I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 175 - The Village 2

Chapter 175 – The Village 2

It was slanted at an unnatural angle, almost as if something had hit out of place by a sledgehammer, whilst also being stained in the deep red colour of blood!

Hans's assumption was completely wrong!

The strange figure was not helping an unconscious man, he was instead eating it!

"Zombie!" Cried Hans in horror as he quickly realised what he was dealing with causing him to stumble backwards in fear!

The recent talks of undead creatures attacking merchant caravans.

The continuous warnings of the village chief.

It all led Hans to one conclusion, the village had been attacked by zombies!

Realising this Hans didn't stay a second longer and quickly got to his feet.

He needed to get Clay

and leave this place as soon as possible!

But things just wouldn't go that easily for Hans


Seeing that Hans had started moving, the zombie also seemed to stir as a strange sound left its now decaying vocal cords.

The zombie slowly rose to its feet before it struggled after Hans 

As Hans was rushing through the village he heard more and more similar cries ring out around him as he could see a crowd of zombies started to slowly encircle him.

Knowing things were taking a turn for the worse Hans used his last bit of energy in an effort to quickly leave the village.

But Just as Hans was making it towards the village entrance he suddenly felt something off.

Hans desperately turned his body in a last-ditch effort to react but it was already too late.

From the crowd of slowly moving zombies, a strange figure instantly burst out at an unprecedented speed and jumped straight onto Hans dragging him onto the floor.

Hans and the vile creature fought desperately but Struggle as he might, Hans just couldn't manage to remove the undead creature's vice-like grip around him and was left to pitifully writhe on the ground as more and more zombies enclosed him.

As The athletic zombie's jaws neared Hans's face, a rancid wave of rotting flesh assaulted Hans's nostrils

With this terrifying sight nearing closer and closer, Hans struggled even more desperately but he simply couldn't change his fate

but Suddenly, Just as the zombie was about to take a bite of him, a hooded figure suddenly appeared behind the zombie.

"Leave it." Called the hooded man

His voice was raspy and hoarse, almost like the sound of two objects scraping against each other

"They are better sacrifices when they are left alive."

As soon as the man spoke the zombie hesitated as its slow mind struggled between leaving the meal in its hands, and following its master instructions.

But the zombie's struggles didn't last long as soon, a terrifying yet abnormally thin fist was sent towards the creature's head


Fist and head collided causing the zombie's head to instantly burst to send the zombie's brains splattering all over the floor, which also included Hans who unfortunately lay beneath it.

The hooded man quickly wiped his hand with a napkin he quickly brought out as he spoke in disgust

"Such disgusting and stupid creatures.

They can't even follow orders when needed."

Before Hans could even question what was going on, a wave of black energy washed over his head causing him to instantly lose consciousness.

After making sure Hans was knocked out, The hooded man then turned towards the rest of the crowd of zombies.

"Take him to where the rest of them are being kept, and quickly hurry up and clean this place.

We can't afford to linger here any longer"

After saying this The hooded man watched the zombies slowly move for a short while to make sure they had completed his instructions and after confirming that everything was in order, he slowly began walking off in a completely different direction.

As he walked away he reached towards his pocket and brought out a small yet strange totem and stared at it longingly.

"Soon master, soon. "

"Soon you will be able to join us in all your glory!"

The hooded figure walked off into the forest.

But unsuspectingly to him, there was a young boy cowering in the bushes in the opposite direction.

His hands were forcefully placed over his mouth tightly forcing back any sound that threatened to leave his mouth.

These sights had left the young boy in a completely terrified state streams of tears and snot flowed down his cheek.

But even after seeing these horrifying things, the boy didn't look away."

The boy was still there

The boy had seen it all….


Days later, hundreds of miles away from the incident Dante and a group of three other people could be seen riding on some well-bred steeds down a dirt road .

Days later, hundreds of miles away from the incident,

Dante and a group of three other people could be seen riding on some down a badly maintained dirt road.

Dante was in the front of the group, trodding along confidently with his giant moonlight sword attached to his back as He rode on a gigantic black stallion with burning bloodshot eyes. 

Strange red scales could even be seen growing from near the horse's hooves hinting at the possible strange bloodlines that could be flowing through it 

Rebecca, Klent and Lennox were also following closely behind him and although their horses weren't as Shocking as Dante's, they were still all impressive in their own right.

The journey towards the Zrudon region had been a long and jarring one and whilst most of the group managed it well, one person who made their struggles obvious was Lennox 

It had been almost 12 days since Dante and the rest had left the capital to start their mission and other than stopping in cities and villages along the way to rest and collect essential resources, the rest of their time had all been spent on the road.

And it was a result of this tedious journey that Lennox was starting to get bored 

Surprisingly enough, Lennox had even been kind of excited at first.

It was his first time leaving home by himself without any other guidance from his family. 

Normally his parents wouldn't even let him leave the capital without some form of guardian watching over him but this time things were different.

as soon as he mentioned that he was going on a mission with the Dragon son of war their attitudes did a complete 180! 

Instead of shouting or complaining they even urged Lennox to go along with Dante to complete this mission warning him not to mess up or cause any problems.

So At first Lennox was overflowing with excitement for the mission.

This was the start of his legendary journey after all.

his legendary journey become one of the greatest generals of the Vaenam kingdom and meet countless beauties along the way!

It's just unfortunate that Lennox's excitement couldn't even last for more than three days into the journey

He could only keep himself interested in the scenery for so long.

After a certain point, all trees and bright flowers just ended up looking the same, no matter how hard he stared at them.

"Dante!" Called Lennox with slight impatience in his voice 

"We've been travelling for days now and we've still not reached the destination. How much longer to we get there?"

As Dante heard Lennox's question his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch in frustration.

You see this wasn't the first time that Lennox had asked this question.

In fact, from the fourth day or so,Ennis had continuously been asking this question.

It was so annoying that Dante to the point that Dante felt like hopping of his horse just to teach the kid a good lesson 

But every time he was near doing it he had to remind himself that his combined age of 15 in this life and 20 of his previous life was pushing him to around 35!

Of course, he only awakens his memories recently so he had only really lived for around 21 years or so.

But that doesn't change the fact that if he did so he would be a 35year old man beating up a child that was barely 16 and all this for him slightly getting on his nerves.

Just imagine if a situation like that happened in his past life

The image created in his head was just too unsightly!


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