I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 3: Editor in charge of JUMC

He just finished drawing the Stardust Crusaders in the third part of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" some time ago.

For an ordinary cartoonist, the necessary liver explosion and staying up late are almost all untenable for him.

After all, his average speed of drawing a manuscript is ten minutes...

And... after drawing this "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", it means that his future has no survival pressure.

"JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" was a manga that Araki Hirohiko started serializing in 1987 until 2017 when he crossed over in his previous life.

Before he crossed over, this manga had already become the twelfth manga in Japan that sold over 100 million single volumes—

This cartoon alone is enough for him to live a very nourishing life.

Maybe even Hirohiko Araki can go to the Louvre to hold a solo exhibition like Hirohiko Araki (the only cartoonist in Japan who can hold a solo exhibition in the Louvre is Hirohiko Araki), and he can also cooperate with popular clothing brands or something ...

Of course, there must be Araki's social means in these. However, even so, it fully reflects the power of this comic.

And unlike in the future, if this comic is serialized in the future, some people may say that the style of painting is uncomfortable and unacceptable, but now—everyone is used to this style of painting. Because that's how it is here now.

Although the serialization of his comics is not easy, he still passed the serialization meeting and started to serialize, but... the situation has not been very ideal. It can only be said that there is barely a crisis of cutting in half, and occasionally there will be a small outbreak ...


"Ding dong—"

When the doorbell rang, Kurokawa and Ya put down their pens and went to the door to take a look. After confirming who was coming, they pushed the door open: "Hello, Mr. Iwamoto."

"I haven't seen you for a while, Kurokawa." Iwamoto Yu said helplessly, he didn't like to be responsible for coming to the door... Should I say that he is confident or how to put it... But anyway, one of his subordinates passed A manga artist for a serialization session.

Moreover, he has also seen the progress from the short comics at the beginning to the present, so it is impossible to just leave it alone.

"Yes, Mr. Iwamoto too." Kurokawa Kazumi nodded and said, Iwamoto Yu, thirty-six years old this year, is his responsible editor: "I'm sorry that you have to come here to get the manuscript in person."

"No, it's nothing, you are also very miserable now, and you are under a lot of pressure." Iwamoto Yuu sighed and said understandingly. The ranking of the latest episode has already reached the twelfth place. If one is not careful... the place where he will be cut in half is not far away.

no...not at all...

The corners of Kurokawa and Mi's mouths twitched slightly. After all, if you think about it carefully, your own drawings are enough to be serialized for several years... This is a powerful manga technique that can be perfectly carried out in a world where time is accelerating without delay.. .

With his previous life experience, he has no shortage of stories, and now his comic skills are not at the human level...

I only feel a little tired when I think about my original comics, and the rest of the time is very relaxed.

He also knows about the twelfth place in the latest chapter, but he doesn't care about it. The painting style in the early stage of "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" is not very mature, but now—with his super painting skills, he can use A rapid pace of progress.

The current words have also made great progress compared to the manga that is currently being serialized.

He even redrawn all the second half of the first part of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" that he had prepared!

In addition, the content of the next episode happens to be the BOSS that runs through the whole play, Dio Brando's scene of becoming a vampire, and his painting skills have also improved a lot, so the ranking should be able to improve to a certain extent. borderline danger situation.

"How's the painting going recently, let me take a look." Iwamoto Yu asked looking at the person in front of him.

Kurokawa Kazuya, who is 195cm tall like JOJO in his comics, looks very strong, not like a Japanese height at all, let alone a manga artist, if someone says he is a boxer , or the characters in the comics full of muscles now, I believe a little more.

"Come with me." Kurokawa and Mi nodded and walked towards their studio with Iwamoto Yuu.

"Would you like something to drink?" After arriving, Kurokawa and Ya asked Iwamoto Yuu to sit for a while and said.

"Um...then I'm welcome, do you have coffee?"

"Yes, wait a minute."

Iwamoto Yu smiled and looked around, and then saw the manga on the table.

"Um... this is?"

Iwamoto Yu walked over and looked through it: "What a great painter...Compared to the current painting, it has also made great progress. But...isn't this jojo?"Visjt n𝒐velbin(.)c𝒐m for new updates

"Mr. Iwamoto, here you are." Kurokawa Kazuya put the coffee in front of Iwamoto Yuu.

"Thank you..." Yuu Iwamoto nodded and frowned and said, "This...isn't jojo?"

"Ah, that's right." Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "This is a new manga I'm conceiving recently."

"Are you planning to end the current manga?" Iwamoto Yu said with some surprise: "Although Jojo's current situation can't be described very well, it has not yet reached the point where it must be ended. Isn't that a pity?"

"Ah? No, it's not about to end." Kurokawa and Mi were stunned for a moment: "It seems that you misunderstood."

As Kurokawa and Ya spoke, they took out a package on the shelf beside it, with "Phantom Blood" written on it.

"This, until the end of the first part."


Iwamoto Yuu was stunned for a moment and then sighed after receiving it: "It's so heavy...it seems like there are many..."

Then, he opened the package and took out a thick stack of manuscripts inside, his face suddenly changed from flat to shocked: "This painter? What a big improvement! It can be done! Such an improvement, this One ranking will surely rise!"

He glanced at it slightly, maybe there are hundreds of pages!

"Did you hire an assistant?" Iwamoto Yu said strangely

"No, not an assistant, but all painted by myself."

Iwamoto Yuu was stunned for a moment, apparently disbelieving. At first, when Kurokawa and Mi refused his help to find an assistant, he guessed whether he knew someone in this field, and now it seems that this may be the case. The original manuscript of this manga...

Compared with the first "Kishibe Rohan Still Motionless" and the serialized part of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure", which is now being serialized, it has made great progress. It is completely like a painting by two people, and the story is not carefully. I don't know yet, but this painter is definitely too skilled!

At the beginning, "Kishibe Rohan Still Moving" was still at the novice level, and then "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" has made great progress, and now—this is a huge leap compared to the part that is currently being serialized progress-

No assistant? Who would believe it!

[The editor-in-chief appearing here are all fictional characters. 】

Chapter 4 comics

Chapter 4 comics

"Huh? This...I remember it was serialized, right?" Looking at the first few pages, Iwamoto Yu said with some doubts

"Ah, because I felt that the previous drawing was not very good. So I redraw these during this time, and I hope to use this when I publish a single book..."

"Sure enough, there is an assistant..." Iwamoto Yu secretly said, "It is even possible that there is more than one assistant, so that the serialization can be continued, and even the previous chapters can be redrawn... If there is no assistant Who would believe it? '


Just no assistant.

Kurokawa Kazuya, who has acquired the ability of Kishibe Rohan, is constantly improving along with his own painting—

And until now, he feels that he has made great progress compared to the part that is currently being serialized at the beginning, so - he redraws all of them, and it is precisely because of this that the current plot is at its first climax point!

"How does it feel?"

Kazuya Kurokawa looked at the manga that had almost turned to the last page and asked.

Iwamoto Yu said with a not-so-good face, "The protagonist just died like this?"

"Well, that's right." Kurokawa and Mi nodded.

"Ah...the story is good, and the paintings are great...but the fact that the main character is dead is a bit unacceptable. If you want it to end like this, it's okay, but according to what you said, this is the first One?" Iwamoto Yu said puzzledly, this is indeed a good manga from the reader's point of view, but he said before that this is the first one, right? In other words, there will be a second part after that: "The next thing...is the protagonist resurrected?"

"No, that's not the case. The protagonist's words have been changed. The protagonist of the second part is the grandson of the protagonist of the first part. Forget it, anyway, I have finished drawing the first three parts, let you have a look." Hei said. Chuan Heya began to look for the manuscripts he had finished drawing on the shelf beside him.

When he heard this sentence, Iwamoto Yu frowned, not happy because of his words, and even a little angry, Kurokawa Kazuya gave him the feeling of "arrogance" now!

That's right, arrogance.

I didn't ask his editor for a little opinion, so I drew so much in such a hurry, no...it's not right to say that, generally speaking, it is impossible to finish so much in such a short time, right? No matter how many assistants there are, it feels impossible.

Besides, can he really afford so many assistants? Even if it is a ghostwriter, does he have the money?

Although this room is nice, it only looks nice. It doesn't look like he is a particularly rich person at all... Or is he actually a hidden rich man?

However, if it is not a ghostwriter or a large number of assistants are hired, it is not right.

That is...he's actually rich?

"Okay, that's it." Kurokawa and Mi said as they took out two stacks of manuscript paper that were stacked together in the folder.

The corners of Yu Iwamoto's mouth twitched, confirming his thoughts even more, such a large amount... I'm afraid there are thousands of pages, right? Even if it is calculated on the basis of four or five pages a day, it is more than a year. No, according to this thickness... there may be more than 2,000 pages!

Even according to this algorithm, there are more than two years of non-stop work. If it is serialized, it can be serialized for several years!

He opened the package and took a general look at the painter instead of looking at the contents.

All are made by superb painters, just like the result of ten years or decades of immersion in the world of drawing comics, and they are completely incomparable with those at the beginning.

Is it the manuscript he already had?

He has a huge collection of manuscripts that have been carefully accumulated for more than two years before he submits them?

But that doesn't make sense either.

If there is already a manuscript, why is the manuscript submitted at the beginning so rough? That's right, although those are not bad, but compared with the current ones, they can only be described as bad, right?

It doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense at all... The brain can't turn the corner... He has been an editor for three years, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation!

"You probably haven't considered one thing, and that is my drawing speed." Kurokawa Kazuya saw his thoughts and picked up a pen beside him and said.

"Huh?" Iwamoto Yu had some doubts: "What do you mean?" Looking at this young man who seemed to see what he was thinking, Iwamoto Yu said with some doubts...Drawing speed? Are you kidding me?

"Well, just right, there are only three pages left in the first chapter of this manga, if you have time, just sit here for half an hour, half an hour is fine."

"Oh?" Iwamoto Yuu looked at the manga manuscripts on the table. There were three blank pages beside him. He had read them before. The story seemed to be very powerful, giving him a strange sense of reality. , but the first chapter hasn't finished yet, and he can't see the specific reason.

"Thirty minutes and three pages of NAME?"

"No, it's a three-page manuscript."

thirty minutes? He just said that the painting can be finished in thirty minutes? original? No no, is it impossible, did I hear wrong just now? It took thirty minutes to complete three manuscripts... Even NAME is not that fast, let alone the manuscript, what is he thinking? He had never heard such absurd things in his life.

Swish Swish Swish Swish—

Herokawa and Mi pondered for a few seconds with a pen in their hands—then, without even typing a draft, they drew on it at an extremely fast and unhesitating speed!

"Don't you make drafts?? No...impossible, you don't even plan to make drafts for such a complicated composition? And... what is the completion rate? The speed is so fast, even the background has been drawn! "Yu Iwamoto looked at the cold sweat on his forehead from behind.

Kurokawa and Mi paused slightly, then flicked the pen in their hands lightly—

"This... is this really something humans can do? I didn't see it clearly just now, but what is this? Are you kidding me? Is this blackening? The ink was thrown out and painted exactly where it should be painted , there is no mistake or omission! This... is this really blacked out?"

He felt that his common sense was refreshed on this day! The manual work that should have been painted slowly with a pen turned out to be so absurd in his hands—

"Has the blackening been completed?" Iwamoto Yuu looked at his watch, it just passed from completely blank to almost finished drawing a page... less than two minutes? ? ?


The next moment, Kurokawa and Mi held dozens of pens in their hands and stroked—the lines of the manga were completed in an instant!

"Done. Huh? What's the matter?"

Iwamoto Yu was covered in sweat, raised his hand and looked at the time: "Twenty...twenty-seven minutes..."

"Is that so, three minutes faster than expected..." I thought it was an original manga, so it would be a little slower, but... I'm really getting used to it.

"Are you... are you really a human?" Iwamoto Yu asked puzzledly. In this case, this speed can explain why there are so many manuscripts...

Others are exhausted and have to rely on assistants to work 20 hours a day and can't finish six manuscripts, but with him, it can be done in just one hour!

It is dozens of times faster than others!

Simply beyond common sense.


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