I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 6: dream world

The editor-in-chief watched Yu Iwamoto put the manuscript of the second half of the first part of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" on the table and said: "Take it back and let him redraw it!"


Iwamoto Yuu was taken aback.

"You know that, too? The death of the main character is a big blow to the manga. Does he want to end it?" The editor-in-chief frowned and said, he just found time yesterday and brought a lot of them I watched all of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

I was really surprised by the situation between the protagonist jojo and the villain boss DIO.

This is the first time he has seen such a cartoon.

But—the main character died...

Obviously unnecessary, but still dead! This is a pretty bad move.

"That...the fact that the main character is dead can't be changed..." Iwamoto Yuu sighed: "According to what Kurokawa Kazuya said, he will change the main character in one movie, and his side...has already drawn The third one. I can guarantee that it will definitely be a very exciting story!"

Iwamoto Yu hopes that this manga can continue to be serialized like this, otherwise it would be a pity. Especially the third one...

The introduction of substitute settings, various substitutes, and exotic customs from all over the world.

The idea of ​​a wicked savior.

Distinctive characters.

Weird but comforting lines.

Various poses that are so strange that I don't know why, but feel more and more!

These made him deeply immersed in it, after watching it. He felt... as if he was sick, he had a disease that made him feel uncomfortable without watching jojo!

"One protagonist each..." The editor-in-chief was slightly silent: "Do you know Kurokawa's home?"

"Yes, I know!"

"Call him now, and let's visit him sometime!"

"Yes—" Iwamoto Yuu nodded.



among the planes.

A hundred passengers sit together. Next to each person is a parachute.

There are various expressions on the face.

The same goes for Kurokawa and Ya, although he knew that even if he died, he would just wake up from sleep, but he still tried his best to show a terrified look on his face.

Because the expression on his face might have been too calm some time ago, so he got the most attention...

"Jump quickly! Anyone who has not jumped before reaching the terminal will be thrown down, and anyone who dares to resist will be shot—speed! Speed!"

The organizers yelled at the front of the plane

In this plane, first of all, is the stage where the organizer is located, surrounded by a circle of railings, and then, besides the organizer, there are several people in full armor with guns in their hands.

After that are their seats, and further back is the wide open skydiving area.

As the first person jumped down, the others gradually made up their minds and began to jump down.

Kurokawa Kazuya has been staring at a plump woman from the corner of his eye, watching her trembling but mustering the courage to walk to the skydiving position.

The woman walked to the parachuting position, her face was full of fear, and the handfuls of firearms she saw when she turned her head occasionally told her that she could not turn back.

"Oh, God."

When she came to the edge of the plane, before she could make up her mind, she saw the height below, her legs softened, and she fell straight down—

Kurokawa and Ya took a deep breath, and walked over—

His goal this time is very simple, keep an eye on this woman, watch every choice she makes, every decision, watch her expression and...finally confirm her appearance when she dies—

That's right, he would spend a lot of time staring at everyone on the plane.

Be optimistic about every choice they make.

Then draw it.

Before this woman, he had already stared at nineteen other people, and this woman was the twentieth.

For the first time, he didn't know anything, and thought that if he died here, he was really dead, but he struggled with all his might.

After that, the second time he identified the situation.

From the third to the fifth time, he was the last one to skydive, and he kept observing everyone's expressions during the process.

Then from the sixth time on, I focused on one person and followed.

During this process, I also encountered a few times that the person I was staring at was not dead, but I was dead. Or the person who is stared at by him finds out that he has to interact or simply kill this person, which is not beneficial to his observation concept.

He is an observer.

Observe everyone's appearance, everyone's expression and draw them as your first cartoon!

And - so many times down, he has also made great progress.𝑅êạd new chapt𝒆rs on no/v/e/l𝒃in(.)com

At least that's the case with skydiving.

It scared him to death at first, but now, he's used to it.

There is also the mastery of firearms and vehicles, as well as ways to hide yourself...

Compared with these first-time rookies, they have grown a lot.

Sometimes I'm so tired that I don't want to stare at it anymore, I just play it as a game, and kill everyone to be the first—it's just a dream anyway, how many times have I seen the people in it.

No matter how you kill them, they will appear again when you go to bed the next night.

As for what will happen after I become the number one—the original setting is that after I get the number one, a plane will appear to pick it up, but then I feel that this setting is meaningless, and I want to change it.

So, now that I haven't figured it out yet.

After getting the first place, the dream woke up.

He wanted to think of a shocking ending. Although there are some ideas at present, the idea is not yet mature.

He didn't intend to make a long series of this manga, just draw dozens of chapters to stand in the way of his initial practice work.

It is different from "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure".

All the compositions in this manga have templates that can be based on, that is, the original manga, or even animation.

But his current cartoon is different.

This comic does not have a clear composition for my own reference.

The only thing that can be used as a reference is the false reality formed by the dream in front of me. But it is still very difficult to turn the three-dimensional into a two-dimensional, and how to make the picture more tense is also the same...

He has redrawn the first chapter alone six or seven times.

Every time I have a good idea, I will redraw it.

As for the second chapter...

Before deciding who the protagonist is, he is not ready to write.


Released the parachute, roughly judged the direction where the woman landed just now, Kurokawa and Mi hurriedly ran over there: "First of all, find a way to find a magnification mirror to use as a telescope, it will be much easier to observe. "

It doesn't matter if you live, you won't die anyway...

After all, this is just a dream.


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