I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 15: travel

"Hey—" Okada Tomomi almost screamed out.

"Huh? Who are you?" Kurokawa and Mi pushed open the door and said

"Well...well, I am the editor of You Rongsha, Tomomi Okada, the editor in charge of Kurokawa-sensei's new serialization on "Weekly YOUNGJUMC", may I ask who you are..." Tomomi Okada looked in front of her with a beating heart Kurokawa Kazuya said.

She was scared to death just now, and her heart seemed to have received a huge blow.

"So that's it." Kurokawa Kazuya nodded: "Is it the editor of Yurongsha... Then I am the manga artist Kurokawa Kazuya you are looking for, please come in."

"Oh? You are Mr. Kurokawa?" Okada Tomomi said in disbelief, not the monster with eight arms she thought, but such a person...

Looks young...and handsome...

"What's wrong? Stand still at the door."

"No, it's nothing, here we come!" Okada Tomomi said and walked in hastily.


"Ah, cat—"

"Okay, Xiaohua, stay aside for a while." Kurokawa Kazuya said to the cat, then looked at Okada Tomomi and said, "Okay, just stay here."

"Yeah." Okada Tomomi nodded and sat down to enter the identity of her editor: "This is a contract, I just brought it here this time, can you see if there are any mistakes or omissions?"

"Okay." Kurokawa and Mi nodded, opened the folder and looked carefully.

We still need to take a closer look at this, although generally speaking, a company as big as You Rongshe would not be able to entrap him as a small cartoonist. it's nothing.

in case.

After looking at the price per page of the manuscript, and the current situation, Kurokawa and Mi nodded in satisfaction.

Make sure there is nothing wrong or missing: "Okay, then that's it."

"Ah, that's great, let's sign the contract, Zhang's words..."

"I have it here." Kurokawa and Mi said, "Wait a minute, I'll go upstairs to get it."


Heichuan and Mi smiled and walked up the stairs. After this book was finished, more than 10 million was credited to the account. This is just the most basic price, calculated according to the price of 15,000 yen per page. Not to mention all sorts of things like booklets and copyrights that might be released later.

And if the paintings are serialized on the juvenile JUMC, the price will increase, and it is estimated that it can reach a price of about 20,000 yen per page. Of course, this is just his own estimate.

However, if you go to hire an assistant, the situation will change a lot. It is estimated that about half of them will be allocated.

This is the norm for the average cartoonist.

However, it is only for ordinary cartoonists, he is not an ordinary cartoonist, and he does not need assistants at all.

Of course, this means not being cut in half

It's not the first time he has gone through the program, and he knows what to do. After carefully looking at it and making sure there are no mistakes or omissions, it is over.

Once again, Okada Tomomi feels that her editor has no sense of existence and is useless...Re𝒂𝒂d the latest stories 𝒐n nov𝒆lbin(.)com

But how should I put it, after all, it's a performance that fell from the sky, and I don't have to do anything myself, don't want it for nothing.

"Okay, things here are settled." Kurokawa Kazuya nodded in satisfaction.

"Spring break is coming soon...Will you take Kazumi somewhere to play..." Kurokawa Kazuya thought about looking at the schedule in front of him, there are three days left... Kurokawa Kazumi's school will be on spring break up.

Unlike the Huaxia in my previous life, Japan has such big holidays three times a year. Winter vacation, spring vacation, summer vacation.

I don’t have much time during the winter vacation, and I’m mainly drawing my new manga, so Kurokawa and Kazumi are going to play with their classmates, but it doesn’t make sense not to go out and have fun during the spring vacation now...

As for the location, he had already thought about it.

"The most important thing in comics is the truth!" Although, because it was too real, it was a failure, but he is not ready to give up on this point. The story can be a little more false, romantic, and full of storytelling. However, he is not ready to give up the description of some things in it.

"However, what I want to think about is only the place I want to go, and I also want to ask Kazumi if there is any place she wants to play."


After dinner, Kurokawa Kazuya looked at Kurokawa Kazumi who finished her homework and asked, "Spring break is coming soon, is there any place you want to go?"

"Huh? Going out for spring break?" Kazumi asked in surprise.

"Ah, that's right, you can go anywhere. It doesn't have to be in Japan. Other countries are also fine. Moreover, several of them are fine, as long as you can come back before school starts."

"Long live—" Kurokawa Kazumi cheered.

"So, is there anywhere you want to go?"

"Hmm..." Kurokawa Kazumi thought for a while and shook his head: "I didn't think about it... Hehe, it was too sudden."

"Well, if you have any ideas, tell me, anywhere is fine."

"Hmm, where's Oni-chan? Is there somewhere to go?"

"Ah, yes." Kurokawa and Mi nodded: "I will go to England at that time, and I mainly want to visit the British Museum and King Arthur's tomb."

Of course, if he has enough time to paint, he also wants to go to the Louvre.

However, there is no rush.

It can be any time, if there is time left in the place where my sister is going, I can go there to have a look, if not, forget it.

"By the way, Oni-chan, what about Xiaohua?"

"Meow~~meow (I finally remembered me! I want to go too!)."

"Hmm... cats should not be allowed on planes." Kurokawa Kazuya said this, although he vaguely remembered that there was a special consignment, but it was a plane in the 21st century, and he didn't know it in this era , let alone Japan.

However, it would be too troublesome to take this guy out together, so why not.

"Oh... what about Xiaohua?" Kurokawa Kazumi said in surprise, won't she starve to death after so many days?

"Ah, when the time comes, I'll ask others to help raise it for a while."

"Please whom?"

"Edit." Kurokawa and Mi said with a smile.


"Ahhh... What a free manga artist." Iwamoto Yu couldn't help but sigh when he looked at the cat in front of him.

Such a guy is really rare, and he even said that he was going on a trip with his sister, so he asked him to look after the cat or something...

Ordinary cartoonists don't even have the spare money, they simply don't have the energy.

"However, in this case, the third manga will be delayed."

How should I put it... He actually relaxed a bit.


"It seems that you are also very dissatisfied. That guy..."


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