I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 173 - The Plan

Chapter 173 – The Plan

Rebecca didn't believe for a second that Dante was actually telling the truth!

Her eyebrows twitched in frustration ration as she glared at Dante.

"Dante, you really are overflowing with Time to call us here for such a silly prank. Do you really expect us to believe you're planning on taking on a Martial Adept level bandit stronghold?"

But to Rebbeca's surprise, Dante didn't concede like usually would do with his pranks but instead put on a serious face as replied.

"Rebecca. I think you are mistaken this time. I'm not joking around

I actually plan on taking these guys on."

Rebecca couldn't believe what she just heard!

"Dante, have you gone mad! It's not like I doubt your talent, such doubts have been proven useless by you a long time ago. 

The only problem is that you literally just broke through into the Martial journeyman realm today! what gives you the confidence to think you can take on a martial adept realm cultivator who has years of experience in that realm!"

Rebecca just couldn't understand Dante's rush and hurry to do things.

To her, it just seemed like blind recklessness if anything.

"Stop playing with your life and think. If you just break through a few more minor realms, then I'm sure you'll be able to handle this without breaking a sweat ."

But before Rebecca could continue, Dante cut her off

"Rebecca, there's no need to worry about these things.

You know me. I won't go charging into something I'm not confident in winning?" Said Dante 

But Unfortunately for him, his words didn't seem to have the effect he intended and somehow even managed to make his situation even worse.

"Now Dante, don't try that bullshit with me! You've been reckless from the day you were born. I even remembered you saying that a 50% chance seemed like fair odds! 

For you, so-called 'certain' could probably be a maximum of 70% at best. 

These aren't odds you should be betting your life on!"

Rebecca didn't stop there and also turned towards the people around her with her gaze eventually landing on klent.

"Klent. You're also friends with Dante. Tell him it's not worth risking his life for this."

It was only after Hearing Rebecca speaking to him that Klent finally looked up from his sword.

His plain eyes just stared at Rebecca blankly as he replied to her

"Me?" asked Klent in an emotionless voice

"I don't really care what Dante does. As long as he's willing to do something then I am willing to follow."

Hearing this Dante burst into laughter

"Hahaha! That's what a good brother is for!"

However Dante's laughter didn't last long as Rebecca sent him a fierce glare causing him to try to rein his laughter, but even then, small snickers could still be heard from Dante's direction.

Rebecca paid little attention to his however and instead turned towards Lennox as she continued to ask.

"Lennox, you're Dante's your friend right? Please talks some sense into the boy."

But Unfortunately For Rebbeca her plea to Lennox also seemed to have no effect

"Well.. Rebecca." started Lennox

Dante is the Dragon Son of war so it's simply isn't my place to tell him what he can and can't do."

Seeing Lennox's innocent smile Rebecca just shook her head in disbelief

'This boy… ' thought Rebecca hopelessly

Seeing Rebecca about to explode in frustration Dante quickly cut in as he spoke with a serious look on his face.

his previous joking demeanour completely vanished, almost as it had never been present in the first place.

"Rebecca, There's no point trying to convince me to stop this mission.

My mind is set on this. I've thought this three more than you could think so I'm confident in my ability to complete that mission."

In the end, Rebecca was just left stunned.

even though she wanted to say something, she just couldn't find the words.

She knew that when Dante's mind was set on something like this, it would be ridiculously hard to try and change his opinion so eventually she just gave up trying to convince him.

"Well since I can't change your mind, I guess I'll have to accompany you! 

After all, I can't let my favourite little cousin die a sad death in the hands of some bandits. God knows what would happen to you if I'm not there."

Hearing Rebecca shamelessly concede Dante just rolled his eyes as he continued where he left off before 

"Well, seeing as everyone is on board for the mission, I'll begin to go deeper into the finer details of the mission." Said Dante 

"The mission is obviously one of combative nature and will be taking place in the Zrudon region near the outskirts of the kingdom.

like I said before, the bandit camp is believed to have a Martial Adept level cultivator as their leader.

But the threats of this group don't end there as there are records of a few more martial journeyman realm underlings existing in the camp underneath their leader. In addition, they reported to gave countless weaker underlings amongst low-level bandits in the running around their camp., with reports of their numbers easily surpassing 100."

As soon as the rest of the people heard this frowns started forming on their faces.

Although they trusted Dante, they weren't perforated to charge straight into death with him.

If Dante couldn't come up with a reasonable plan then this mission with them would go nowhere!

Dante also seemed to notice the changing mood and quickly interjected.

"Don't worry." Said Dante 

"I won't force you to deal with the swarm of lower-level grunts, all you have to do is deal with the martial journeyman realm cultivators in the bandit camp."

Hearing this Lennox and the others were confused.

"Erm… Dante" asked Lennox 

" you just said there were a lot of grunts and low-level members in the bandit camp, no matter how weak they are, we can't just ignore them." 

Although Rebecca and Klent didn't speak up this time the slight nods of their heads made it clear they were in agreement with Lennox on this one.

Hearing this question Dante just smiled 

"for the low-level soldiers, you don't have to worry.

I've already got a plan for that and that is to simply recruit them!" Said Dante 

"The plan is simple, with my reputation as Dragon Son it won't be hard to recruit some soldiers from the city lords of the nearby cities.

Besides, if that doesn't work there is still plan B, My title as Prince consort!

I and princess Levina have been officially betrothed meaning to some extent, I am already an extension of the royal family.

Those city lords at the edge of the kingdom may have the courage to refuse the Hidden Dragon Academy but to refuse the Royal family? 

I know Those bastards definitely won't have the balls to do that so the recruitment of soldiers is pretty much guaranteed."

While his explanation may have cleared up the confusion for Lennox and Klent it didn't seem to have such a good effect on Rebecca.

In fact, as soon as Dante mentioned the name of princess Levina an icy aura started to radiate from Rebecca! 

Dante decided to not spend too much time on the topic and quickly moved to the next one 

"Cough! Erm.. let's move to the next party that I have to go through, and that is the distribution of rewards for the mission"

As soon as Dante said this everyone's ears perked up, even the cold expression on Rebecca's face slowly faded.

However, This didn't come as a surprise to Dante 

Money, or in this case, contribution points is what makes the world go round.

Even for people that could be considered close like Dante and Rebecca, not paying each other their fair share could always lead to problems down the line.

Besides, nobody likes working for free, especially when it came to dangerous situations like the one Dante was proposing.

So in a way the information on how they were going to split the reward could be deemed as even more important Than the fact that they were even taking on a martial adept level mission!

"The reward for this mission is 600 contribution points."

Hearing this everyone's jaws dropped.

Even Rebecca wasn't spared from this as the price she heard was simply too large!


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