I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 38: The Other Way Around

Chapter 38: The Other Way Around

I swung and twirled my blade upon reaching the front of the trapped girl. Merleen squeezed herself like a fetus, with her eyes shut tight. Her hands quivered as if an earthquake struck her body. She did not want to see any of this, knowing how painful it must have been to her.

But Merleen's quivering response ended after seeing my figure standing in front of her. It was as if all the courage of the world got sucked into her heart. That feeling gave her a chance.

I was her glimmer of hope.

"Are you hurt?" I asked, as I stole a glimpse of the pathetic girl. The same girl who also could not defend herself despite that ravaging staff. "Tell me if those wolves got you or anything." Don't leave a single injury from me, Merleen."

Thinking about rabies from these wolves was something that came to mind. But maybe rabies was not the problem that I should worry about right now.

Merleen responded to me with a nod. Although she got bruises on her arm, the little girl did not have a fragile heart. She just could not defend herself as I do.

I had never thought of asking someone with those lines, but I did. There was also this cliche metre, screaming inside my head every time those words escaped my mouth. But I had my reasons for saying it.

If Merleen got herself wounded, she might have to heal both of our wounds in the middle of this dreadful forest. And nobody liked that thing to happen.

"I want you to run away as far as your little legs could, okay?" I whispered, while motioning my hands to the road behind me. "If you want to live, you need to leave me behind."

"But how about you?" Merleen asked, while caressing her shoulder. "Merleen doesn't want to leave you alone Merleen doesn't want that to happen again!"

"I don't care what happened to you before. But right now, you're just going to hold me back. You're a liability to me, do you know that? I can't fight and defend you at the same time. Go, Merleen! I will join you shortly I promise."

As I glimpsed at the shivering girl, Merleen gave me a nod. After our exchange, the lass heeded my call and sprinted back toward the campsite. She left me alone, despite her being a mage.

However, if Merleen can not fight with me, she would be better off at a safer place. I had the experience and the fighting capabilities to defend myself

And I learned a valuable lesson from chewing my defeat. If I had this power and terrible things would happen, it would happen because of me. I knew that, and I did not want to run away

"... not anymore," I murmured, and launched a devastating strike to the demonic, dire wolves.

Even though these hounds had a quarter of demonic aura, they still packed a punch. If I were up against one wolf, I would have won already. But that was not the case.

It was three against one, especially when I did not have my enhanced stats surging through my body. That overpowered sensation granted me heightened senses and a boost for statistical power. That arcane tapped inside my contained power when I was still playing this game in my prime.

But right now, everything changed, including the character that I was using. However, there was no time for me to dwell on these trivial things, especially when my life was on.

"I will protect you, Merleen, even if it is the last thing that I would do," I bravely said, without regretting my words.

If my past self were watching me right now, he would have laughed his ass out already. I did not differ from a thug before. But change for the best.

I was a nerfed hero in another world, after all.

The battle began when the wolf leapt from the ground. That animal bared its teeth at me while barking. I slid backwards and dodged the bullet.

However, it was not the wolf in front of me that wanted me dead. The two hounds went at each of my sides, thinking that I was a chew toy that needed to face destruction. My nimble feet launched me in mid-air and evaded the left dog that kept chasing me away.

But my body could only do this much. The right dog, who had already jolted in my direction, tackled me with intense speed. The force did not come even close from Uruk-hai's slam, but it left me a mark on my hips, forcing me to kiss the ground.

I did not have the chance to wield my sword as I wanted to, considering the trio of wolves circling me. If I went to the right, the middle and the left dogs would attack me. I would feel the same if I did it the other way around.

As soon as I landed on my feet, the two hounds waited for me and bit my thighs. Their razor-sharp teeth pierced themselves through my muscles, immobilising me from moving around.

That assault created a window for the middle wolf to attack me straightforwardly on my abdomen. It was as if a racing car without brakes crashed against me. That automobile would not leave a mark I could already hear my bones cracking at once after receiving such damage.

My body hovered towards the other side, slamming me at the bark. The scene repeated itself, where I was a worthless man playing hero to save a cowering girl.

However, I had a change of heart. No matter how difficult the situation could become, I still vowed to save the girl from harm. I could run away from this fight, but the wolves would effortlessly track down Merleen.

That girl could not produce any magic ability to defend her. Merleen would be as good as dead if these wolves simultaneously attacked her.

"Come at me, you pooch!" I screamed, trying my best to place up in front.

Despite my brave attempts, all those efforts went to the drain and became a punching bag for the fierce demonic wolves. I bit more than I could chew, and the consequence came barking at me like a dog.

The hounds kept gnawing at my lower body, forcing me to crawl on the ground. And if this continued, I would never see the light from tomorrow.

The wolf finally made its move and charged straight in my direction. Its eyes glowed a piercing crimson light, telling me that their mind got corrupted.

Regardless of this information, I closed my eyes and accepted death. Although I was afraid of pain and death, as long as Merleen found a safe place, then I would find peace in my heart. I already accepted my faith thrice in this world.

Even though I did not know the whereabouts of the fearful girl, Merleen should have found a safer spot right now. That girl was a smart woman, so she knew the scene's weight, judging by her intelligence points.

"Everywhere I go, these creatures always try to kill me," I murmured, as I readied myself to meet Afenos.

But before I could even say goodbye, a brilliant light shined upon me, burning the wolf's body into ashes. Despite the ray hitting me from the back, I never became a fried human served on a platter. Instead, I kept my body to myself and stayed healthy as usual.

According to my system, there was nobody else near my vicinity. I did not see anyone passing through the forest except for Merleen

"Merleen?!" I gasped, and turned around.

But a voice called me before I could swirl my body at my rear. "D-Don't look at the light Merleen might burn your eyes!"

This way of talking was none other than Merleen! Despite telling her to leave, she returned to me and cast this amazing tunnel of gleam!

"Thank you, Merleen!" I remarked, and dashed straight to the remaining wolves.

During my ascent, my sword, clipped in my hands, also gave off a faith glow. That light came not from Merleen or the sun. Clarent just reflected a bright image when I moved from my post.

But I brushed those thoughts away and took the lives of the two wolves. Although these hounds became corrupted creatures thanks to the demonic aura, I had no other choice but to kill them

"I hope I ended your suffering, pooch" I whispered, and sheathed my blade back in its scabbard.

It was a messy fight, but Merleen and I ended it with style. The light coming from behind also faded away. As soon as the light went out, I turned around.

"Merleen" I called out, but the girl already passed out before she could meet my gaze.

I hurried towards Merleen and caught her descending body before it could even touch the ground. The light coming from Clarent also faded away, telling me that the two of us ended the skirmish.


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