I, Xingyue, a Manga Artist!

Chapter 17: magician killer

England, London, in a purposely created very dark room, a person whose face cannot be seen is sitting under the shadows.

"My lord, are there enough people?"

In front, a man half-kneeled and said.

"not enough."

The person who couldn't see the face said: "If you want my **** to descend, the number of sacrifices is not enough, and ten more boys and girls are needed."

"Yes, I see, Master God Envoy." The man said, the man in front of him has strange abilities... It is said that he is a magician, and he is also heard that he is the messenger of God, but they most often manage His name is "Master God Envoy".


"Is there a missing person case in London..." A man named Emiya Kiritsugu whispered while looking at the newspaper in front of him in the hotel: "The missing people are all teenagers and girls under the age of fifteen... However, with It doesn't matter to me."

If it was me before, I must have rushed to kill these traffickers now.

However, he doesn't have the time now, the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City, Japan will start in a few years, and he has been preparing and collecting information since then.

Although there are people inside the Clock Tower and the "Einzbern Family" behind him to provide him with support, there are still some information that he must complete by himself!

"It's almost time."𝑅êạd new chapt𝒆rs on no/v/e/l𝒃in(.)com

Standing up, putting the newspaper on the table, Emiya Kiritsugu slowly walked towards the door, then... clenched his hands and turned back to look at the newspaper on the table...

"It's almost here... There are still three years left!"

Three years later, I will definitely get the Holy Grail. At that time...after my wish is fulfilled, such an event will never exist in this world!

He... is going to save the world!

Once again confirming his determination, Emiya Kiritsugu walked out.


"Here...is this the British Museum..." Kurokawa Kazuya said with emotion: "It's really great to have a photo..."

"Oni-chan, let's go." Kazumi said with a smile while holding Kurokawa Kazuya's hand and looked around.

"Ah, let's go in." Saying that, the two walked in and started the first day's journey.


After a day of travel, my sister was tired and went back to the hotel to rest. Kurokawa and Ya went out for a walk, taking a look at London in this era.

"Huh? That man..." Kurokawa and Mi were slightly taken aback, this person... looks familiar, maybe... well, if that's the case, let's go and have a look.

"It's almost time..." Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the time.

The person who was supposed to give him the information hasn't come yet, so it looks like he was cheated today...

"Wait a minute, sir." At this moment, a young man walked up to him and sat down, looked at Emiya Kiritsugu who was about to stand up, and said, "Sir,,, can you tell me name?"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, and stretched out one hand under his clothes... It seemed that the person in front of him didn't want to let him go, and now that there were a little more people around, he probably wouldn't do anything. But, just in case...in case something happens...

"It's like this. I'm a manga artist named Kurokawa Kazuya. I came to the UK to travel and collect materials by the way. And I feel the inspiration of manga from you...can you chat with me for a while ?”

"Are you, Japanese?" Emiya Kiritsugu frowned, and while attracting Kurokawa Kazuya's attention, he opened the safety of the pistol in his clothes.

"Oh, are you too?" Kurokawa and Mi said with some [surprise]. Both of them spoke in English before, but Emiya Kiritsugu's last sentence was changed to Japanese, so Kurokawa and Ya also spoke in Japanese.

"this is my name card."

Kurokawa and Mi took out a business card and pressed it on the table, then put their hands on the table and said.

Emiya Kiritsugu frowned slightly, and turned the business card around with the coffee cup beside him instead of using his hands: "Sorry, I'm a bit of a clean freak."

"Ah, it's okay."

Emiya Kiritsugu nodded, and looked at the business card casually, but most of his attention was still on the person in front of him.

It's true that the person in front of him doesn't feel any magical power, but - he is a magic killer himself, and knows a lot about such people.

Speaking of which, who knows if he is some kind of advanced magician who can hide his magic power... Don't be careless.

The gun with the origin bullet is in the backpack at my feet...

In England, the base camp of magicians, it is impossible for me not to carry my strongest magic dress with me...

Just like just now, even such a business card may have some kind of magic formula, if you touch it with a coffee cup, you can avoid it to a certain extent.

Although he is a magician, he is not good at those complicated spells like Teby's.

While Emiya Kiritsugu was making judgments, Kurokawa Kazuya was also confirming what was going on with this man...

Is it...

"Well, that's it, so what do you want to ask?" Emiya Kiritsugu slowly let go of his vigilance as he said this... It is true that this man can't feel the fluctuation of magic, it's not that he's hiding it or something.

In this case, there are only three possibilities, one - so strong that his own vigilance is meaningless.

2. Weak enough to not need to be vigilant.

3. Not a magician at all, but just like he said, an ordinary person.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the third possibility is even greater, and no matter which possibility it is, there is no need to continue to be vigilant.

"Well... As you can see, I am a cartoonist, and the most lacking thing for a cartoonist is a story... I just look at it from a distance and I am very sure that you are a person with a story , so, I want to hear your story, can I..."

"Huh..." Emiya Kiritsugu breathed out and said, "Is that so... Then, let me say a little bit..."

Maybe it was because he wanted to vent, or for some other reason... Emiya Kiritsugu himself didn't know why... He was going to start talking about his past.

"My name is Emiya Kiritsugu...Huh? What? Have you heard my name?" Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Kurokawa Kazuya's expressions and became vigilant again!

Although... Kurokawa and Ya were trying their best to suppress their expressions, but there was still a moment—the pupils shrank a little bit.

Is this person really Emiya Kiritsugu?

And then, in such an instant—was discovered by Emiya Kiritsugu, discovered by this vigilant killer!

Two thoughts flashed through Kurokawa and Ya's mind for a moment—

1. Is there an unknown other world in this world?

Two, this guy is starting to be vigilant!


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