I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 36: The Wizard

Chapter 36: The Wizard

The splashing sounds of water entered my ears, with the scent of the ocean sniffed through my nose. But the aroma instantly changed as the cloud of smoke drifted through the air, filling my head with the smell of mushroom soup with distinct ingredients.

I could almost taste the food if it were not for my immobile and numbed body.

Upon opening my eyes, the dark skies greeted me with the stars dangling from above. I knew nothing about constellations, but the firing flames of the stellar heavenly bodies were enough to calm my nerves.

I recalled everything that had happened before I met a family that cared for me upon landing in this other world. It was a father who gave me food and shelter, and his children comforted me and cared.

I could also remember the old man dying in front of me. I saved the village, but he saved my life. Aferous was more of a hero than me.

The four of us fought against a demonic monster, Uruk-hai. That ogre claimed the demon lord unlocked its potential. There was a war coming soon, and the events that happened before me became a warning.

But there was no use for me to think of all that for now. I brushed those gloomy thoughts to the side and remained focused on the happenings surrounding me.

I wiggled my hands and touched the mushy soil. The land told me I was nowhere near the beach or any gigantic body of water. Upon sliding my head to the side, piercing pain coming from my spine disrupted my movements. The pain travelled through my ligaments and spread all over my body.

My body jerked sidewards in retreat from the unbearable pain. Even after reverting to my earlier position, the phantom pain remained.

But that one glimpse allowed me to see through the other side.

There was a sea of trees that reached beyond the forest, which also welcomed my eyes. Right before the borders of that green land, a make-shift kitchen caught my sight. A figure also stood at the side, watching patiently the temporary cup getting boiled by the fire.

I couldn't picture the shape of the mysterious person, since I returned my gaze in front of the clouds. But I knew the figure poured something into the cup.

I could only guess those were ingredients or poison to the food. If that person wanted to kill me, it better be quick.

"Merleen thinks this is fine! Merleen will give it to the injured person!"

A soft, angelic, and feminine voice resounded behind me. It came from the person cooking in front of the rough-and-ready stove. Right after the monologue, the figure, whom I could assume was a girl, went to my side.

My head still kept the pain radiating all over my body. It was still impossible for me to move on my own.

"Eep!" the girl shrieked upon seeing my widened eyes, desperately looking in her direction.

The lass nearly spoiled the pan to my face as she balanced herself with all her might! Well, my foot, which already nestled on the side, also helped her take her balance.

Upon standing back to her position, the girl heaved out a sigh. She then looked at me once again, scrutinizing my stern face. She now had the resolve to talk to me. "This is mushroom soup passed by Merleen's parents. Please drink this to help speed up your recovery."

'Merleen's parents?' I thought, thinking that there was still someone hiding around the bushes. I could only assume that this girl was someone else, accompanied by a person named Merleen.

But something did not sound right

I heeded the girl's instructions and exerted intense effort to raise my head. The girl saw my struggles and tried to help me lift the upper half of my body. She did it correctly, but the pain still lingered around my arms.

But I never said a word and continued expressing my gratitude towards the girl. Although we only met around a couple of minutes ago, there was no sense of killing intentions clouding her.

"Can you talk?" the girl asked.

I tried and opened my mouth, but the words I wanted to say did not come out. The phrase I wanted to say was, "thank you for helping me."

I guessed that thanking someone for their kind deeds was too much of a hassle for my body to do.

"Merleen thinks you can't talk. It's okay. Don't force yourself, mister," the girl whispered, as she flashed me a faint smile. "Let Merleen help you drink this mushroom soup! Merleen hopes it will help you."

There was nobody else besides the girl in this forest. I knew because she speaks from the third perspective. Instead of saying "me" and "I", Merleen used her actual name every time she pointed at herself.

Merleen did as she told and helped me drink the entire contents of the boiling soup. The heat ravaged my taste buds, but the girl insisted I should drink it in one go.

I dealt with far more things from my past world, so flushing these boiling water was nothing compared to my experiences.

After finishing my meal, the girl flashed me a beam once more. It was not the faint grin from before. But an actual smile that came from her heart. It almost felt like she really wanted me to heal my wounds.

"Merleen will wait for you until you can speak and walk Until then, please rest your body, mister," the girl exclaimed, as she stretched both of her arms to the sky. "Merleen feels very sleepy. Merleen would just nap for a while. Good night, mister."

That girl never backed down to her words as Merleen did what she mentioned. The little Merleen laid her body on the flat log and succumbed to her sleep.

Judging by her clothes, Merleen looked like a mage. She had a white cloak that could also become a hoodie if the girl wanted to. Clipped in her hand was a wand meant to cast and amplify spells. Merleen did not have a witch's hat, but her attire still counted as someone who could wield powerful magic.

I could also sense an absurd amount of mana leaking from her body. It only showed that this girl did not have full control over her arcane.

However, I could not take her lightly, since I was still a puny knight with no power. Merleen was far stronger than me.

I placed all those thoughts aside and did as Merleen had told me. Upon closing my eyes, my body shut itself down and slept for the time being.

But those peaceful hours ended.

I did not have any means of checking the time, but I knew countless hours had passed by. As I peered my eyes open, the sky did not change, but the gusting wind did.

My numbness from before vanished from my body, as I could feel my hands moving once again. Even the throbbing pain that cursed me earlier disappeared from my cells.

It was the start of a new beginning for me, but things had spiralled out of control.

My notifications alarmed me and sent me a message. It found a group of deadly creatures lurking nearby, watching our every move. The system did not consider them as demonic beasts, but these creatures were still formidable enemies. As the process option concluded, my system told me we had three goblins wanting to assault our camp.

"I will repay your kindness this time," I murmured to Merleen while attempting to stand from the ground.

Since she was the one who took care of me as soon as I landed from the stream, I wanted to repay my debt. Despite my lack of heroic charm, I still wanted to help anyone that needed me.

If I ran away now and cower to my fears, the goblins would attack and sexually harass the sleeping Merleen. Before she would know it, that girl would end up inside the goblin's den as a sex slave for eternity.

And I did not want that to happen.

I pushed my limits and gritted my teeth from the pain reaching through my lower limbs. I thought that the soup already healed my body.

But I had thought wrong. Since I had not stood for a long time, the muscles on my legs were still like a baby.

Regardless of the pain, I did my best and overcame my limitations. Within a few moments, the world around me changed. I was now standing on my feet while gripping the pommel of m,y sword.

"Clarent, please help me again," I murmured, and dashed straight towards the forest.

I did not want to let this goblin do as they pleased. If someone needed to strike the first move, that someone should be me. Although my body still quivered every time I moved, my will of protecting Merleen was strong enough to push me through.


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