I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 172 - Convincing Karther

Chapter 172 – Convincing Karther

The talk of murdering a Prince could only be considered as treason of the highest order!

Karther quickly looked around before speaking

"My Lord such things must never be said!"

"Don't worry Karther." Interjected Dante.

"I'm not a fool Karther. for me to say such things I definitely would not have any people around. even all the guards in the building have been excused since I started this meeting"

"Besides, don't tell me you're actually surprised by the statement I Made just now?"

"You do know I'm engaged to Princess Levina. 

From the very moment, the engagement was passed through I had already been attached publicly attached to the princesses faction.

Levina's ambition for the throne is pretty much an open secret amongst the people who know and it doesn't look like Lloyd is planning on forfeiting his chance to inherit the throne either.

In the history of the Vaenam kingdom, There has never been such a thing as silly as two rulers.

There can only be one monarch and since nobody is willing to back down, somebody must lose.

In simpler terms one of them has to die!"

As Dante said this, the temperature in the room seemed to drop a level as a cruel and vicious aura could be felt flowing from him.

"Besides, I personally have a grudge with that bastard. That alone is enough to warrant his death!"

As Dante thought about the insidious rumours that had been circulating about him in the capital, he could still imagine that bastard Lloyd's fake smile in his head and this just pissed him off even more!

Since Lloyd had decided to spread allegations that could potentially get him killed, the line between them was drawn.

All that was left between him and Dante now was only a life and death feud!

As Karther heard Dante speak he couldn't help but break out into a nervous sweat.

'This bastard!' Thought Karther in disbelief 

'He's supposed to be my ticket to greatness but it seems like he's simply a madman! 

I think I may have just joined a ship full of lunatics!' 

But As Karther was thinking these thoughts, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring straight at him.

"Now Karther. You can't possibly be thinking of backing out now. Not at least after all this information I just told." Said Dante with an eerie smile on his face 

"This here is all secret information… If you want to leave, then I'm afraid you would have to pay a price!"

looking up, Karther made eye contact with Dante's Amber Draconic eyes.

The world seemed to dim for Karther as he was soon smothered by a terrifying aura finding it even hard to breathe.

Karther reached up to his neck but to his horror, he soon discovered there was nothing he could do to stop this choking sensation.

As the light was quickly leaving Karther's vision he quickly dropped to his knees

"My Lord…please.."

"I would never betray you!"

As soon as Karther exclaimed those words The aura around Karther quickly disappeared and he began coughing heavily as he leaned against the floor.

Seeing the poor sight of the man in front of him, Dante didn't pity him the slightest and just watched with an ice-cold gaze.

This was the same man that showed not even the slightest pity at his brother's death.

whilst the whole clan was mourning he was making moves to absorb his brother's assets into his own wealth.

such a cold Callous person could backstab you at any moment.

Since you can't trust the emotions they show, you can only teach them through fear!

You had to remind them that their life was still in your hand, at the slightest mistake you could end everything for them!

But Dante knew that he couldn't just control people with an iron fist.

the correct balance of force and benefit was needed to get people truly on his side 

Now Karther was backed into a corner, all he had to do was dangle some benefits in front of him and he'll snap it up easily.

"Look Karther. What I'm doing may be dangerous but think about it.

"If we can eliminate Lloyd then the throne would be ours! Think about it!

you would then be serving directly to the throne and the benefits that could be awaiting for your clan are endless!"

It was at that moment that Karther's eyes seemed to light up

'he's right!' Thought Karther 'Things may not seem so bright now but if I could just make this man king…'

The terrifying ambition locked deep inside of Karther reared its ugly head again.

The chances of this outcome were small but Karther and in his terrifying greed and ambition was willing to risk it all!

This was it.

This same, almost unreasonable, ambition was the very same reason that Dante had such interest in the man in the first place.

The only people that would be on his side and plot to kill the most favoured son of the king could only be as crazy and ambitious as Karther in front of him!

With a renewed vigour in his movements, Karther kneeled before Dante once more.

"My Lord, I know I have said it before but this servant is willing to serve you with unquestionable loyalty."

Seeing this Dante just laughed 

"Hahaha! Well since such a loyal servant is willing to serve them it will be improper for me to ignore it. I, Dante Kinsman, accept your loyalty."

and with this, the two of them just smiled at each other with cryptic expressions on their faces.

On the outside, it could be mistaken for the glorious begging between a future leader and one of his most loyal subjects but behind these pair of zealous eyes was a cruel and calculating mind.

It was all an elaborate game of chicken.

a game of seeing who could dare to use the other, as both parties knew that they wouldn't hesitate to drop or possibly even kill the other as long as it could benefit their goals.

whilst Dante may seem to hold the upper hand in this little game, things in this world were never set in stone and could flip at the drop of a hat.

Whether Dante could still control his servant would have to be seen in the future but for now, he would use his seemingly loyal servant to his full potential!


Many hours after the meeting Between Dante and Karther,

Dante could be seen walking through the hallways of his residence.

From the looks of things, Dante seemed to be heading to another meeting again!

In front of an ornate set of wooden double doors could be seen standing to attention with an emotionless expression but once they saw Dante approaching the guards seemed to burst into life

"Greetings Lord Dragon Son!"

Seeing this Dante simply nodded as the guards moved to the side and let him into the room.

As Dante opened the door he was greeted by the sight of a round table with some individuals sitting around It, seemingly all uninterested.

it was only when Dante entered that they finally started showing some interest.

The people sitting at the table were all familiar faces 

Klent, who was slowly cleaning his now shining gold sword

Lennox, who was sat with his usual happy go lucky smile on his face, while a giant battle-axe leaned against his chair. 

And last but not least, the beautiful Rebbeca who was sat with crossed arms as a displeased frown was visible on her face.

"so Dante what's the reason you called us all here today. You do know I'm in the middle of practising an important new battle formation."

seeing Rebecca's usual short temper, Dante didn't take it to Hearst as he turned to oil at everyone.

"Well seeing as some of you are getting impatient I'll skip the meaningless details. 

the reason I called if all of you here is simple.

I need your help in taking on a Martial Adept level mission, more specifically for exterminating a bandit camp."

when Rebbeca heard this she was furious!

it seemed like the title of Dragon son had really gotten to Dante's head! He really dared to call her all the way here just for some silly prank.

Rebecca didn't believe for a second that Dante was actually telling the truth!

Her eyebrows twitched in frustration ration as she glared at Dante.


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