I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 174 - The Village

Chapter 174 – The Village

Even Rebecca wasn't spared from this as the price was just too large.

600 contribution points were more contribution points than she had seen in her whole time at the Hidden Dragon Academy!

Dante just looked at the stunned people in front of him as he started speaking

"For distribution of contribution points in thinking of taking 50%" 

Dante knew what he just said was controversial so before anyone could speak he interjected.

"Now it may seem unfair but if you think about it, I think it's appropriate.

I will be dealing with the Martial Adept cultivator and it's my standing as Dragon son that will slow us to recruit the soldiers. It's only fair I get 50%.

As for the remaining contribution points, I was thinking about splitting it evenly between you three with each person getting a 100 contribution point split. With the rewards still available to change depending on the contribution each person makes to the mission ."

Hearing this, the others were left in thought.

100 contribution points was not a small amount.

Even top tier martial journeyman missions would struggle to pay that much…

The first person to speak up was Klent 

"I'm in."

His words were simple yet straight to the point.

Whilst others were still thinking Klent answered without much thought and the reason for this was simple.

The relationship between him and Dante was different to the relationship Dante had with the others.

Ever since they had the between them, Klent only believed the relationship between him and Dante as that had been that of a ruler and his servant.

In fact, Klent was planning on following Dante to this mission regardless of the difficulty! 

To him, the pay was all just an unexpected bonus.

Although Dante had tried convincing Klent many times that all this was only formalities and that there was no need for things to be so serious between them, Klent just wouldn't accept it.

Until he was at least equal to Dante in strength, he just wouldn't be able to see himself as an equal to Dante.

Not when it was Dante's mercy that even allowed for him to be living today 

In Klent's mind, To consider himself equal to Dante would not just be foolish, but  it was  also naive!

So before his strength reached a certain level, Klent simply felt like this was his deserved fate!

After Klent agreed to follow Dante the next person who spoke up was Lennox.

"Hahaha! 100 contribution points and I get to destroy a bandit camp with the dragon son of war. What more can I ask for? " laughed Lennox in glee

"This is the experience my father and older brothers have been talking about. 

The chance at becoming a great general of the kingdom a glorious warrior of hundred battles!"

Lennox could already envision scenes of him defeating the countless enemies of the Vaenam Kingdom, drinking the strongest wine with his sworn brothers and sleeping the most exotic beauties.

At the thought of such a possible future, Lennox even began to slightly drool from his mouth.

There were no more possible questions in Lennox's mind 

"Dante you can count me in on this!"

Rebecca just sat there, stunned at how little thought the two boys around her had put in before agreeing to join Dante.

In the end, Rebecca just shook her head as she sighed

"It seems like I can't leave these two guys to look after you by yourself ." Said Rebecca 

"so I guess I'm gonna have to come along with you then Dante."

Hearing this Dante finally smiled.

It may have taken some convincing and a lot of words on his part,  but he eventually managed to get everyone on his side.

Seeing his proposal had gone well Dante  let out a light chuckle before starting to speak again

"Now everyone for the next start of the plan we going to start here."

As Dante started speaking  he pulled out a large map of the Vaenam Kingdom and pointed on it

"For this part, we're all going to have to focus on this section of the Zrudon region…."


  Somewhere in the deep forests of the Zrudon region,

2 boys could be seen racing through the forest .

Suddenly as they were both running, the shorter of the  two boys spoke up 

"Hans, are you sure we should have gone out hunting today? You know the new rules the village chief has set."

Hearing these words the taller boy just laughed.

"Why are you getting second thoughts now Clay? 

Weren't you excited when you caught that rabbit earlier? Don't pretend that you haven't felt the lack of meat the village has been receiving too.."

As he heard Hans's words, Clay looked at the dead rabbit in his hand.

just the thought of  finally being able to have some fresh meat in his stew caused him to instantly begin to salivate.

It had been weeks since anybody had left the nearby vicinity of the village due to rumours of zombies eating travellers of merchants of the region.

The only source of meat in the entire village had only been the chickens kept by the village chief and so of course the village chief wouldn't easily share this with other people.

For most families,  the only source of meat was the dry and salty jerky they had prepared beforehand 

As soon as he saw saliva begin to form at Clay's mouth Hans let out a light chuckle

"Now you see Clay," said Hans 

"What we did was nothing wrong so there's no need to be worried. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that stingy old village chief imposed these rules just to keep all the meat for himself…"

Hand didn't even get to finish the sentence before he saw a strange sight.


Countless houses of the village could be seen burning fiercely in the sea of orange flames!

Hans could even spot what appeared to be corpses lying on the floor of the village entrance!


The rabbit in Clay's hand hit the floor with a loud thud 

Clay just couldn't remain calm after he'd seen such a horrible sight! But before he could end up panicking he felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

Clay looked up to see Hans staring at him with a calm gaze.

"Stay here and hide. " said Hans 

"I'm going to see what's going on in there."

"B-but Hans," called clay

"No buts" retorted Hans in a cold tone

After saying this and making sure that Clay had gone into hiding  Hans nimbly made his way towards the village.

Out of the two boys, Hans was the older one.

Hans was also the one who even convinced Clay to come outside today so he naturally felt the responsibility to protect Clay.

As soon as Hans entered the village he could already feel the warm blast of air, brush against his skin.

It was uncomfortable

Hans could vividly feel the heat of the raging fires all over his body but he simply ignored it and carried on moving.

As Hans rushed along the village streets he could see corpses all along with the floor village but Hans paid no attention to the bodies he saw. 

He was just looking for someone to help him!

Suddenly, as he was desperately rushing through the streets, he finally saw someone.

It was a hunched figure that seemed to be hanging over what Hans could only guess was an unconscious body.

"Hey!" Called Hans trying to get this person's attention.

But even after calling there was no reaction.

"Hey! I'm speaking to you!"

As Hans said this he started moving closer and closer to the figure 

And Soon, after much calling, the figure turned around to look at him, but it wasn't the person who Hans was looking for.

Instead, what turned around to face Hans could only be described as a creature that crawled from straight out of his nightmares!

The man, if it could even still be called that, was covered in pale rotting skin as maggots could be seen crawling in what Hans could only assume used to be its eye sockets.

but besides that,  what could possibly be the most disturbing thing of all was the creature's lower face.

It was slanted at an unnatural angle, almost as if something had hit out of place by a sledgehammer,  whilst also being stained in the deep red colour of blood!


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