I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 171 - New Elemental Treasure

Chapter 171 – New Elemental Treasure

" As you have stated, I've finally gotten a clue as to the location of Elemental treasure!"

Hearing Karther exclaim with such certainty, Dante looked around carefully before turning back towards Karther

"Mr Baleview. why don't we carry on this conversation inside?" 

As soon as Dante said this, Karther also seemed to notice his mistake and quickly nodded before following Dante inside.

Dante and Karther were now in the same hall that he and Dante had first met in, with Dante still sitting on his luxurious golden throne.

The only difference between the scene last time and this one was that this time, Dante's attitude was nowhere near as relaxed as he had an extremely serious gaze as he stared down Karther.

For a few seconds, there was a long awkward silence that even made Karther begin to sweat nervously.

but before Karther could worry anymore, Dante finally spoke.

"So Karther, could you please carry on our conversation from outside. I remember you saying that you had found a clue to an elemental treasure."

Hearing this Karther didn't waste a second as he quickly stepped forward

"Yes Lord Dragon Son my Baleview clan has finally gotten some clues as to where an elemental treasure could be located"

"From  my recent investigations, some informants hired the clan to have reason to believe that there is an elemental treasure forming in the area known as the Zrudon region"

'Zrudon region again.' Thought Dante 

'that place seemed to be a hotspot for all kinds of terrible occurrences. It seemed that Karther may really be into something this time'

"My Lord we have had reports of undead creatures and walking corpses moving around in this region!"

Although the information Karther presented was a truly decent development, Dante wasn't too quick to fully believe Karther just yet


"Pardon My Lord?" Asked Karther 

"I said source Karther. What is the source you've been using to get this information?"

"well my Lord… it's like this-"

"Karther. I Don't have time to play games, just tell me the source."

eventually, Karther gave in under Dante's pressured gaze and quickly confessed 

"My Lord, these are only rumours that we've been able to gather from some villages in the Zrudon region "

'I knew it!' Thought Dante 

'his source is simply unreliable!' 

Karther also seemed to notice the quick change in Dante's mood and quickly responded.

"My Lord, it's not as if I  just believed the random ramblings of the villagers. 

I also sent some of my men to the region to investigate and they reported an abnormally high concentration of yin and death energy in the area, so it's not impossible that some poorly treated corpses were reanimated as undead in these conditions." explained Karther 

"From all this, it can be concluded that the signs do hint at the possible formation of a hidden treasure my Lord." said Karther 

hearing this Dante went into thought.

'while the rumour he used may be quite dodgy, he still investigated and came back with decent results. There really may be the possibility of a natural treasure forming!'

Dante nodded as he came to this conclusion. 

he really was satisfied with Karther's performance this time.

it seemed like he wasn't wrong to spare the baleview clan just to use them later.


"Yes my Lord" responded Karther, his body straightening instantly 

"your performance was good. In fact, you have even managed to impress me Karther.

I guess it would be improper for me to not show my appreciation in some way."

As Dante said this he threw a heavy bag towards Karther.

Karther caught it with ease and quickly checked inside.

The instant, Karther opened the pouch, he was greeted with sight of a wide array of glistening gold coins.

But instead of feeling any joy, when Karther saw this he was disappointed. 

Although the Baleview clan couldn't be considered rich, they definitely weren't poor enough that a bag of gold coins would be enough to satisfy him.

just as Karther was about to put away the bag of gold coins he suddenly saw something burrows amongst them.

A small wooden token with a roaring blood-red eastern dragon.

The symbol of the Dragon Son of war!

"m-my Lord this is …"

"What else could it be Karther? This is my reward for you. 

The only question now is, do you accept?" Asked Dante

hearing this Karther was left stunned

'Hahaha! This is it!' Thought Karther to himself.

'This is what my Father has been struggling to accomplish for all these years.

A way for my Baleview Clan to rise in the Capital city!' thought Karther

As these thoughts were raging in his mind, quickly got on his knees and exclaimed.

"Of course I accept! My Lord, It's an honour for someone like me to even be able to serve you!"

even though Karther's flattery was really pleasing to hear, Dante wasn't fooled by his glib tongue.

Behind the seemingly zealous proclamations of loyalty, there was a burning ambition deep within his eyes.

The same raging ambition caused him to be secretly joyful at his own brother's death while his whole clan was mourning.

Others may not be able to spot it, But Dante could.

It takes one to know one.

The only reason could spot this man's well-hidden ambition so easily when his because he also had such ambition inside of him! 

you could wonder why Dante would even want such an ambitious man as a servant.

It was a well-known fact that ambition was an unquenchable desire.

The number of kings that had been killed because of the betrayal of their ambitious servants was countless.

But the reason Dante could look past this was he admired the man's ambition.

Such burning ambition, such terrifying desire. Whilst ie was also it meant that if Dante handed out the task, the man would compete them with ridiculous zeal.

As long as Dante continuously provided rewards and suitable paths to his goals the quality of work these kinds of people produced was simply unquestionable.

The only problem was that these people were like a double-edged sword.

One second they could be your greatest ally but if a greater chance or opportunity presented itself, these people would be the first to switch and even cut you down if necessary!

But Dante didn't fear this.

Call it pride or you could even call it ignorance, but Dante still felt like he had the ability to control the man in front of him.

He had evidence that could get not only him, but the whole of his family executed. 

Besides Dante believed that in time that Karther would come to see the value of following him of his own free will.

No threats or pressure needed.

Dante just looked at Karther while was still kneeling in front of him and smiled.

"Get up Karther. From today you are officially a follower of mine. There's no need for the excessive flattery."

  Karther just looked around before quickly getting back to his feet.

"Karther. Your performance has really impressed me so I'm willing to give you another task. Do you accept?"

"Of course my Lord! This servant is willing to tread through lakes of fire and terrifying storms if you do much as call for it!"

"Okay, okay Karther. There's no need for these ridiculous statements all I need is for you to collect information on a person."

"My Lord, who is this person?"

"The eldest prince of the Kingdom, Lloyd Vaenam. I Want you to collect as much information as possible on this guy. His strengths, his weakness His hobbies, his likes and dislikes even his shoe size I want to know everything about him down to the very last detail ."

Hearing this The zeal around Karther died down considerably.

"My Lord…"

"What?" Asked Dante 

"Don't tell me you are getting cold feet now?"

"My Lord it's not that!" Exclaimed Karther 

"it's just that with the nature of the information you want, we can run the risk of offending people we can't afford the Prince-"

"Karther I'm not just looking to offend the Prince. I want him dead."

hearing this Karther's heart almost stopped.

What Dante just said now was no joke!

The talk of murdering the Prince could only be considered as treason of the highest order.

Karther quickly looked around before speaking

"My Lord such things must never be said!"


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