I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 8: to visit


Back in her room, Kazumi Kurokawa lay on the bed looking at the ceiling in a trance...

Brother has changed.

I don't know when it started... becoming gentle.

Is it really because of the new job?

In the past, my brother went around looking for a job... a part-time job.

So he has no time or energy to take care of himself, but since he became a "cartoon artist", he has changed. Except for the time when I want to watch him draw comics, other times, I can't see him working at all...

As long as he is at home, he will not go to work.

Just like this time, because I was going to hang out with myself on Sunday, I even turned down something that seemed to be my boss...

At that time, in her mind, she thought about the teacher's expression after thinking that she skipped school because she wanted to play... so scary.

That's right, when Kurokawa and Mi went up to answer the phone just now, she followed quietly, and then walked back quietly when Kurokawa and Mi were about to hang up, that's why she was so flustered when Kurokawa and Mi asked her, and in order to be I found that I ate a few big mouthfuls of rice in a hurry, and almost choked.

Even so, my brother was still successful.

Even... I have heard them discussing my brother and his cartoons among the boys in my class several times.

On that "Shounen JUMC".

I also asked her if she had anything to do with that cartoonist.

After all, the names of Kurokawa and Mi and Kurokawa and Mei are too similar...

After all, it's my brother, that idiot, who actually used his real name or something... He clearly said that he could use a pseudonym...

But... this feels good.

These changes are all because her brother became a manga artist... So, she also has such a dream, she also wants to be a manga artist like her brother. If so, it must be great.


"Is this the place?" the editor-in-chief said, looking at the house in front of him.

"Yes." Iwamoto Yuu nodded: "I'm going to ring the doorbell right now."


The editor-in-chief nodded. Although what Yu Iwamoto said seemed false, what was said in the third part, even if it was the same length as the first part, it was enough to be serialized uninterruptedly for more than two years.

If it was longer...

Simply unimaginable.

But—if this thing is true, the benefits are obvious.

After he confirmed the stability of the manga, after the manga fell into a downturn, he could judge more clearly whether to cut it in half. If there is a very interesting plot later, then they also know that it is a pity to cut in half at this time, so they can wait and see the situation.

If the following plot is still very bad, then kill it without hesitation.

Moreover, in this way, it is also more convenient to distribute the front page.

For those veteran manga artists who already have a lot of fame, it may not need too much publicity, but for those newcomer manga artists, the front page of "Shounen JUMC" is an important publicity link!

So it often happens that when you know that you are going to get the front page, you speed up or slow down your plot development, so that your front page will meet a small climax or even a big climax!

But it will be different if they know the follow-up plots enough to be serialized for several years. They can book the front coloring page long in advance, and when the manga reaches its climax, the coloring page will be published directly.

can be distributed more effectively.

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible for almost all cartoonists.

Not to mention having several years of archives, it is almost impossible for cartoonists to have archives for a week.

Originally, there was no need for "almost", but... because of the person who was about to visit in front of me, "almost" appeared. If what Iwamoto Yu said is true, then he is the one who broke common sense.

He had great expectations for this.

Because he couldn't think of the benefits of Yu Iwamoto's lying to him, and... On the way, although he thought he had hidden it well, the editor-in-chief could still see that his expression represented a little thought deep in his heart .

"Wait well, I will definitely surprise you when the time comes." The editor-in-chief is almost sure that Yuu Iwamoto must think so—

Therefore, he can almost judge that this matter is true.

However, it was only almost, because it was too bizarre for him who had seen countless cartoonists.

It's like people from modern times went to ancient times and said "the world is round" to people at that time. Although this matter is true, there are almost no people who can accept it without the slightest surprise in that era. yes.

"Mr. Yoshikawa—" Yuu Iwamoto shouted standing in front of the half-open door.

The editor-in-chief looked over, and saw the young man standing behind the door with half of his body exposed not far from Yu Iwamoto.

"He is Kurokawa Kazuya..."

The editor-in-chief thought so and then walked over slowly.

"Hi, it's the first time we meet, are you Mr. Kurokawa?" The editor-in-chief walked over and stretched out a hand and said.

"Ah, that's right."

Kurokawa and Mi nodded, shook hands and said, "It's our first meeting, Hello, editor-in-chief."

"No, you don't have to be so polite. My name is Yoshikawa Taishi. You can call me Yoshikawa or Taishi whatever you want."


Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "Then Mr. Yoshikawa, hello."

"Should we just stand here?"

"No, I'm sorry." Kurokawa and Mi stepped aside and said, "Please come in, let's talk about it in detail."

Yoshikawa Taishi nodded and smiled: "This time we came here mainly because of your comics."


Kurokawa and Mi nodded.Finndd the new𝒆st 𝒏ovels on n/𝒐/velbin(.)com

"I heard that your manga has reached the third volume, which is enough to be serialized for several years." Daishi Yoshikawa didn't say what he should end up with. Every manga artist is full of confidence in what he draws. If he could, he didn't want to say things that hurt other people's self-confidence.

For a cartoonist, self-confidence is very important.

It is very important to think that your comics are better than others.


He has already made a judgment before coming here, as long as what Yuu Iwamoto said is true, and the follow-up of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" is really so exciting, then he will review Kurokawa Kazuya and his comic A certain degree of favoritism.

As long as he doesn't rank fifteen in a row for several comics and has to cut it in half, then he can make a certain effort.

Of course—first of all, this manga has drawn volumes that can be serialized for several years, and then, it must be exciting enough!

"That's right." Kurokawa and Mi nodded.

"Then, can you let me watch it?" Yoshikawa Taishi asked the main purpose of his visit this time.

"Of course. Come on, come upstairs with me."

Kurokawa Kazuya pointed to the upstairs and said.


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