I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 5: editorial department

"Heh...hehe..." Iwamoto Yuu smiled slowly and lowly.

"What's wrong?"

"No...it's nothing, I'm just happy." Iwamoto Yu took a deep breath, slowly calmed down his breathing and said, "It's amazing, no, it's amazing! Don't tell the story or anything, just this The painting speed, this painter, this alone is too powerful!"

"Huh? Are you saying that the story is not good?"

"Uh...no no, no." Iwamoto Yu hurriedly waved his hand and denied: "I just didn't read the story, how could I have time to read the story...I was completely shocked by your painting."

He doesn't dare to offend Kurokawa Kazuya now, he thought he was just a promising rookie, but—after seeing the scene just now, he changed his opinion!

This is not a newcomer at all, he discovered a monster in the comics world, surpassing all monsters!

Originally, he won the Tezuka Award for the first submission, and he directly obtained the serialization qualification for the second time. He thinks it is already super strong. There are also countless people who have been able to reach this level since the establishment of JUMC. Then he was shocked when he said that he didn't need an assistant. He thought this was the limit, but he didn't expect it to be stronger. No, isn't this super strong! ? Indescribably strong!

Genius or something can't describe this guy at all...he can't find the right words to describe it!

Relying on this person... In the future, it is not impossible to become the team leader or editor-in-chief! This guy... Now he has a feeling that he has discovered Jinshan—!

Originally, because this guy was too uncooperative, he was going to let someone else be his editor, and he would take care of other people, but now—he wouldn't change even if he was killed!

"Well, Mr. Kurokawa, how about letting me take a look at this manga now?" Looking at the second and third volumes of the so-called "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure", Iwamoto Yuu asked.

teacher? Kurokawa and Mi were stunned for a moment, the address had changed...but forget it: "Ah, yes."

"Yes, thank you very much!"

As Yuu Iwamoto spoke, he began to flip through the manga—


The wonderful plot made him, who has been an editor for three years and read all kinds of comics, be pleasantly surprised, feeling himself immersed in a weird world——

The ripples and vampires that appeared in the first part. The man in the pillar and the perfect creature in the second part. Let him involuntarily immerse himself in it.

"I'm back—" Hearing the voice outside, Kurokawa and Mi put down their pens and looked at the time. It was already 3:30 in the afternoon: "Mr. Iwamoto, my sister is back, do you want to eat here tonight?"

"No, forget it..." Iwamoto Yu shook his head and smiled and said, "I'll be leaving in a while, Mr. Kurokawa, can I come again tomorrow?"

Looking at the manuscript of the second manga that was several times thicker than the one he was reading now, he said with some anticipation. That's part three...

He hasn't finished the second part yet, but he is already looking forward to the manuscript of the third part.

"Ah, yes."Gett your 𝒇avorite 𝒏ovels at no/v/e/lb𝒊n(.)com

Iwamoto Yuu nodded: "Then please go and take care of your sister. I have a little more to finish reading, and then I will leave."

"Hmm..." Kurokawa and Mi thought for a while and nodded: "By the way, when this manga is published in a separate volume, I hope to replace the first half of the first part with the part that is currently being redrawn. "

"Okay, this is so much better content than before, I don't think the editor will reject it."

After Iwamoto Yu finished speaking, Kurokawa and Ya turned their attention to the manga, and now - this is the most exciting part, Kaz, the man in the pillar in the manga, has become an ultimate creature!

How will the protagonist deal with such an invincible existence?


"Is it Teacher Kurokawa?" Iwamoto Yu said into the phone.

"Yes. What's the matter?"

"Is it bothering you?"

"No, I happen to have spare time."

"Yes, then, this time Xiaozheng's result has come out." Iwamoto Yu listened to the silence on the other end of the phone and said: "This time it is the third place."

"Really, I got it. Thank you, is there anything else?" Kurokawa Kazuya breathed a sigh of relief in his heart as he spoke. Sure enough, after the painting has improved, the manga has also become stronger. The name suddenly returned to the third place.

Of course, there is also a big plot factor. Even if the painting is not refined, he feels that he should be able to reach the sixth to seventh place now...

"Yes, that... is the New Year's party. Will you participate in this year's New Year's party?"

"New Year's party..." Kurokawa and Mi were stunned for a moment. He knew this. He knew it when he watched the anime "Dream Eater" in his previous life. He remembered that if the cartoonist didn't go, the editorial department would punish the editor. Activities...similar to shame play...

"Yes, Mr. Kurokawa should have time, right? Will you participate?"

"Hmm...Let me think about it, I will give you a message before tomorrow." Kurokawa Kazumi thought for a while and said, if possible, he is not going to participate, but because of this, it would be embarrassing for the editor to be punished. ..No, that's not right...It's quite interesting to think about the content of the punishment.

In "Dream Eater", the editor was punished for wearing a giraffe doll costume, dancing with only his head exposed...

There might be some other weird punishment this time...

Do you want to pretend not to go and take a peek?

It's very interesting to think about the shameful dance that Iwamoto, an uncle in his thirties, dances in public.

"Yes! I see." Iwamoto Yu said with a sigh of relief: "By the way, there will be your coloring page in a month. How are you preparing?"

"Ah, it's finished." Kurokawa and Mi nodded. This was his second coloring page, and it happened to be the end of the duel between the protagonist JOJO and the villain DIO. He drew a good coloring page.

"Uh... so fast..." Yuu Iwamoto's mouth twitched, and it was estimated that it would be done within an hour after receiving the notification.

"Then is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

"Then, just hang up." As he said that, the other end of the phone hung up.

"What's the matter? It seems that since the last time you went to Kurokawa's house to get the manuscript, your tone has changed..." An editor at the side looked at him and said suspiciously.

"I'm just giving due respect to someone who should be respected. He... will become a super popular manga artist one day, I have this feeling!" Iwamoto Yu said with a sigh of relief in his heart, hoping I can participate... With his painting speed, there is no time to talk about it. The content of jojo that has been drawn is enough to be serialized for several years. That is to say, in recent years, Kurokawa and Mi just need to lie down You can get the money.

Of course - the premise is that it will not be cut in half... But, after reading all the content, he is sure that such an excellent manga will not be cut in half!

Nothing exists without time.

But...if he doesn't participate, the thought of punishing the editors of cartoonists who didn't show up at the New Year's party...he feels very bad.

"However, there are many powerful comics in these two issues..."

"Ah, there's also Akira Toriyama's new work... Dragon Ball, I think it's pretty good too."

"Iwamoto, come here." The editor-in-chief looked at Yu Iwamoto and said.


Iwamoto stood up and walked over.


[The serialization of Dragon Ball comics was not smooth at the beginning. Like jojo, it once ranked in the top ten, but the situation improved after the transition from funny comics to **** fighting comics, and then regained the first place in 1987, and then began to dominate for a long time list. Jojo started to stabilize after the appearance of the substitute setting in the third part. (If there are any mistakes or omissions, welcome to add...)]

[The comics of this period, Captain Tsubasa 1981-serialization. Saint Seiya 1986. Fist of the Big Dipper began serialization in 1983, and after long-term No. 1 Dragon Ball reached the top, he was No. 2 for a long time. Maoyan Three Sisters, 1981-1984. This time is coming to an end. These are the more famous comics of this period that I know, welcome to add. 】

[I read in the comments that some people said that the lead character's first manga "Kishibe Rohan Unmoved" was finished in more than a month, which is too fast

So let me explain a little bit about it. Kishibe Rohan does not move. It is a short manga created by Hirohiko Araki. Each chapter is a complete story. The length is about 20-60 pages. The short story chosen by the protagonist is the first one in which Rohan Kishibe didn’t move. Rohan Kishibe’s travels in Italy are more than 40 pages in total. I drew it before. That's a pretty slow pace for a cartoonist. Especially when you have all the original manuscripts in your mind. But it should be fine for newcomers. Of course, the protagonist got the painting ability of Kishibe Rohan after that, just bid farewell to this kind of slow work ...Although I didn't find where the eighth chapter is...).

Then, I apologize for not explaining clearly, which caused readers and friends to misunderstand and ruined the reading experience. 】


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