I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 37: Playing the Hero

Chapter 37: Playing the Hero

These creatures were no match for me, since I already faced such an absurd demonic beast from before. Goblins who did not know how to strategize any attack were useless as slimes found in every field.

Those green and ugly creatures would only perish in the field with those unprepared tactics. Even I, who did not have a high-level advantage, could defeat them without effort. Since I was an experienced fighter after the match against Uruk-hai, small fries did not scare me.

With one swing of my Clarent, those pesky creatures turned into dust. But upon wielding my blade, the strength that I had before left me. The buff that the heroic title gave expired from the hereafter.

I defeated all the monsters, but at the cost of my stamina. The wounds that scarred my body almost opened upon those wide movements I did. I was fortunate enough to have the girl named Merleen mend with my injuries without her asking for a return.

After defeating the trio of goblins, I fell on the ground and succumbed to a deep slumber. I did not know when I would wake up, but I knew I was still alive.


"Grgh" A violent groan fled from my lips as I nudged towards my side.

The pain became intense after fighting those goblins. It would have been wise to leave the goblins alone and focused on healing myself, but I did not want Merleen to fight on her own.

I had learned so much from my past experience and never became selfish. If people needed my help, it was just natural that I should help them as Afenos with his children did for me.

"Geez, mister. You shouldn't push yourself for the likes of Merleen. You could have left Merleen to die there, you know Merleen is such a useless stranger and a worthless daughter."

The girl, who spoke in the third perspective, gave out a depressing remark. Merleen even claimed that I should have left her to die to the goblins. I did not know what past she had experienced, but

"... It must have been rough." The words that my mind pondered came into light as I confessed my thoughts.

With widened eyes, Merleen looked at me, deciphering the words I spoke. It was the first time that we conversed with each other, after all.

"You can talk! Yay! Merleen is thrilled to hear you talk! Merleen wondered if you cannot speak our language, but Merleen was worrying about something ridiculous!" the girl exclaimed, while wiggling both of her hands.

I gave her a nod and answered, "Yes. After napping earlier, I recovered my strength. Thank you, Merleen, for saving me in the river."

Merleen tilted her head after hearing my appreciation. "But Merleen did nothing Merleen doesn't deserve your praise. Merleen is a useless girl."

"You kept describing yourself as useless, yet you saved me. So, you're not useless."

"But" Merleen said, but she did not continue her sentence. She just forced herself to accept what I mentioned without giving it some thought. "If you say so"

The two of us sat on the wooden log that served as the bench for the time being. In front of us was the campfire that Merleen made, but we were already running out of dry wooden planks and twigs. Those things served as fuel for this fire.

"Merleen will go to the forest and look for more firewood. Can Merleen ask you to stay and watch the campsite? Merleen has a lot of utensils and pans that I need for Merleen's next journey."

Although the third perspective talking boggled my mind, the girl still expressed her words. I gave Merleen a nod and told her I would monitor the things surrounding me. However, I let out my concerns and opened my mouth.

"Are you going to be okay on your own? I could guide you in the forest if you want?" I asked.

Since she was a girl, I could only assume that Merleen needed my help. Merleen did not defend herself during that fight, and she did not even cast a spell despite her immense arcane. It made me think this girl was unaware of her powers.

But the wizard shook her head and retorted. "No. It's okay! Merleen can escape from those monsters! And besides, Merleen wants you to cook for your medicine! Merleen found herbs from the forest before, and Merleen will give you instructions to concoct the soup!"

I couldn't go against my benefactor, so I heeded her commands. After our exchange, Merleen taught me the mixture of the herbs on the boiling pan. It was like some run in the mill chef would make, since the steps of the medicine include dumping the ingredients inside the pot.

When Merleen concluded her instructions, she stood from the log and went to the forest. The staff clipped in her hands looked overpowered to me, but I had never seen her cast any magic at all.

"Will she be alright?" I asked myself while staring at her figure, vanishing from the sea of trees.

I shrugged off those trains of thought and focused on the steaming water inside the container. After piling up the compliments needed for the soup, there was only one thing that I could do, and that was watching it boil some more.

It was a dull event, but Merleen specifically said that was the key ingredient for the medicine. I was an otherworldly guy who got teleported in this magical game. Although the world deemed me the strongest player in Magique, this planet was still a vast place.

Afenos and his family taught me that lesson.

Within a few minutes, a flock of birds that came from the forest disrupted my line of thoughts. As I swivelled behind, my heart screamed for me to go, while my brain told me to wait. Two decisions blared through my head, which came out of worry from Merleen.

"What should I do?" I asked, but nobody dared to give me an answer. I was alone at the campsite, waiting for the girl who saved me from the lake.

Merleen told me not to follow her at any cost, since she wanted to do it herself. I, who senses something sinister inside the woodland, thought otherwise.

I clenched my fist and strolled the jungle, disobeying the instructions given to me by Merleen. Although I risked leaving the items behind, I wanted nothing terrible to happen to Merleen.

After stepping foot on the uncharted land, I scanned the area for any clues that Merleen left for me. The ground became the key as the mushy soil copied the footprints of the lost girl.

However, Merleen was not alone in the jungle. There were three more marks that accompanied her journey. And I could bet that Merleen was unaware of those eerie footmarks on the soil. She came alone in this forest. Merleen did not expect anyone besides me to wait from the campsite.

"Shit!" I cursed.

If those creatures were smelly goblins, I would not feel agitated. But if those monsters were ogres or demonic beasts, that was another story.

I could barely fight or move my arms. And the previous match against Uruk-hai strained my body, leaving me defenceless for another round.


It was not wise to shout in the middle of the night, especially in the forest. But what choice do I have when I need to find a vulnerable girl? I would rather have monsters chasing me while running with Merleen rather than not knowing where she was.

And that was what I did.

My voice echoed at the towering trees, but not a hint of Merleen came to my sight. The footprints were the only clues I had, but there were still no signs of the wandering woman with white hair

Not until now.

"H-Help Merleen! A-Anyone! Merleen n-needs help!"

A cry coming from the sides caught my ears. The voice that reverberated through the dull forest came from the girl named Merleen. She was stating her name while asking for help.

"M-Mother! F-Father!...."

The sound kept growing louder as I rushed in Merleen's direction. I did not let the creeping vines block my way as I continued forward and followed the wailing voice.

As I reached forth near the scenes, two dire wolves, which had more brute force and mana than goblins and slimes combined, addressed my eyes. Those hounds had hungry eyes and famished mouths that looked like rabies in my world. Those dogs had a hint of demonic aura residing in their bodies, but these dire wolves did not have the strength of Uruk-hai.

"I could still fight them!" I thought, and went in front of the weeping girl.


Before I could reach her fore, Merleen shouted my name. Out of all the people she could've known, Merleen sought my aid. I, who was already in front of the wizard, defended her with all my might.

I planned on pushing my limits for the sake of this girl. Since that was the role of a hero To save anyone in need.


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