I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 16: purpose of making money

Starting from Japan, I first went to London, England, and the main place to go was the British Museum. Then go to Paris, France, the main places are the Louvre and Disneyland Paris. Kazumi wants to go to this Disney. She has been to Disneyland in Japan, and she wants to see what Paris is like.

After that is Hawaii... I am also very curious about this well-known tourist destination, Kurokawa Kazuya.

Don't worry about the language, he can communicate in both English and French, and can communicate very fluently.

A high-end camera is ready.

He has investigated, and both the British Museum and the Louvre are allowed to take pictures.

That's fine.

The stuff inside can make good material.

"Is this London?" After getting off the plane, Kurokawa Kazumi said with some discomfort. This was her first time flying by plane and she felt very uncomfortable.

"Okay! It's hard to come to London. Find a hotel today and rest for a day. Let's have fun starting tomorrow!" Kurokawa Kazuya said, although he spent most of his money on buying real estate in Tokyo, and even paid for it. The bank borrowed a large amount of money, and the money was used to buy real estate, and then use the purchased real estate to continue the cycle of loans... But there are still costs for playing, and they must be there!

As for buying real estate...

Now, it is already 1985, and he vaguely remembers what happened afterwards, and the specific reason has been forgotten. He just remembers that Japan’s economy began to boom from the end of 1986 to the beginning of 1991, and real estate rose sharply, although there may still be Others, but that is not something he can intervene in, and he is not too clear about it and is not prepared to intervene.

He has forgotten the exact time from 1986 to 1991.

He roughly remembered that at that time the Japanese yen rose from 1 dollar equal to 240 yen to 1 dollar equal to 120 yen. Just stop and sell it when the time comes.

He remembered what "Black Monday" was in the United States in 1987... He knew it after reading too many novels. But I just know it's Monday! I don’t know that Monday will come, so forget about the specific date, and I won’t participate in it.

But by replacing a specific date with a specific year, you can intervene yourself.

There is only one reason why he wants to make so much money!

He himself doesn't care about money, nor is he interested in being the protagonist of an urban novel or the boss of a multinational company. Although I have some understanding of some of the context of the future, I know some general outlets, and I am ready to participate in a deal, but there is only one fundamental reason!

That is, he needs money to animate!

There are also animations in this era, but the picture effects are not satisfactory in his opinion.

He wants to move "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" to the TV screen and make it into animation.

However, in this era, it is probably impossible to achieve the effect of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" he has seen, but - it should be possible to get close, infinitely close by spending money!

There is nothing in this world that money can't do, and if it can't be done, it just means that money is not enough!

He doesn't want to make defective products, anything else is fine, only JOJO is absolutely not allowed!

What he wants to do is to wait until the Great Depression of the Japanese economy, gather a large number of talents, and directly acquire several animation companies. After all, those people have experience... and then make "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure" by himself. At that time, The most important way is to burn money!

If you have money, and you can compare it with the "JOJO" you've seen in your mind, then there's nothing you can't do!

Of course... He thinks so now if he has never done it before. He will talk about what difficulties he will encounter at that time, but he must not be short of money. It doesn’t matter how many times the production is made. It must be achieved. The best effect in my mind.

At that time, I should be able to cash out tens of billions of yen, which is a huge fortune in this era!

I don’t know if this property is enough to buy You Rongshe...Of course I’m joking, he plans to spend all of it at that time, and use it on the production of "JOJO's Bizarre Adventure". How many episodes can be produced...RE𝒂ad updated st𝒐ries at n/𝒐/vel/bin(.)com

He doesn't even care if anyone watches him, but it has to be done, and the sooner the better.

This is the belief of a JOJO chef.

Anyway, he is not short of money... JOJO's monthly income is enough for him to live well...

However, even so, he didn't have the idea of ​​saving money in life, and still left enough funds for playing, leaving enough to travel around with his sister like this.

Even if it's just a small vacation on the weekend, it's easy to take her out to play.

He feels that this is life.

Dreams exist, freedom exists...no obsession exists. This kind of life seems to be in a dream, and sometimes he even thinks, if this is a dream, let himself be intoxicated in it forever and not wake up...

"Get up, little fool."

Patting Kazumi on the head, Kurokawa Kazuya said.

"Hmm...let me sleep for a while...five more minutes..."

"Okay..." Kurokawa and Mi smiled, opened the curtains and looked outside at the streets of the country they came to for the second time.

That's why he deliberately chose a room with windows.

He has been here in his previous life, and his current personality is the same as in his previous life. He spends money everywhere until he has no money... no restraint, no matter how much money he earns every month, he will pay his salary in the end A few days ago, I always ate instant noodles...

If you earn less, play nearby, and if you earn more, go abroad to play. English and French were learned little by little at that time... In addition, he also knows a little bit of Spanish, but he can understand it, but it takes a few seconds of thinking to speak, and it is often the kind of language disorder.

But... I haven't been to the British Museum in my previous life... I have been to King Arthur's tomb, where did I come to the metaphysics draw card, um, and then shipped it. Facts have proved that metaphysics is invincible.

This time, however, he wanted to visit the British Museum.

And such sufficient funds and preparations have never been experienced by me in my previous life.

"Five minutes have passed. If you can't get up, you can stay in the hotel for a day. I have to go out alone."

"wait for me!"

Kurokawa Kazumi sat up quickly and said, the whole person became more energetic, and then muttered: "Brother knows how to scare me..."

"Haha, it's getting late after all, it's over sooner, and we go to Disney sooner, right? Don't you want to see the difference between French Disneyland and Japanese Disneyland?"



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