and Mi went upstairs, they knew who was calling when they saw the room where the phone rang. After all, only the people in the editorial department knew the phone number in the study.

"Yes, that's right, it's Iwamoto Yuu." Iwamoto Yuu breathed a sigh of relief and finally someone picked it up.

"What's the matter?" Kurokawa and Mi had some doubts. They should have already taken the original manuscript.

"Yes, that... Kurokawa-sensei, the editor-in-chief wants to visit later, don't you know if you have time?"

"No time." Kurokawa Kazuya directly refused.

"It's good if you have time, that...huh?"

"Well, I said I don't have time..."

"Then...well, do you have anything to do?" Iwamoto Yu asked in confusion. If it was Kurokawa Kazuya, there shouldn't be any work right now, or are you finishing a new manga?

The editor-in-chief also frowned at the side, he was very interested in this cartoonist who rejected the assistant and now drew the protagonist to death, and now he wanted to add another one.

Rejected the editor's visit...

"Well, I'm going to play flower cards with my sister later." Kurokawa Kazumi said seriously.

"Huh? Then...well, this matter shouldn't be very important, right? Relatively speaking, it's the editor-in-chief's side..."

"No, my sister's side is more important."

"Uh..." Iwamoto Yu's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but want to curse a word that might not exist yet-'dead sister control'.

"It doesn't matter, if you can't do it today, you can do it tomorrow." The editor-in-chief who couldn't stand it continued.

Iwamoto Yuu nodded and continued talking to the phone: "Do you have time for tomorrow?"


"Oh? Not tomorrow?" Iwamoto Yuu was taken aback


"Tomorrow...what's the matter?"

"I want to accompany my sister to the amusement park." Kurokawa and Mi thought for a while before saying it out. This is not something that needs to be kept secret.

"Uh...but...okay. Wait a minute." Iwamoto Yuu covered the phone and said to the editor-in-chief: "That...the editor-in-chief, look at the situation..."

"Then the day after tomorrow."

Iwamoto Yu has some admiration. It should be said that he is worthy of being the editor-in-chief. This aura is different... so calm.

"Yes, then I'll ask again." Iwamoto Yu only went to Kurokawa's house twice in total. Before that, Kurokawa came here. He didn't even know that this guy was still a sister-controller, and he was still a sister of this level control!

To be able to refuse the invitation of the editor-in-chief just to play with my sister... that's really amazing.

"What about...the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow...well, this is fine." Kurokawa Kazumi thought for a while and said, Kazumi should go to school later, don't worry about such things.

"That's good." Iwamoto breathed a sigh of relief: "Then the day after tomorrow, I will go there with the editor-in-chief."

"Okay, I will prepare tea to receive you at that time." Kurokawa and Mi hung up the phone after confirming that there was nothing to do.

In the previous life, I always said "God owes me a sister" or something...

After finally getting a chance in this life, how could she not be a sister-in-law! Don't just talk and don't do it, take action!


Now Kurokawa and Ya will never work as long as their sister is at home, but stay with their sister and take her out to play when they have time...except for the adaptation period when they came here at the beginning.

Even when I was drawing the short story "Kishibe Rohan Doesn't Move", which was the most difficult at the beginning.

Of course, things are much better for him now that he has achieved a certain level of success.

Even so, his drawing speed allowed him to still have a lot of free time to play with his sister.

"Have you finished eating? Kazumi."

"No...no—not yet!" Kurokawa Kazumi said in a flustered voice.

"Well, don't worry, just eat slowly."

"I see-!"


"That... the time has been determined." Iwamoto Yu said, wiping off his non-existent cold sweat.

"Well, then that's it." The editor-in-chief nodded and walked out: "Work hard."


The editor-in-chief stopped talking and walked towards his room.

Although he felt uncomfortable with Kurokawa Kazuya's request, he didn't pay too much attention to it. If what Yu Iwamoto said is true, then Kurokawa Kazuya is undoubtedly a genius.

The words of a genius can be tolerated, no matter what they do, as long as it does not harm the interests of him and JUMC. But—if this guy is really a genius. It is understandable for geniuses to have eccentricities.

But—for ordinary people, it won't work.

Ordinary people have to look like ordinary people. If it proves that he is not a genius, then he will not accommodate an ordinary person—


[As for the class time of Japanese middle school students, according to the situation I found on Baidu, I didn’t know before 2002. The “loose education” started in 2002, that is, five days a week, and then it became six days a week in 2013. So if you call the period after 2002 "loose education", then before 2002, you should have classes six days a week, all day from Monday to Friday, and half a day on Saturday...? At present, it is written in this way, if there is something wrong, please point it out, thank you. 】

[Only two chapters are updated today, and then, I will count the current data until tonight, and find out how many chapters will be updated tomorrow. 】


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